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January 2015 Blog Posts (45)

Extrication "Quick Tip" #26 (THE DEEP CUT)

(Yellow symbolizes the backside of the A post, Red is showing the sever from the additional (deep) cut)

One of the most common complaints I hear about completing dash displacements is the lack of actual "lift" or the feeling of resistance during the lift. This can be caused by a…


Added by Isaac Frazier on January 19, 2015 at 10:50am — No Comments

Get Fire Rescue Fit and Win Prizes!

Over $1000 in cash and prizes will be given away to

Firefighters, EMTs and Medics!  Don't

wait, get started today!
The purpose of the contest is to motivate firefighters, EMTs and Medics to…

Added by Aaron Zamzow on January 18, 2015 at 11:41pm — No Comments



I came from a family of bricklayers and the only ancestor I can track with any Fire Department background was a distant relative who was the Fire Chief of Swansboro, a working class area of south Richmond. Cersley Street is in Swansboro and I made sure that every Rookie knew where it was.…


Added by Warren Cersley on January 18, 2015 at 1:34pm — No Comments


So you think your actions don't effect us all in the public's eye? Think again!

Click link below to see more of Paul's work or to buy prints:…


Added by Paul Combs on January 17, 2015 at 6:00pm — No Comments

Build Your Army

At times I get frustrated with things in my organization, as I am sure all of you do. Don’t get me wrong, I am very proud to be a part of the department I work for, but there are times I question the motives of others. What are they doing in the Fire Service? Are they here to be sticker collectors, do they just like holding the title of firefighter? You know the ones; they reek of mediocrity, do nothing to improve their performance, and are satisfied with the status quo. Plenty of days I go…


Added by Jarrod Sergi on January 16, 2015 at 9:00pm — No Comments

Want Better Candidates? Realistic Job Previews Can Help.

In today’s economy, firms are tightening their belts to save money in all areas of business. Number crunchers are getting more creative with cost cutting and often challenging employees to come up with new, cheaper, more efficient ways of doing business in order to realize higher profits. Fire departments are not exempt. Fire chiefs do not have to report earnings to share holders or work to increase profits but they are tasked with being fiscally responsible.

Human resources are a…


Added by JR Hall on January 16, 2015 at 11:48am — No Comments

L-E-A-D-E-R-S-H-I-P: Simplified

As I was going through a journal book that I just filled up and was looking through I ran across something that I wrote about being an officer and leader. I will expand more on this later, but I wanted to share it.


Listen and Learn

Expectations-set them

Accountability--be it

Desire--have it

Evaluate--fix it



Added by Jason Hoevelmann on January 15, 2015 at 11:10pm — No Comments

Church Fire Quick Points

A rare but challenging fire you may face in your career will be a burning church, synagogue, mosque, or temple. These buildings may be the treasure of the community and the artifacts inside may be irreplaceable, pre-fire study and planning plus proper initial size up may be what separates a community tragedy or a proud save of the building and all that’s inside.

One of the most important fire ground operations in these buildings takes place prior to the fire even occurring, it is…


Added by Joseph Pronesti on January 13, 2015 at 7:30pm — No Comments

Company Officer Daily Journal

This is a basic template you can use for daily journalling as a company officer. I am working on a full print version which will have additional resources included later on. Use this template and add what you need.

Added by Jason Hoevelmann on January 12, 2015 at 1:33pm — No Comments

Quality vs. Quantity

I am fortunate to be assigned to the busiest engine company in an urban department where I can get a great deal of experience every day. My engine averages around 4000 calls a year and we have more target hazards than I can count. I consider myself lucky that every day I go to work I get plenty of opportunities to practice my job. Unfortunately my attitude is not the prevailing one.

I recently had a conversation with a relatively new lieutenant about call volume. I was giving him a…


Added by JR Hall on January 12, 2015 at 1:27pm — No Comments

Leadership and Religious Beliefs



Added by John K. Murphy on January 12, 2015 at 1:00pm — 2 Comments

Why am I Here?

Why am I Here?…


Added by Josh Chase on January 11, 2015 at 12:17pm — No Comments



While speaking recently at the IAFC/VCOS conference in Florida, I told the story of a time when a fire officer and I didn’t see eye to eye. I said that we did not gee haw. After the session, a Texan approached me and told me that he had not heard gee haw in many years and he asked what the term meant to me. I explained that when two people disagree…


Added by Warren Cersley on January 11, 2015 at 12:08pm — No Comments

Residential Laddering

The Sunday Preach:


Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of a day that made me extremely proud to be a fireman and fire officer. I was a member of the first to arrive ladder company that made 4 "grabs" (removal of civilian occupants) from a well involved residential building fire. While one victim was removed via the interior, the other 3 rescued civilians presented themselves at…


Added by Douglas Mitchell, Jr. on January 11, 2015 at 10:49am — No Comments

Boss/Manger Leader vs Expert Leader Does it matter if the fire incident commander was never a competent company officer? Does it matter if the company officer had limited time as a firefighter? Does …

Boss/Manger Leader vs Expert Leader

Does it matter if the fire incident commander was never a competent company officer? Does it matter if the company officer had limited time as a firefighter? Does it matter is the chief was an expert firefighter?…


Added by David Rhodes on January 7, 2015 at 2:27pm — No Comments

Energy Drink for Morale


 I love Christmas time, especially now with the children.  It is a blast to be around family and enjoy the time together.  But does anyone else have that one relative who complains about everything at the family get-together?  That one relative who shows up for the family…


Added by Jeremy Holmes on January 7, 2015 at 11:19am — No Comments

Extrication "Quick Tip" #25 (Pull the KEYS)

This week’s “quick tip” seems basic; however, it is incredible how often this quick step is being overlooked. We must get into a habit of turning off the ignition and removing the key on motor vehicle crashes. It is a quick, easy, and often overlooked step. Typically, this will secure roughly 90% of the systems on any…


Added by Isaac Frazier on January 7, 2015 at 9:52am — No Comments

Are you Coordinating?

There is no question that it takes discipline to do this job. It takes discipline to perform. It takes discipline to come in everyday and make sure your tools are ready for the fight. We never know when it will happen and we must always be prepared. Now let’s take it to the fireground. Coordination of ventilation and fire attack is one of the most important things that takes place. Almost a harmonized dance between the engine and ladder crews. The engine knowing that the ladder made it to…


Added by Jarrod Sergi on January 5, 2015 at 8:52pm — No Comments

Never Deny Training Requests

In the early years of fire departments being organized, men who joined their local fire departments were immediately put to work and gained knowledge from on the job experiences.  As time…


Added by Jeremy Rebok on January 3, 2015 at 8:21pm — No Comments

Are we Upstream? Community Health, Sprinklers, and Logging?

There has been a great focus placed on "upstreamist" thinking in the medical field. An "upstreamist" is one that focuses on preventing people from falling into the river of medical system over-use. They don't focus on only treating their patient's condition, they look at what caused it and what they can do to help remedy the situation so the patient can live a happier and healthier life. This in return lessens the burden placed on the medical system and allows attention to be focused on truly… Continue

Added by Devon Wells on January 3, 2015 at 4:57pm — 2 Comments

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