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Cop with a law degree running the Fire Service

The Mayor of Detroit has appointed a former police officer with a law degree and Director of the City’s Building Department as the fire commissioner after the retirement of Commissioner Edsel Jenkins. Let me say right off the bat, I have nothing against cops or lawyers or building officials as some of my best friends possess some or all of those qualifications. 

Mayor Dugan stated in his nomination presentation that,…


Added by John K. Murphy on October 15, 2015 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

10 Ways to Achieve Better Work-Life Balance

10 Ways to Achieve Better Work-Life Balance


            It seems the only way to get ahead in our profession these days is to get behind at home. I find that I am guilty of living my life in the hamster wheel of “business as usual.” Many articles and books have and are being written about finding a healthy work/life balance. It is a widespread problem that continues to elude people, especially those of us…


Added by The First Twenty on October 14, 2015 at 5:00pm — No Comments

Promoting Your Fire Department on a Zero Budget

Promoting Your Fire Department on a Zero Budget

Joseph Kitchen, Bath Twp. Fire Department (Lima, Ohio)

            If your fire department is like mine, the budget is most likely tight. For the last decade or so, we are all trying to do far more with less funding.  Money for extra”…


Added by Joseph Kitchen on October 14, 2015 at 2:00pm — No Comments

MFA #13: Common Goals - Different Paths

Periodically, the fire service blogosphere will feature a rant from one of us about such topics as the need to keep rescue as our primary function, face risks bravely, and/or generally uphold the traditional values of our calling.  These essays are usually wide-ranging, passionate, and very popular.  I also typically find myself agreeing with much of the sentiments that the writers are conveying, as I suspect most other readers do, even those messages that begin with some version of the…


Added by Mark J. Cotter on October 14, 2015 at 10:03am — No Comments

Hump Day SOS: What Does Vacant Mean?


What Does Vacant Mean?

by David Rhodes…


Added by David Rhodes on October 14, 2015 at 9:55am — No Comments


If you have ran many entrapments, there is a high probability that you have experienced a trapped foot or two. Even with a dash displacement completed, many times the feet are still stuck in or under the pedals. So what are our options? 

 Hydraulic Cutters-too large, space too…


Added by Isaac Frazier on October 14, 2015 at 8:00am — No Comments

Anatomy of a Firefighter

They are questions that are often asked by both those wishing to be a firefighter and by those trying to understand why someone would be a firefighter: what does it take and why do you do it?

I will often reach back into my past and resurrect some of the mental tools that I used during my time as a firefighter. It is a characteristic that is so ingrained into your being that it is yours’ to be used for the rest of your…


Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on October 13, 2015 at 2:42pm — No Comments

We are........

We are committed to the job of firefighting

We are the ones who dreamed of being a firefighter

We are the ones who bring passion to our work

We are the believers in the traditions of the fire service

We are the ones who take pride in our job, our tools, our actions and our department…


Added by Stephen Raclaw on October 12, 2015 at 9:51pm — 1 Comment

The 1410 Drill: Developing Effective Engine Company Skills for Limited Manpower Situations

For quite a few years now, “doing more with less” has been normal operating procedure for most fire departments across the United States, regardless of the location or make-up of the department. Budget restraints have hindered staffing of career departments, and the increased commitment and requirements on volunteers has taken a drastic toll on retention rates. Firefighters everywhere must now take steps to do the same job with the same level of pride and effort, but do it with fewer…


Added by AB Turenne on October 12, 2015 at 2:00pm — No Comments

An all year event...

The Sunday Preach:

Clean Up

Cancer has seen a dramatic spike in the fire service. It is increasing effecting our fire service brethren; regardless of race, creed or gender. Having friends and family who struggle and have succumbed to cancers deadly grasp, it is devastating, debilitating and taken many good men and women far too soon. 

While October brings attention to increasing awareness for "breast cancer" and November touts men's health…


Added by Douglas Mitchell, Jr. on October 11, 2015 at 8:35am — No Comments

Kill them with Kindness

Always keep your composure when dealing with the public. There may be times that they may be upset with your performance. Remember they have no idea how we work, so a simple explanation in a calm manner will defuse most incidents. Above all do not lie, give factual information and if you are unsure contact the BC they will get answers. Kill them with kindness.

