Fire Engineering Training Community

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Mark Belanger
  • 52
  • Chesterton
  • United States
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Mark Belanger's Friends

  • Mark Akins
  • George Humphrey
  • Brandon Roark
  • Andrew Brassard
  • Stephen Florian
  • Rob Fedorchak
  • Brandon Roark
  • Pete Bendinelli
  • Ron Smith (a.k.a. G-Ron)
  • David Ebel
  • Michael "Mick" Mayers
  • Larry Pinkston
  • Dave J. Iannone
  • Erich Roden
  • Anthony Avillo

Mark Belanger's Groups


Ghetto Firefighter (Squad 2)

Profile Information

Gary Indiana
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Funding and leadership
Professional Qualifications:
State Certified in Fire Fighter I & II; Fire Officer I; Instructor I; Safety Officer; EMT; WMD/HAZMAT Tech; and Confined Space/Rope Rescue Tech.
Topics you provide training for:
Confined space
Rope rescue
Truck Co.
Basic FF
Areas of expertise:
Fighting Fires because my friend G-Ron says so...
But I'm still learning.
Web site:

Mark Belanger's Photos

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Mark Belanger's Blog

19th Annual Duneland School of Emergency Responce (Chesterton Indiana) March 14, 15, 21, 22

The 19th annual D.S.E.R. will be held in Chesterton, Indiana. The fire school has some of the best instructors from Northwest Indiana, training the fire service around Northwest Indiana and the Chicagoland area.

Here are links to this year's Duneland Fire School and list of classes.

Online registration -

2009 Catalog -

AM-01 Fire Officer I TBA FREE 14, 15,… Continue

Posted on February 8, 2009 at 4:00pm

Comment Wall (21 comments)

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At 11:23pm on December 23, 2008, Andrew Brassard said…

All the best to you and yours this holiday season.

Stay Safe Bro and Merry Christmas,
At 8:38pm on December 10, 2008, Andrew Brassard said…

How are things in the ghetto! Catching any work?

Stay Safe,
At 6:19pm on November 12, 2008, Jim Mason said…
Good to finally meet in person, Mark!
Thanks for joining CSF (Common Sense Firefighting ) We're trying to make it a decision making on the fire ground page
At 10:40pm on November 10, 2008, Andrew Brassard said…
It was good to meet you as well. It was really appreciated for you and G Ron to make it down to Morris. Keep in touch and shoot me an email so that I have your email adderess.

Stay Safe in "Scary" Gary,

At 8:00pm on October 16, 2008, George Humphrey said…
Whats up squadee, long time no see. whats new,? I have not been in touch with the guys lately. just been very busy and kinda out of the loop. Lets keep in touch on up coming events, I am way out here in pleasantville (miller) so I dont get a chance to hear about the things coming up. Anyway stay safe and I will be talkin to ya.
At 9:50pm on October 14, 2008, Jim Mason said…
hang in there Mark. Can the International help at all?
At 8:51pm on October 14, 2008, Jim Mason said…
Hey Mark, How are you? I talked to Dave Traiforos today about getting papers back to you guys. In fact, I'm using one of his pictures in the "Common Sense Firefighting" page on this site. Check it out. We 've got a question about roof venting on commercail buildings you might like. How the job going? I hope good. We just had a 3 alarm fire last workday where the truck I was on had to vent the 1st floor for the basement hose stretch.
At 9:04am on October 3, 2008, Pete Bendinelli said…
Brazil is doing good, but he as had some bad luck for the past couple shifts. He seems to break down every ambulance he's in. He and his with are expecting another child, so I told him he needs to eat for two now, but knowing him you know its more like three now! Be safe, pete
At 2:53am on October 3, 2008, Jenn Ross..aka "J-RO" said…
Oh ron he was the life. He's welcome here anytime so are you.I don't know if ron told you but I worked a hotshot group up in montana through college.wish I knew you were going. Actually planning another class in mid may with Ray again.they can't get enough of him here. Maybe you can come thenM Ill get you guys hotel rooms no more fire bunks. Lol jenn
At 9:49pm on October 1, 2008, Jenn Ross..aka "J-RO" said…
Yeah you missed out seeing me in TULSA... Hopefully you'll come next time??????????????? Ron was a great replacement!!!! lol Ray, Brian, and Ron were a hit. I'll be totally indebted to them for along time. Next time I better see you.........but tell Ron I stopped chewing bubble gum..... Jenn

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