Fire Engineering Training Community

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My brother has fallen. His name is Johnathan. We don't have the same family, but we are still family. He lives in one town, I live in another. It doesn't really matter because this man is my brother. My brother I call him because he has worked by my side on almost every call. I have brothers and sisters all over the place. You see we are firefighters and our families are one. Around the world, a brotherhood of unity. A closeness, a bond that most people could never understand. I watched your back and you watched mine. "You go, I go," time after time. His family, my family. We're part of a family that will always be there and where everyone cares. You looked after me, but I wasn't there to look after you this time. That day was the day that I should have laid down my life, not you. We dedicate our lives to helping our fellow man. Living day after day doing all we can. Wherever we are needed whether it's nighttime or day to save the life of another we will always step in harms way. My brother has fallen doing what he loved best and among the honored, he stands with the rest. Soon there will be a mile of everyone in dress uniforms. Some may say my brother has fallen into the hands of God, but that's b*******. If there is a God he lives a horrible existence for taking the life of a good soul and heart.

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