Fire Engineering Training Community

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Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich
  • Male
  • Woodhull, IL
  • United States
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Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich's Friends

  • Nick Ledin
  • Ethan Bansek
  • Michael John Marini
  • Martin O. Agbili
  • Joe Stern
  • Elliot Belote
  • Thomas C Summitt
  • Paul Hasenmeier
  • Tom Brown
  • Stephen Charlton
  • rob aiers
  • Fire Chief Billy Greenwood
  • Rhett Fleitz
  • Todd Jennings
  • Michele Buonocore

Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich's Groups

Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich's Discussions

Eradicating the Scumbags; Restoring Trust.
2 Replies

Stories like this one make my blood boil.…Continue

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bobby Halton Jun 4, 2011.

Air Management

I was wondering how many of you took sessions at FDIC that dealt with the dangers of toxic gases at fire scenes (CO and HCN) or on how to manage your air?In addition, the Cyanide Poisoning Treatment…Continue

Tags: mittendorf, mcevoy, brunacini, norman, gagliano

Started Mar 31, 2011

Avon, Illinois-First Responders Shut Down
2 Replies

Article speaks for itself: Continue

Tags: shut, down, chiefreason, services, manpower

Started this discussion. Last reply by samantha atchley Aug 30, 2011.


Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich's Page

Profile Information

Lives in:
a house
Clover Twp FPD
Fire Commissioner
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Volunteer fire department
Top issues in your department:
Aging department
Recruitment and Retention
Professional Qualifications:
My Training:
IFSI-Fire Training I-June, 1982
IFSI-Fire Training II-Nov., 1982
IFSI-Specialized Training-Mar., 1983
IFSI-Fire Training III-Aug., 1983
IFSI-Fire Training I-Oct., 1983
IFSI-Vehicle Extrication-Oct., 1983
IFSI-Fire Training IV-Dec., 1983
NREMT-EMT-A-Dec., 1983
IDOT-Emergency Rescue Technician-June, 1984
IFSI-Fire Training II-Aug., 1985
IFSI-Essentials of FFIV-June, 1993
IFSI-Essentials of FFIV-Nov. 1993
TCFA-Firemanship Training-April, 1994
OSFM-Firefighter II-Dec., 1994
TCFA-Firemanship Training-April, 1995
NFA-MCTO-Tactics-Feb., 1995
TCFA-Firemanship Training-April, 1996
OSFM-Rescue Specialist/Confined Space-Trench Awareness-May, 1996
MVFA-Helicopter Ground Safety Training-Aug., 1996
WIFA-Vehicle Extrication-Oct., 1996
TCFA-Firemanship Training-April, 1997
OSFM-Hazardous Materials Awareness-June, 1997
IFSI-Fire Investigation and Arson Recognition-Aug., 1997
NREMT-First Responder-Oct., 1997
TCFA-Firemanship Training-April, 1998
IFSI-Essential Core Competencies-Mar., 1999
TCFA-Firemanship Training-April, 1999
3M-Respirator Fit-Testing Instructor-June, 1999
OSFM-Rescue Specialist-Trench-Dec., 1999
IFSI-Down and Dirty Hydraulics-April, 2000
IFSI-Terrorism Basic Concepts-April, 2000
OSFM-Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist-May, 2000
TCFA-Firemanship Training-April, 2001
IFSI-Basic Vehicle Extrication-April, 2001
IFSI-Heavy Vehicle Extrication-June, 2001
TCFA-Firemanship Training-April, 2002
OSFM-Technical Rescue Awareness-July, 2002
OMA/FOIA Compliance Training-March, 2010
MACS IS-00701.a-March, 2010
EMI IS-00800.b-March, 2010
Advanced Trustee Training-June, 2010
Topics you provide training for:
Budgets, grants, legal and legislative updates.
Areas of expertise:
Fire protection districts
Board of trustees
I was active for 22 years, the last 14 as chief. We took our department from ISO 8 to ISO 6. I helped to spear-head the referendum to have our district's trustees elected rather than appointed. We now elect the trustees. I attended our state's first fire service summit which helped to establish the state's Cornerstone training program through IFSI. I served on the rules-making committee for the state's Fire Truck Revolving Loan Fund, commonly referred to as the Zero Interest Loan Program and have testified at fire service public hearings. I have served as president of the fire district's board of trustees since being elected in April, 2003. We have been able to pay off the building, the newest fire truck and almost doubled the budget through tax receipts. We are a department of 25 active members. I have been attending Trustee training seminars since 1996.
Professional Affiliations: Illinois Fire Chiefs Association, Illinois Association of Fire Protection Districts, Western Illinois Firefighters Association, National Fire Protection Association, American Society of Safety Engineers and National Association of Safety Professionals.
I am also a well known fire service blogger under the names Art Goodrich and ChiefReason.
Web site:

Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich's Photos

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Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich's Blog

Snow, Hills and Physics


Blog Note: I wrote this piece for the friends in my hometown. No fires, no fire trucks, no HOT topics and no politics. Just some childhood memories that, if you take the time to read, it may lift your spirits and unlock your mind to reveal similar memories of your own. It may give you a moment of pause to remember a simpler, innocent time in your life when you didn’t carry the weight of the…


Posted on December 13, 2016 at 11:35am — 1 Comment

Bradley Golden – Still Tragic Fifteen Years Later

I wrote this story in 2003 and first released it on September 25th of that year; two years after the tragic death of then 19 year-old Firefighter Bradley Golden, who died in a live burn training exercise in Lairdsville, New York. I have posted it every year since then to keep a promise; to honor and to remember Brad. I do not do it to keep the emotional wounds fresh. I do it because there are so many important lessons to be gained by…


Posted on September 22, 2016 at 10:50am — 1 Comment

Strong Winds and Undercurrents in 2016

During the 2012 election cycle, my blog took on a heavy political tone.

After-all, our nation had just suffered through four years of Obamacare, stifling EPA regulations, IRS shenanigans, Fast and Furious gun program, an ambiguous Afghan War strategy, Benghazi and on and on.

So, in an effort to express my concerns and my opinions based upon my many years of study of the political arena…


Posted on May 16, 2016 at 5:49pm

Staying Afloat In A Sea of Cynicism

After getting all caught up on the back-and-forth going on between Captain Tom Kenney of the Providence, RI Fire Department and the city administration AND the Providence Journal newspaper, it is very clear that there is mutual disdain, to put it mildly.

Let me say right here/right now that I HATE sensationalist headlines.

You know the type if you have spent time on the Internet. It is a…


Posted on January 19, 2016 at 7:12pm

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At 10:23pm on December 21, 2011, Elliot Belote said…


I was surprised to see how big the campus is and how big the memorial is, especially the 9/11 memorial.

Merry Christmas to you to

At 5:40pm on August 1, 2011, Michael Bricault (ret) said…

-Art, I totally understand the point you make as to politics and the tie in to our profession, art, and community.  I also knew that Frank had a podcast/radio show and he and I have discussed my variance of opinion with that venue as well.

-My contention is not politically motivated but rather born out of a belief that our service is comprised of so many different types of people, and political discussions tend to be such a harsh and immediately polarizing topic, that I'm concerned firefighters will no longer read articles or blogs by authors they recognize or identify as politically motivated, and leave a site that has so much to offer by way of instruction and "long distance mentorship", if you will permit such an idea.

-Just my opinion; and opinions are like noses, everybody has one. What's more, this is the grand ol' U.S. of A. and we all have the right to blow our horns if we so choose so I guess we'll both keep on doing what we do.

At 8:15pm on July 31, 2011, Michael Bricault (ret) said…

-Art, though I do look forward to reading and participating in your blogs, in reference to your most recent blog The Debt Ceiling, I wonder if this firefight training site is not he appropriate formate for discussing political views, especially given that political topics tend to be extraordinarily polorizing.

-Just my thought.

At 11:05am on April 4, 2011, Fire Chief Billy Greenwood said…

Well that sounds great Art. Total package is awesome.  I have written in the past for FE and now delivered at FDIC.  I just need to focus and step up my connections game....

At 10:28pm on December 21, 2010, Peter Lupkowski said…

I posted one of them here at FE.  I'm not too educational but a little twisted isn't too bad.

I'd be interested in your review.  Thanks

At 1:47pm on December 21, 2010, Mike France said…

At 10:55am on November 3, 2010, Mike France said…
Welcome Art

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