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August 2011 Blog Posts (12)

While America Slept, Lady Liberty Wept

While many hard-working Americans were busy trying to eek out a living and saving towards their retirement, our elected officials were busy stealing our America’s dream. Hope for a better tomorrow was fading as each new bill was passed in the dead of night and contrary to the majority of public opinion.

You realize that the mess that this country is in is our own damned fault; right?

Of course, I would expect many to disagree because we…


Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on August 29, 2011 at 4:35pm — No Comments

THE FIRE LINE: Goldfeder

5,4,3,2,1... Ready? Launch!!

Welcome to the inaugural "The Fire Line," folks!  I'm extremely proud to introduce a fun project that will hopefully bring a grin and maybe a snort or two — this one's just for laughs! Almost everyone is familiar with my biting editorial cartoons, but I'm often inspired to draw something just for fun. No preconceived opinion or point,… Continue

Added by Paul Combs on August 24, 2011 at 8:11pm — 10 Comments

Averagejake Firefighter Blog

Check out for all my thoughts on the fire service.


Also hit me up on twitter @averagejakeff

Added by Robert Owens on August 22, 2011 at 5:03pm — No Comments


Click image for larger view.

Humor is a powerful drug! We use it on a daily basis without even knowing it, and it's a medicine with healing and regenerative effects. At times, the things we talk and joke about in the fire service would seem crass and inappropriate to the general public, but it performs the job of defusing stressful situations in a way that can't…


Added by Paul Combs on August 18, 2011 at 5:00pm — 2 Comments

Love You Man !

I just read Chief Reasons ( Art Goodrich) blog titled "Sudden Separation". It was very touching Chief, and I hope that everyone who reads it takes an important life lesson from it. It reminded me somewhat of Chief Rick Lasky's Pride & Ownership class that I enjoyed several years ago in Myrtle Beach, SC. As any of you who have had a Lasky & Salka class know, they are perhaps the most motivating moments you will ever spend in a classroom anywhere in the United States no matter how many… Continue

Added by Jon D Marsh on August 17, 2011 at 4:53pm — No Comments

Sudden Separation

Anyone in the fire service understands that their mortality is under assault every time the tones drop.


You can be gone in a flash in a flashover, a collapse, a vehicle accident, a fall or in a less violent but every bit as insidious manner such as a heart attack.


It can be sudden and without warning and it leaves many to ask the question, “Why”?


My brother-in-law George was walking down the hallway of…


Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on August 16, 2011 at 8:38pm — 1 Comment

From Light Straps to Hose Straps

From Light Straps to Hose Straps

by Kevin Story on Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 10:03am


Everyone usually has some of the light straps around, the standard Streamlight strap. They tend…


Added by Kevin Story on August 12, 2011 at 12:13pm — No Comments


CSTI First Responder Operations Class in Simi Valley

Added by Mike Purcell on August 10, 2011 at 12:12am — No Comments


We Americans love our Hollywood heroes and icons, and Marvel's latest addition to this culture, "Captain America", fits the bill perfectly. Set in the 1940's, he battles his evil Nazi foes with all the swagger and chiseled abs tensile-town can muster. And being a superhero movie junkie, I watched my favorite childhood comic book hero kick some bad-guy a** with… Continue

Added by Paul Combs on August 8, 2011 at 11:13am — 2 Comments

Everything is Cummulative

I am currently an Intern - Strength and Conditioning Coach at Military and Mountain Athlete in Jackson, Wyoming and will be returning to Northern California in September. Upon returning to California, I plan on doing an observational research study on Wildland Firefighters that will be the foundation of future research and what I have been working towards since entering the fire service in 2005.

I want to change the health culture of the fire service in a way that positively affects…


Added by Katy Luetke on August 7, 2011 at 1:24pm — No Comments

Benefits of Conducting a Nozzle Study - From Aug 2011 Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment Magazine

Following the completion of the nozzle study, our standpipe operations and equipment also underwent complete revision
Following the completion of the nozzle study, our standpipe operations and equipment also underwent complete revision, bringing higher volume flows at lower pressures to these incidents. (Photos by author.)…

Added by Brian Brush on August 5, 2011 at 11:00pm — 1 Comment

The Attack Line

A few years ago while working in Fairfax County we ran a website that was based on the two county fire departments and the one city department that ran together on calls everyday. It was and that site contained information about fires, apparatus, operating procedures, equipment and most important tactical advice and commentary. We were able to get one of the most respected and disciplined fire officers from Arlington County, VA. to write some articles for the site. As I was…


Added by Richard Riley on August 2, 2011 at 10:55am — No Comments

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