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Stories like this one make my blood boil.


The center of his attorney's argument was that he was "just a kid".

His dad invoked the same excuse.

This little scumbag continued to set fires, even after firefighters were injured fighting them.

He doesn't need our excuses. He doesn't need our sympathy. He should never serve on any fire department ever again.

AND, he should have gotten a longer sentence. He got 11 years. Using my formula of 10 years per fire; he set 25 fires, so that's 250 years in prison.

He destroyed the honor and trust of God knows how many departments.

Exactly, what is that worth?



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Here he never be able to be a firefighter ever again, , but i do agree with you on this Art


There can be no second chances for a person like this, at 19 you know right from wrong and good from bad. This young adult made terrible choices and should serve his sentance and never be allowed to go near the fire service again.


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