Fire Engineering Training Community

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So I spoke with a department psychologist and they told me that I have post traumatic stress disorder. I have nothing against PTSD and I think it's something to take serious, but I'm not sure exactly how I feel about being told I have it. Even if I accept it I have no idea what to do for it or anything about it.

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Comment by Sean Stumbaugh on April 12, 2010 at 1:21pm

I don't doubt that you are feeling the effects of PTSD, you have a Daddy size h*** in your heart. You and I both know how to fill this h***, it is the same size as Jesus. The challenge is letting him heal you and work in this profession at the same time. We are daily challenged with new traumas that keep the wounds fresh. You'll be fine, keep your heart open to being healed and a healthy life will come your way. Let me know if there is anything I can do. In the mean time we'll put you on the prayer list!

Take care Sis,
Comment by Ben Fleagle on April 8, 2010 at 1:14am
All of us, if we serve long enough and in eventful times, suffer a certain amount of PTSD. It goes with the job. For me, talking with my wife helps, but often, just hashing it out with other firefighters helps. What is on your plate, Sis?

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