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The Sport of Firefighting

Individual commitment to a group effort – that’s what makes a team work.

~Vince Lombardi


Firefighters are athletes.                                       

                                                                                                                                                                            Specifically, we are tactical athletes. With that…


Added by Dan Kerrigan on September 22, 2015 at 9:00am — No Comments

Dealing with retirement

Retirement, it’s a word that is used to formally say you’re transitioning from the active duty as a firefighter to “civilian” life.  For some it’s a dream, for others it may be a curse.  Sadly, some will never see it.

When I started out, I know it would happen someday.  That someday was far off in my dreams.  I wanted to do this job for as long as I can and they would have to force me to go.  That was…


Added by Stephen Raclaw on September 21, 2015 at 9:46pm — 1 Comment

The Dynamics of Leadership: “Principles, Values and Skills” - Loyalty

It has been said that we influence a number of people in our lifetime. Your circle of influence depends upon you as individuals and the area you may be in. It could depend upon the organization, rank structure, personal boldness or even other peoples’ willingness to be influenced. So with so many dimensions why is this so important? Well I want you to take a short period here and think about all of the people who come to mind in the next couple of minutes and see just how many people in all… Continue

Added by Douglas K. Cline on September 21, 2015 at 1:59pm — No Comments


It's Really The Only Time You Have

"We know that the SCBA is our only protection against the products of combustion. It protects our respiratory system from harm. There is a big difference, however, between wearing your SCBA and using it. We would never go into a fire without wearing one on our

backs, but sometimes, perhaps for a small incipient fire or in the overhaul stages, we don’t wear it. How many times have you been at a job where once one firefighter takes his or her mask…


Added by Dan Shaw on September 20, 2015 at 5:32pm — No Comments

Firefighter Peer Support: What have we been missing?

When I attended the Illinois Fire Fighter Peer Support (ILFFPS) 3 day training in September 2015, it started as any training would. The instructor began by introducing himself but after that, it was clear that this was different from other classes. This was a training for those who wanted to learn what it meant to be a Firefighter Peer Supporter.

Primary Instructor Lt. Matt Olson began sharing his story; a story that involved multiple difficult calls and traumatic incidents at work…


Added by Jeremy Hurd on September 20, 2015 at 4:56pm — 1 Comment

Death by Documentation

Many of the legal failures found in departments related to discipline, employee terminations, EMS response and documentation or other departmental events is due to the failure to document those events carefully with consideration that you may be challenged in those personnel decisions, in the provision of medical care or on a fire response.

It seems like a no brainer that on EMS or Fire events, there are templates…


Added by John K. Murphy on September 20, 2015 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Deploying with Efficiency – Basics and The Backup Firefighter

When we train for responding to structure fires, the focus is often on hose deployment and nozzle advancement. While doing this, the goal…


Added by Justin Arnold on September 19, 2015 at 8:30pm — No Comments

Control the Building, Control the Fire

It is not uncommon for me to occasionally hear firefighters say “we don’t need to ventilate, its already venting”. In some cases, yes, this remains true. Maybe there is no more property to save and we can get away with saying that. One thing that I hope doesn’t get missed is that we ventilate the buildings to control the way that fire behaves inside that structure. We want to make that fire do what we tell it to do; especially given certain types of building construction. Yes we also…


Added by Jarrod Sergi on September 17, 2015 at 9:37am — No Comments

Do You Know the Monster Within?


You’re a hard charging, fire eating, “truck-ape”. You’re not scared of anything. As a matter of fact, you fight what we fear. You tell your friends your job is snatching lives from the jaws of death. You’re a firefighter’s firefighter, and you’re damn proud of it.



Added by The First Twenty on September 16, 2015 at 2:21pm — No Comments

Extrication "Quick Tip" #43 (Tunnel or Cracked Eggs?)