Added by David Polikoff on October 9, 2015 at 6:51am — No Comments

Fitness testing – a necessary Good?

Fitness testing – a necessary Good?


Back in 2009, I was 45, had served 22 years as an Operational Firefighter, and was (JUST) passing the one mandatory fitness test a year to stay employed.


This was a bleep test, and I needed to hit 8.0 to pass it, but could look…


Added by The First Twenty on October 7, 2015 at 3:30pm — No Comments

Knowing What You Don’t Know

When I finished Firefighter I, I thought I knew it all.  After all, I had been around firehouses since I was a kid.  I was a fire explorer and I lived and breathed the fire service.

I continued on with classes.  At that time it was more to pad my resume than “really” learn stuff.  Not to say I didn’t learn new things, but I thought I knew everything I needed to know.

Sadly in retrospect,…


Added by Stephen Raclaw on October 5, 2015 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Past and Present

On the heels of the somber occasion today at the National Fallen Firefighters Memorial, where 87 firefighters and fire officers names were added to the monument in Emmitsburg Maryland, we pause and reflect, in their honor and sacrifice. 

While we must never forget their sacrifices, we must also make a commitment to better ourselves in so much that their sacrifice is not in vain. Whether that may be a personal commitment to fitness, a…


Added by Douglas Mitchell, Jr. on October 4, 2015 at 4:15pm — No Comments

Master the Basics

How can one become a good firefighter? What is a good firefighter? If someone wants to be a good firefighter do they have to go take a bunch of rescue technician classes, become a smoke diver, or a hazmat specialist? I think if one wants to become a good well rounded firefighter; then they need to master the basics.

In my opinion you need two things to be really good on the fire ground and they are common sense and knowing the basics of whatever it is you do. If it’s at the…


Added by Chad Menard on October 4, 2015 at 10:00am — 1 Comment

Gaining the Readership Edge

Gaining the Readership Edge is not about spending time with your nose in the latest trade journal. Sure they all offer great information, with many great writers who have invested lots of time and effort putting pen to paper to educate others. No what we are talking about in Gaining the Readership Edge is the ability to take that book knowledge and applying it to the real-world.


We all know that in competitive sports, second place is the first loser.  Athletes (amateur or…


Added by Fire Chief Billy Greenwood on October 2, 2015 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Trust: It’s Not Just About WHAT We Do, But WHY We Do It!

     Have you ever been questioned by an elected official, fire board member, or the general public about what you do and how you do it? Does this sound familiar in any way…”Why do you need four firefighters on every fire truck?...Where does all that money in your budget go? Why do you need this expensive equipment, apparatus, facility, station, etc? Or, how about this one, “I called 911 for an ambulance and a fire truck with a bunch of firefighters showed up…


Added by Chris Langlois on October 1, 2015 at 1:01pm — No Comments


By: Joe Pronesti

While watching a recent replay of a FDIC webcast Lt. Ray McCormack of the FDNY was emphasizing the need to “dig deep” into NISOH reports and I paraphrase here, utilize them in your department’s structure and response. I immediately recalled a fire my department experienced recently that should be considered as a close call and how if my department as a whole would have heeded McCormack’s advice how we may not of gotten as close as we did to a potentially serious…


Added by Joseph Pronesti on October 1, 2015 at 8:30am — No Comments

Recognizing Suicide Warning Signs in Firefighters and EMTs

Recognizing Suicide Warning Signs in Firefighters and EMTs


Behavioral health is a key component of an overall firefighter health and wellness program. Unfortunately, it is a difficult subject to discuss – many factors affect a firefighter’s ability to understand when a fellow brother or sister is suffering, but that does not make it any less critical an issue.


By far, the number one comment…


Added by The First Twenty on September 30, 2015 at 8:59am — No Comments

Perception versus Reality

Perception has a few different meanings.  For the basis of this blog, I am referring to it as “a way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something; a mental impression.”

Reality on the other hand is something very different.  It is defined as “The world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an…


Added by Stephen Raclaw on September 29, 2015 at 9:19pm — No Comments

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