Fire Engineering Training Community

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I just read Chief Reasons ( Art Goodrich) blog titled "Sudden Separation". It was very touching Chief, and I hope that everyone who reads it takes an important life lesson from it. It reminded me somewhat of Chief Rick Lasky's Pride & Ownership class that I enjoyed several years ago in Myrtle Beach, SC. As any of you who have had a Lasky & Salka class know, they are perhaps the most motivating moments you will ever spend in a classroom anywhere in the United States no matter how many you have attended.  In Chief Reasons blog he writes about the loss of his brother-in-law George who obviously came to leave quite an impression on Chief Reasons life before he passed on after a sudden heart attack. Please read the blog.  My reaction to Art's heartfellt article included quite a few tears as I recalled individuals whom were close firefighter friends, servicemen, and relatives who through sudden death and separation departed this world for a more friendly peaceful abode elsewhere. Having been left with grief and sorrow (for myself as much as them), I was left with guilt and shame for never telling most of those folks how much I loved them. Be that as it may, after hearing Chief Lasky talk about telling your firehouse family  how much you admire them and appreciate them while they are still here well and alive- instead of waiting til after they're on the the angelic fire engine ride to heaven's gate, it will be more meaningful, respectful, and admirable for all concerned. After that class four or five years ago, I have never hesitated for a moment, nor am I ashamed to tell the folks I love, whether they be fire service colleagues, friends or family, that I indeed love them, and I do it as often as I can...this way I'm assured that they are aware of my respect and admiration for them in case of sudden separation. Guy's if I say " I Love You Man"..or..."I Love You Brother" doesn't mean I want to dance with you. It means I respect and appreciate you for all you do !!! Be Safe!

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