When it comes to extrication, there are as many techniques as you can possibly think of, each with a fancier name than the next. This week’s quick tip is covering tunneling vs. cracking the egg. In both situations, the vehicle is roof resting and you will have extremely limited access to the vehicle sides. The better technique is all in personal opinion. Through extensive training on both I have chosen what works best for me and here is why.…


Added by Isaac Frazier on September 16, 2015 at 8:52am — No Comments

What's your standard? The firehouse just got a new puppy...

In my Department's "Rookie Book" process, probationary firefighters have a 6-month series of monthly tests.  These tests consist of written questions & knowledge and skill-based material.  The goal of course is to insure and guide their growth after the fire academy, so that when they come off probation they are well versed in "fire department life" and well capable on the fireground.

The 1st month evaluation is conducted by the rookie's battalion chief. There are 18 questions and…


Added by Nick Martin on September 16, 2015 at 6:55am — No Comments

Fire and Training on FE Talk Radio

Listen in Wedenday evening 9/16/15 at 7:30pm for the latest edition of Fire and Training .

Added by Douglas K. Cline on September 15, 2015 at 8:46pm — No Comments

Stubborn to a Fault

          When leading a team through change, people often encounter adversity. I firmly believe that if you ever lose your will to fight someone with fight still inside of them will control your life. The “will to fight” can sometimes be described as stubbornness, and for that reason stubbornness can sometimes be a good thing.

           Leaders need to stand their ground when…


Added by Frank Viscuso on September 15, 2015 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments


What will you do when it's your turn to build onto what those who came before us started? Will you make it better? Will you have the courage to say "yes"?

Be the leader and build for the next generation to follow and exceed our progress.

Click link below to see more of Paul's work or to buy prints:…


Added by Paul Combs on September 14, 2015 at 2:59pm — No Comments

MFA #10: Firefighter DNA - Our colorful history of resistance to change

Good news: any guilt we feel about our collective hesitancy to modify our tactics can instead be laid upon our ancestors!  Well, not technically, since you can’t inherit stubbornness.  Still, even if we aren’t actually related to those who preceded us in this great endeavor, like them, we continue to face new challenges and debate the best solutions.  As with many walks of life, taking a look at our history can sometimes provide insight regarding current conditions, and at times help to…


Added by Mark J. Cotter on September 14, 2015 at 6:09am — No Comments

A Keen Eye

A Keen Eye

"Remember that we are all in this together. We must consistently watch out for each other. Only a firefighter truly knows what it is like to be a firefighter... When things go wrong, only more firefighters like us are coming in after us." (pg. xi)

The application of these few sentences speak volumes on several fronts. For one, they do not only just pertain to just the fireground. While we know that the fire floor can be extremely…


Added by Douglas Mitchell, Jr. on September 13, 2015 at 5:08pm — No Comments

My 9/11 Story

With the 14th anniversary of 9/11 here I felt the need to tell my 9/11 story.

I signed up for the local volunteer fire department in June 2001. In July of 2001 I had to participate in the department’s physical agility test. The part that I hold close is that I was the last member of that department to have this fond memory. While climbing to the top of the 100 foot aerial stick I heard the operator’s voice speak on the speakers mounted at the top of the stick. After I…


Added by Dave McGlynn on September 11, 2015 at 11:30am — No Comments


Honor and remembrance...

Added by Paul Combs on September 11, 2015 at 6:40am — No Comments

9/11 thoughts

I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I wasn't in the fire service, heck, I hadn't even graduated high school. I can tell you the classroom, the subject, the teacher and the emotions I felt that day.

I can remember watching the two giant towers crashing down to the ground, the images of the Pentagon, the field in Shanksville. Those images I'll never forget. I remember thinking about all of the innocent lives lost, the thousands of people whose lives would never be the same… Continue

Added by Tyler Hice on September 11, 2015 at 12:15am — No Comments


Saw a Facebook ad earlier today where somebody was having a 9/11 sale on t-shirts! Repulsive!
This is a time for remembrance and honor, not buying merchandise. Please don't support opportunistic…

Added by Paul Combs on September 10, 2015 at 6:04pm — No Comments

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