Fire Engineering Training Community

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We reap what we sow: Every day is a new chance to build up your department.

To the Choir,

One of the greatest satisfactions that I get as a Chief officer is the opportunity to help build up the future leadership of our department. Every day that I put on the unifrom affords another (often several) opportunities to mentor/coach a company officer or firefighter. This deliberate, progressive pattern of passing on the knowledge, skills and abilities that were freely afforded to me as I came up, is imperative to preserving traditions, values, organizational…


Added by John F. Sullivan on October 16, 2008 at 7:36am — No Comments

Training: How much and how often.

Today I wanted to take a few minutes and ask how much and how often does everyone get to train in their fire house? I know me being a new firefighter seeing new things and learning new ways to get the job done more

effective and safer makes everyday a learning experience. I have been lucky

enough to have family and fellow firefighters show me early on the importance

of training. I think all of us rookies and veterans should all have the…


Added by Jordan Smith on October 4, 2008 at 5:28pm — 9 Comments

Sticking Together

Please take the time to remember the one you love as our country is going through some of the toughest times ever. We must stick together through this time of need and support our fellow firefighters and our loved ones.

Never give up and never let anyone tear down the service we all love. There is a reason we call ourselves firefighters...

Be proud!

Your Friend

Todd McKee

Added by Todd McKee on October 2, 2008 at 11:08pm — No Comments

Where are the Experts?

After being a member of this "Community" for a number of months and adding a good number of friends (49 !!!.... I didn't know I was so well liked !?!?), I am surprised by the popular response to the profile question: Areas of Expertise.

Some members will respond with such creative answers such as: "Under Construction", "Underway", "Still learning" or "I am no expert" ! Still other members will just leave it blank.

I believe some of these members are selling themselves short,… Continue

Added by Ron Smith (a.k.a. G-Ron) on October 2, 2008 at 10:12am — 4 Comments

Beverly Hill Supper Club Fire

Hello everyone. A couple months back I read in Fire Engineering about Fire enginnering re-investigating the fire. I haven't seen anything posted about where they stand with that. Can anyone tell me where I can find this information at? Thanks

Added by Tony McLain on September 29, 2008 at 10:35pm — 1 Comment

A touch of the Amish

The recent movement of Hurrican Ike through Ohio proved the old point, if you dont' like the weather, stick around for a day, it'll change. Responses for down utility lines rolled into departnments across the affected area for about 18 hours. I've always been amazed that the fire department is the only entity that can figure out what type of line is hanging from a pole. Why is that? And so in the Central Region of Ohio around Columbus, it went on for about 11 days with a lot of people in the… Continue

Added by Robert Rhoades on September 25, 2008 at 6:55am — No Comments

Training and Use of UV lamp on fire scene

First, I wonder if there are investigators who use the UV lamp during investigation on a fire scene.

And, I am looking for documentation on the training and use of the UV lamp on a fire scene.

Thank !!

Added by Daniel Boilard on September 24, 2008 at 9:32pm — No Comments

Ladder co. 72 with Heavy Auto Extrication

Today Ladder co. 72 had a good MVC with entrapment on S.R. 9 in Clearview.

Units Units responded to the report of an MVC with unknown injuries. Upon arrival, M71 had two vehicles high speed blocking with 2 red patients entrapped. L72 was added to the response.

Upon arrival we were assigned to the silver Ford Focus, and Engine co. 13 was assigned the red PT Cruiser for…


Added by Chad Berg on September 13, 2008 at 11:19pm — 2 Comments

9/11 early fire for Ladder co. 72 of Snohomish County

At around 02:30 on the morning of September 11th(343), Snohomish County toned out a Residential Fire for District #7 in the Maltby area on 83rd Avenue.

Engine co. 73 was the first to arrive and reported a 25' x 50' detached shop facility that was fully involved. They stretched a 2.5" and started flowing with the residential exposure adjacent to…


Added by Chad Berg on September 13, 2008 at 3:22pm — 3 Comments

Should all 1st out apparatus have a RIT pack?

I was at my fire house the other day and a few of us were talking about the RIT pack. Do you think that all 1st out companies should have a RIT pack on board the apparatus? Why or why not? Any kind of feed back would be great.


