Fire Engineering Training Community

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The Guys At The Station Wrote This For My Boyfriend Lol.

We are very dedicated to our work. We wear firefighter shirts everyday, even when we're not on duty. The fire department is our second home, and our second family. It often seems as if our lives revolve around the fire department, but it means nothing compared to our girl Christian. We are normally friendly people, but if you hurt our girl you will make us mad. We know our girl is growing up, even if we don't like it. She seems to like you so we'll tolerate you dating her, but here's a few things for you to think about while you're with her: First of all we go into burning buildings to save people we've never even seen before, you can't imagine how protective we are of our girl. We once broke a man's sternum by accident while doing CPR to save his life. If that's how we help people, what do you think we do when we're pissed off? We investigate arson fires. We know exactly what clues to look for to prove it was arson so we also know how to make sure nobody knows how a fire started. And we know where you live. Remember Backdraft? We've worked more car accidents than you'll ever see; the sight of blood doesn't bother us one bit. It's normal for use to carry chainsaws, axes, and various other extremely sharp tools in our cars. Touch our girl and you and us will take a ride. When we burn down a house for training, nobody ever looks in the closets. We use the jaws of life to tear doors off wrecked cars. They cut through solid metal like a hot knife through butter. So watch your paws or get the jaws. Sirens and air horns can really muffle the sound of someone screaming. Most of our friends are cops, paramedics, and firefighters, we are 911. If you make us mad who do you think you're going to call for help? We have access to explosives. We are well trained in emergency medicine. We know exactly which arteries are the easiest to sever and which ones bleed the most. (Remember all the sharp tools?) Even though our girl insists that you are a nice guy and not like most other guys, we know better. We were once your age, we know exactly what you're thinking. Because of this we already have plenty of reasons to not like you. It wouldn't take much at all to push us over the edge, and we just sharpened our axes. So if you date our girl you better keep these things in mind. Firemen are protective by nature, and there is nothing we are more protective of than our girl. Whenever you're alone with her, you better remember that someday you may be alone with us.

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Comment by Sean Stumbaugh on April 12, 2010 at 1:15pm
Hey Sis, It's nice to see that the boys got your back, just be careful.

Take care,

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