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April 2013 Blog Posts (18)

Thanks to all who attended my class at FDIC

To all of the wonderful brothers and sisters who came to my presentation on Interior Benchmarking I thank you. I appreciated all of your questions, comments, and instructor reviews. Take care and stay safe. Lt. Billy Greenwood

Added by Fire Chief Billy Greenwood on April 30, 2013 at 7:48am — No Comments

Spraying Smoke

Is this what we are coming to?

Added by Dave Werner on April 29, 2013 at 7:59pm — No Comments

Volunteer; No Experience OR Training Required!

Note: I wasn’t going to post a blog until after FDIC, but then I watched BC Michael Walker’s address on livestream and it really struck a chord. He spoke to the very essence of what it is to call yourself “fireman”, the strong bond between firefighters and what our communities expect when they call us.…


Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on April 25, 2013 at 9:23am — 4 Comments

Who Fits the Profile?

Are you at your strongest when others may be at their weakest?

Do you study your enemy to find its weaknesses?

Do you practice your fighting skills until you can’t…


Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on April 19, 2013 at 9:59pm — No Comments

30 Years for 30 Seconds

      Throughout your career there will undoubtedly be times when it’s hard to stay focused and on the top of your game. It’s easy to get complacent…too easy! Complacency starts out innocently enough; you’re tired, so you relax for a little while on the couch, and the couch feels sooo good…AND there’s a James Bond marathon on TV, so you consequently think to yourself…will it really matter if I…

Added by Nick Ledin on April 19, 2013 at 9:30pm — No Comments

A Call to Arms

We are all aware that for the past couple of decades, our enemy has been getting bigger, faster and more deadly. This has hopefully led you to the realization that we now have less time on the fireground to accomplish all of our critical tasks. But before we get into the meat and potatoes of this article, let’s look at the basics of the above premise. The two biggest reasons that the fireground has changed so much in the last generation or so, are that the fuels have changed, and so have the…


Added by Nick Ledin on April 19, 2013 at 9:30pm — No Comments


I have to admit, with the horrific events of this past week (and the ongoing drama) and the current political turbulence around the country, I NEED the FDIC more than ever to recharge my batteries and renew my sense of being. I want to reunite with cherished friends and meet new ones. I want to know that the world has not gone completely insane and there is a place…


Added by Paul Combs on April 19, 2013 at 9:53am — 3 Comments

Give them an inch, and they may take a mile



Give them an inch, they may take a mile


    While growing up, I heard this phrase all too often “ We give you an inch, and you take a mile”. Most of the time this was because my curfew would get extended an…


Added by Ryan Torres on April 18, 2013 at 2:52am — No Comments

Are we any different than the news crews

You know I recall seeing a Paul Combs picture of a news lady showing the one thing that went wrong. And theres always firefighters dogging the news for ridiculing fire departments for mishaps on the fire seane.

Yet I can find lots of Youtube videos where firefighters are bashing departments for the same things that news crews point out. In short we are doing the same thing that the news crews are doing!

There are times I scroll thru some pages on Facebook…


Added by Chris Willis on April 17, 2013 at 1:00pm — 3 Comments

Our Darkest Hours Gives Rise to Brighter Days

God, how I miss the sweet innocence of days gone by.

Take me back to a time when, as kids, young brothers and sisters could walk to the neighborhood grocery store to buy penny candy and drink a 7-ounce bottle of Coca-Cola.…


Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on April 16, 2013 at 6:39pm — No Comments


In the aftermath of yesterday's cowardly act of terrorism in Boston, and as the injury report began to rise, I could only think about how much worse this violent act could have been if not for the quick action of Boston F.D., P.D., EMS, and U.S. National Guard. As I sat and watched the same horrific images over and over, my thoughts, prayers, and empathy were for our…


Added by Paul Combs on April 16, 2013 at 10:44am — 4 Comments

Bull’s-eye: Targets of Violence

While doing research for this blog, I came across a couple of very interesting articles that I will provide the links for and I would encourage you to read them and perhaps, pass them along. They were very enlightening and take my thoughts to a wider spectrum when thinking about responses and pre-plans. They can be found at the end of this piece.

With yesterday’s (April 10, 2013) incident in…


Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on April 11, 2013 at 7:09pm — 1 Comment

Tactical Efficiency


                              Tactical efficiency is vital on today’s fireground. What is Tactical efficiency?



Tactical: Definition-  from Merriam-Webster:



Added by Ryan Torres on April 11, 2013 at 3:23pm — No Comments

Same Old Song and Dance

Another cheating scandal; more missing funds. Will it ever end?

Disclaimer: The links were chosen at random and are not an indictment of the fire departments mentioned. The links are examples of what has been a growing problem in the nation’s fire service.

Firefighter cheaters.…


Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on April 4, 2013 at 7:39pm — No Comments

25 to Survive: FDIC HOT Workshop

FDIC: HOT Workshop:

25 to Survive

The Residential Building Fire



Added by Dan Shaw on April 2, 2013 at 8:02am — No Comments

25 to Survive: FDIC HOT Workshop

FDIC: HOT Workshop:

25 to Survive:…


Added by Douglas Mitchell, Jr. on April 1, 2013 at 12:00pm — No Comments

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