Added by Jordan Smith on September 12, 2008 at 9:49am — 3 Comments

9-11 "Greater Love Hath No Man"

So I'm sittin' here cogitatin' on things, particular the fact that tomorrow is once again 9-11. In our town, like many towns I imagine, we'll be having a memorial in the morning, I moment of silence, reading the names, the bells, a piper. The crowd gets smaller every year. People drive by the firehouse where it is being held and don't even notice, let alone slow down to pay respects. For many people, 9-11 has been reduced to a memory of cable T.V.…


Added by Ben Fleagle on September 10, 2008 at 9:34pm — 8 Comments

Looking Back to Remember, Honor and Never to Forget!

As for many of us this time of year always makes us stop and say a prayer for the Firefighters, Police Officers, Port Authority Officers and Public Safety Officials who perished on 9-11-01. Today, I was going through my computer looking at all of the images from that day of darkness and I stopped again to say another prayer. For me, I did not know any of the…


Added by Dan Walker on September 5, 2008 at 6:38pm — No Comments

Little Things

As I was writing the "You Know What Really Grinds My Gears" Post, I was reminded of the things that really keep me coming back for more. Some are obvious, of course, but others more ethereal. Now that's a big word for a fireman...but don't worry, I looked it up. So, here are a few of the "Little Things" that keep me into the job...again, you can agree, disagree, laugh, or add to it....

1) A working fire.

2) A cigar back at the station after a working fire (don't…


Added by Tim Linke on September 1, 2008 at 5:25pm — 10 Comments

Do you know what really GRINDS my gears?

I'm sure that a few of you are fans of the TV Show "Family Guy." In one episode, Peter gets a job on the local newscast as a commentator. His spot was called "Ya' know what grinds my gears?" Of course, Peter's perspective on life is a little slanted, and wackiness ensued. I've decided to add this to my blog post as a "ya know what grinds me gears related to the fire service?" You can agree, disagree, laugh, or agree to disagree. I'll add more as I think of them.

Things that really…


Added by Tim Linke on August 27, 2008 at 9:59pm — 11 Comments

Flames in Fernwood

Another working fire in the Fernwood section of Snohomish County for "C" shift today.

At 11:05 pst, Snohomish County F.D. #7 was dispatched to a residential fire in the Fernwood area of Fire District #7 just blocks from Station 72's quarters. Ladder co. 72 arrived to find a large 2 story single family, charged with heavy smoke and flames out the C side kitchen window on the first floor. Ladder co. 72, led by Lt. Fisher, forced the front door…


Added by Chad Berg on August 27, 2008 at 9:08pm — 2 Comments

G******** from Emmitsburg

G******** from Emmitsburg and the Emergency Management Institute/National Fire Academy. I'm here as part of the instructor cadre for Series 10 of the Master Exercise Practioner Class. These folks will graduate on Thursday including the first Chinese National ever to take the class. The Master Exercise Practioner Class has trained over 500 people from across the United States to develop and carry out every phase of an exercise program. There are 62 people in this class from a very good cross… Continue

Added by Robert Rhoades on August 27, 2008 at 9:06am — 1 Comment

Alternative Hose Stretches

How many of you drill on alternative hose stretches on a regular basis? Is your training stuck on just laying a LDH feeder and pulling the 1 3/4" pre-connect? Or do you think "out of the box"? How is this perceived by your crews?

Added by Russ Chapman on August 26, 2008 at 11:30pm — 1 Comment

Fernwood continues to Burn!

: Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:10 am Post subject: Another Fire in Fernwood for C shift… Reply with quote

Added by Chad Berg on August 25, 2008 at 12:37pm — 2 Comments

Live Auction of Fire Memorabilia to Benefit Fire Chief

As part of a large fundraising effort for Evans Center Firefighter Dennis Allen, a benefit scheduled for September 6, 2008 will feature a live auction of firefighter art and memorabilia. The benefit will run from 2-8pm and the live auction will kick off at 5pm.

Former Chief Allen received a double lung transplant on July 2, 2008 after suffering from the deadly disease: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis for more than two years. He…


Added by Tiger Schmittendorf on August 24, 2008 at 10:42pm — No Comments

Recruitment & Retention Toolkit: Brotherhood

This article is one in a series of toolkits focusing on recruitment, retention, fire service marketing and leadership. It first appeared in the August-2008 edition of FASNY's "The Volunteer Firefighter" Magazine…


Added by Tiger Schmittendorf on August 22, 2008 at 10:25pm — 2 Comments

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