Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

Scott Thompson
  • Male
  • The Colony, Texas
  • United States
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Scott Thompson's Friends

  • Mackenzie-Anne Kelly
  • Jeff Jeffcoat
  • Ron Irby
  • Robert Powlison
  • Brian Jones
  • Lt.Richard Sartorio M.D.
  • christopher lavin
  • Matt Bunting
  • Kathy Webb
  • Christopher Huston
  • Scott Huff
  • Ryan Slade
  • Matthew W. Uppole
  • Chris Roth
  • steven mcgilbery

Scott Thompson's Groups

Scott Thompson's Discussions

Saws and Saw Blades for Truck Co Operations
2 Replies

Started this discussion. Last reply by Scott Thompson Mar 27, 2013.


Make Training Personal

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Jeremy Sanders joined Scott Thompson's group


A resource for Company Officers to assist with the delivery of company level training.See More
Feb 25, 2020
Charlie Abney joined Scott Thompson's group


A resource for Company Officers to assist with the delivery of company level training.See More
Nov 7, 2019
Ken Harris joined Scott Thompson's group


A resource for Company Officers to assist with the delivery of company level training.See More
Apr 17, 2019

Profile Information

Lives in:
The Colony, Texas
The Colony, Texas
Fire Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Safety and survival / Mentoring for all levels of the organization / MASTERING the basics / Training for what we are expected to do and learning to do it smarter, faster and better.
Professional Qualifications:
BS in Emergency Administration and Planning
Certified Public Manager
Master FF
Instructor III Master
Fire Officer I, II
Haz Mat Technician
Topics you provide training for:
Training program development / Mentoring / Training leadership / Firefighter survival / Officer developement / Strategies and tactics.

Make It Personal; The Key to Successful Training in the Fire Service

Ready Or Not It’s Time to Train

First Alarm Considerations

It’s Not Just About Training It’s About Learning

Preparing Firefighters Today So They Succeed Tomorrow

Mentoring in the Fire Service

Attitude and Survival; Choose It Do It

The Outside Vent Position for Suburban Departments

Risk Management and Critical Decision Making

Fireground Factors, Why Did They Do That?

Result Based Training, Changing the Culture
Areas of expertise:
I am not an expert on anything. My areas of great interest are:

Developing training cultures / Training program design, implementation and management / Training leadership / The mental aspects of survival / Training the next generations of Firefighters and Fire Officers / Fire service risk management.
FDIC classroom presenter
HOT Instructor
Instructor Collin County Community College
Instructor Texas A&M Fire School
Instructor New Jersey Division of Fire Safety
Author of several articles
Drummer - Fire Department Pipes and Drums
Web site:
http://in the works

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Scott Thompson's Blog

Sensible Aggression versus Reckless Aggression


This has been weighing heavily on my mind, and I don’t particularly like a lot of what I am hearing. It seems like everyone with a computer and access to the internet is weighing in on the whole aggression thing. Unfortunately it seems like supporting a position on the use of aggressive fire ground tactics is a no win situation. The use of aggressive tactics on the fire ground is being discussed as if aggression were an attitude or political affiliation, and not for what it is, a…


Posted on September 9, 2015 at 11:30am

Will Someone Please Help Me Understand

Will someone please help me understand! In the next two days, two highly respected Texas firefighters will be laid to rest. One a seasoned veteran and one an up and coming leader. These two men did not start the day with a reckless sense of duty. They were being pro active and training, doing something that they probably did before, only this time something went wrong. Was it the equipment? Was it human error? Was it lack of supervision? Was it experience? Only time will tell. My intention is… Continue

Posted on January 28, 2009 at 9:30am — 5 Comments

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At 7:26pm on January 18, 2011, Lt.Richard Sartorio M.D. said…
Thanks Chief! looking forward to talk about training too!
At 12:40pm on August 31, 2009, Kathy Webb said…
Chief, I had an awesome time in class.. IT was a very motivating, energetic and Intense learning experience.. The call we went out on was a mutual aid and we had to really be in the game for assignments, and listening to IC. The class could not have come at a better time. The knowledge that was given was a blessing that I will take with me wherever I may go.. Thanks again Scott..
At 1:19pm on June 20, 2009, Joseph Alvarez said…
Bro any time and my e-mail is and TX sounds good.
At 4:55pm on March 10, 2009, Mike Boatman said…
Hey Chief! Thanks for the heads up about this site. Its great, See ya around. Boat
At 9:16am on March 6, 2009, Nick Perkins said…
I found the LODD Outline, exactly what I was looking for. Thank Chief!
At 11:58pm on March 4, 2009, Nick Perkins said…
Chief Thompson, I really enjoyed your Podcast about making training personal. I had a question about getting rookie fire fighters to do LODD Reports. I wanted to know if you just have them study the report and lead a disscussion, or if you have them use a standard approach to analyzing a NIOSH report. I have several fire fighters that I would like to get doing this, but they have limited instuctional experience and I want to give them some tools to succeed with the assignment. Thanks.
At 4:07pm on January 10, 2009, Dave Anderson said…
Chief Thompson,

Congratulations on the new job. The Colony is a very lucky FD to have you. I look forward to seeing you at FDIC. Thanks for all you do for the fire service.

At 3:22pm on December 20, 2008, Jim Golden said…
Hey Chief,
Thanks for the note. I finished up yesterday. I'll be in touch after the holidays. I've got a few other things shaking and would like to run some things by you.
Have a Merry Christmas!
At 11:24pm on October 14, 2008, John Barrett said…

If you wouldn't mind, take a few minutes to check out then contact me. I work on the "other side of the lake" from you and would love to see if you have any suggestions on how we might be able to work together.

At 10:34am on August 12, 2008, Christopher Naum, SFPE said…
Thanks for the add Chief....
stay safe...

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