Fire Engineering Training Community

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What does the brotherhood mean to you? Well for me it means this.

The brotherhood is a family who at time will fight but will forgive and forget.

The brotherhood does not try to change rules or ask for them to be changed to meet their needs.

The brotherhood understands and accepts that it is part of a family that has sisters who are just a much as the family as they are.

The brotherhood understands its more then a title and a t-shirt.

The brotherhood doesn’t bash those who succeed but welcome them and encourage them on their success.

The brotherhood cries with out shame or embarrassment when one of the family is lost.

The brotherhood understands that when we go to battle we are a team and we win and lose as a team.

The brotherhood doesn’t care if your Career, Volunteer, Part-time.

And last but not least the brother will always be there for you when you need them.

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Comment by Stephen Blizzard on February 6, 2009 at 1:10am
These are all very true comments. I'm an Australian volunteer fire fighter from New South Wales and I can tell you the brotherhood extends from town to town, state to state and even internationally. I'm currently visiting California (just arrived in the Orange County area) and I have been impressed by the welcome I received on past visits to the U.S. a few years ago. I believe there is a common thread that joins all of us.
Comment by Chris Fleming on February 3, 2009 at 6:01pm
Nice list! I like Brad's additions a lot. Nothing inhibits Brotherhood like fear. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of being right. Fear of being excluded. Fear of being embarassed. I could go on, but you get the point. Stay safe brothers!
Comment by Shawn Tibbitts on January 30, 2009 at 6:51pm
" The brotherhood is there to help pick up the pieces for your family if god forbid you dont return from your shift"
"The brotherhood is stronger than blood and as old as the fire service itself, it is the bonding agent of our history and tradition. With out it we would have nothing"

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