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Christian Cossey's Blog (12)

Update on my sister...

They found a heart donor for my surgery yesterday. She went into surgery and the surgery went well. Now all we have to worry about for the time being is her body rejecting the heart which hopefully doesn't happen. So please continue to pray and pray that her body doesn't reject the new heart. Thank you for all of your support and prays.

Added by Christian Cossey on April 18, 2010 at 4:34pm — 1 Comment

The Rules of EMS Very Funny

The First Law of EMS:

All emergency calls will wait until you begin to eat, regardless of the time.

Corollary 1 - Fewer accidents would occur if EMS personnel would never eat.

Corollary 2 - Always order food "to go".

The Paramedical Laws of Time:

1 - There is absolutely no relationship between the time at

which you are supposed to get off shift and the time at which you will get off shift.

2 - Given the following equation: T + 1 Minute =… Continue

Added by Christian Cossey on April 16, 2010 at 8:42pm — 2 Comments

Please Very Important Please Pray For My Sister

I am writing this blog in hopes that everyone out there will please pray for my thirteen year old sister who's in the hospital right now. When my sister was born she was born with a h*** in her heart and needed a heart transplant. Before she was even a year old she went into cardiac arrest six times and we almost lost her all of those six times. Then a miracle happened, when she was eleven months old they found a heart donor for her. She had the heart transplant and has been doing well ever… Continue

Added by Christian Cossey on April 14, 2010 at 7:13pm — 2 Comments

The Guys At The Station Wrote This For My Boyfriend Lol.

We are very dedicated to our work. We wear firefighter shirts everyday, even when we're not on duty. The fire department is our second home, and our second family. It often seems as if our lives revolve around the fire department, but it means nothing compared to our girl Christian. We are normally friendly people, but if you hurt our girl you will make us mad. We know our girl is growing up, even if we don't like it. She seems to like you so we'll tolerate you dating her, but here's a few… Continue

Added by Christian Cossey on April 11, 2010 at 12:29am — 1 Comment

I don't know how to feel about this...

So I spoke with a department psychologist and they told me that I have post traumatic stress disorder. I have nothing against PTSD and I think it's something to take serious, but I'm not sure exactly how I feel about being told I have it. Even if I accept it I have no idea what to do for it or anything about it.

Added by Christian Cossey on January 22, 2010 at 1:00am — 2 Comments

On the other side...

So it's only been a month and one day since I had my surgeries and I've already injured myself. Today was the first day I've really got to ride my bike, so I decided to go mountain biking up in the mountains by Pine Flat Lake. Everything was okay until I took a turn too fast on a dirt path and found myself tumbling down a 30 foot cliff down into a ravine. Barely had cell phone reception to call an ambulance and half way through the call my phone died. Luckily they got enough information on my… Continue

Added by Christian Cossey on January 6, 2010 at 2:09am — No Comments

My Decision....

So as you know from my last posting that I have taken a break from firefighting. Well after I have my surgery on December 1st and recover from rehab and such I have decided to return to the department. At the age of 21 I have seen a lot of things people twice my age will never imagine of seeing, but even with that, my heart is in being a firefighter. So around the summer season of 2010 I will be returning and be back where I belong and this time it's for good. It feels so good to know I will be… Continue

Added by Christian Cossey on November 6, 2009 at 6:38pm — 1 Comment

Am I too emotionally weak for this profession?

I'm no veteran to this life as a firefighter, but I'm no rookie either. I've seen messed up things in life doing this job just as much as the next firefighter, but sometimes this job really gets to me. I don't know what's down this road anymore. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, but sometimes it seems like it. I try to stay strong and show it doesn't bother me, but I think it's really getting to me now. I guess it got to my husband as well. From one of my previous blog posts some… Continue

Added by Christian Cossey on February 26, 2009 at 4:45pm — 6 Comments

From My Mother.

My mother e-mailed this to me. I figured I would share it with you guys.

A Mother's Prayer

The alarm goes off, ready to go, all with no hesitation. Time to save a soul or a home, straight to that destination. This prayer's for my daughter, as that fire calls. Protecting the innocent and fighting flaming walls. Guide her with your strength, the courage to pull her through, give her that breath of air if she gets down to her last few. By chance she may get weak do give her… Continue

Added by Christian Cossey on January 28, 2009 at 2:46pm — No Comments

My Dad Was A Firefighter.

My dad was a firefighter. He'd go to work everyday and say wish me luck. Then he wouldn't come home til sometime the next day, but the thing that bothered me the most is when people would say a firefighters job is easy. He eats, sleeps, and plays, and sometimes won't fight a fire for days. When I first heard these words I was too young to understand but I knew when people were in trouble my dad was there to lend a hand. Then my father went to work one day and kissed us all goodbye. Later that… Continue

Added by Christian Cossey on January 28, 2009 at 1:38pm — 2 Comments

My Brother Has Fallen.

My brother has fallen. His name is Johnathan. We don't have the same family, but we are still family. He lives in one town, I live in another. It doesn't really matter because this man is my brother. My brother I call him because he has worked by my side on almost every call. I have brothers and sisters all over the place. You see we are firefighters and our families are one. Around the world, a brotherhood of unity. A closeness, a bond that most people could never understand. I watched your… Continue

Added by Christian Cossey on January 26, 2009 at 11:46pm — No Comments

I Wish You Could Know.

I wish you could know what it is like to search a burning bedroom for trapped children at 3 AM, flames rolling above your head, your palms and knees burning as you crawl, the floor sagging under your weight as the kitchen below you burns. I wish you could comprehend a wife's horror at six in the morning as I check her husband of 40 years for a pulse and find none. I start CPR anyway, hoping to bring him back, knowing intuitively it is too late. But wanting his wife and family to know everything… Continue

Added by Christian Cossey on January 26, 2009 at 11:43pm — No Comments

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