Fire Engineering Training Community

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The Sunday Preach:
The Nob, The Pipe, The Tip, The Nozzle.
The 'Nob' requires someone to operate it. Most firefighting nozzles require approximately 8 pounds of force applied to the bale to open the nozzle for water delivery. While obviously this is not a feat of enormity, the nozzle firefighter may however be required to overcome many obstacles in their quest to deliver water to the fire area.
Here are a few challenges the nozzle firefighter must take into consideration (extrapolated from pg. 152-153)
~Assess fire conditions and recognize changes (pos and neg)
~Utilize the reach and penetration of the hose stream
~Maintain enough hose in front of you to be able to maneuver the nozzle in all directions in front and over head
~Be creative in finding relief to absorb nozzle reaction (pin line to ground, leg on top/slide advance, pin to hip, use furniture, walls etc). You may not have the luxury of a talented backup firefighter.
~Know you companies brand of nozzles, capabilities and limitations.
~PUSH IN - Attack the fire and eliminate the problem.
As a great mentor Lt. Andy Fredericks was quoted to say: "if you put the fire out in the first place, you won't have to jump out windows"
While successful fire extinguishment is a team event, only ONE FIREFIGHTER has the nozzle... EVERYONE is counting on you!

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