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Firefighters respond to a car fire on the parking garage above the Capital Reperatory Theatre in Albany on Saturday afternoon. (Steve Barnes / Times Union)

Photo by Steve Barnes / Times Union

Fires in parking garages are rare incidents, which is why we should prepare for them by conducting fire preplans. A vehicle fire inside of a parking garage may seem like a simple job, until you arrive to find two cars burning on the top deck under solar panels with no standpipe, or an O.O.S (out of service) FDC.   

Most fires in parking garages are burning vehicles. These PG fires can be…


Added by Brian D Butler on February 10, 2018 at 10:00pm — No Comments

MACHINERY RESCUE: Will You Ever Get To Use That "Man vs Machine" Tool Box?


Photo by Brian Butler

Every minute of the day brings the potential for a machinery rescue response. Think about it, how many vehicle extrications are there in the U.S. every single day? How many rings are cut off by rescue companies and emergency room personnel every single day? How many kids get their fingers stuck in toys, bicycle parts, or their head stuck between railings every single day? If we put vehicle extrication aside,…


Added by Brian D Butler on February 8, 2018 at 8:00pm — No Comments

True Firefighter Courage

True Firefighter Courage

Joseph Kitchen, Bath Twp. Fire Department (Lima, Ohio)…


Added by Joseph Kitchen on February 6, 2018 at 11:30am — No Comments

Pistol Grips?

In many departments, ordering pistol grips on nozzles has been institutionalized. In these situations where the pistol grip is something you “have to have”, I would hope there is reason for it. Unfortunately when the "why" question does get asked, the response isn't an explanation, it is a history lesson;…

Added by Brian Brush on February 5, 2018 at 10:00pm — No Comments

The Two Sides of Conflict

I think it is probably safe to say that no one reading this likes conflict. For the most part it is in our nature to avoid confrontation if we can. However, as a company officer you don’t get the luxury of avoidance. You must deal with issues as they arise or small problems will lead to big problems. There are many ways to deal with conflict in your firehouse, but I quickly want to discuss the two key elements that are a part of every conversation, every counseling, every… Continue

Added by Jarrod Sergi on February 5, 2018 at 6:44am — No Comments

Is your team bringing the trophy home tonight?

The Sunday Preach:

'Everyday is your Superbowl'

"We have no such luxury of scheduling either our fires or where in the home these fires will occur. We may go to two in one day, one this week, or one in a year. Whenever a fire happens, we must be ready. For firefighters, every day is potentially game day, and we must be ready to play." (25 to Survive: Reducing Residential Injury and LODD Pg. 221.)

Tonight marks the culmination of the 2017 NFL season. Last years post…


Added by Douglas Mitchell, Jr. on February 4, 2018 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Scrap The Pavement, Stretch The Station

            Stretching a hand-line is one of the most fundamental tasks we perform within our fire service. Without being proficient at stretching/advancing a line, it’s safe to say we can expect nothing short of an inadequate outcome when operating on the fire ground. Stretching is one of the first things we learn as new firefighters. In academy’s across the country, evolutions are repeated over and over at nauseam with instructors ordering “I want that line to the front door”, “Stretch…


Added by Adam J. Hansen on February 2, 2018 at 9:51am — No Comments


The Super Bowl - the pinnacle of professional football greatness, myth and lore, where there have been some amazing athletes who can claim to be the glorious victors, or the devastated runner-up. However, one thing is for certain, whether you are the winner or loser of the BIG game – they all got there by being 100% dedicated to their craft and lead by passionate…


Added by Paul Combs on February 1, 2018 at 10:10am — No Comments

Engine Company Search: Ranch House

Engine Company Search: Ranch House

Life Safety is the fire services number one priority, typically accomplished by searching for victims of fire inside fire buildings. This is a high risk, high man power, and high intensity tactic that must be planned and coordinated. However, fire departments all over the country often are faced with the choice of either…


Added by Robert Owens on January 31, 2018 at 3:03pm — No Comments

Ventilating Attic Fires With Solar Panels

By Brian Butler

We are currently starting to see more photovoltaic (PV) solar panels on the roofs in urban area housing, especially in New Jersey which has the most solar panels per square mile in the U.S.  PV solar panels will be problematic when performing roof ventilation and ladder placement. In addition, the panels are always energized and their added…


Added by Brian D Butler on January 29, 2018 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

Inciting Bravery - The realities of promoting risk-taking; Part 3 - Should we increase it?

So far in this series exploring the practical limitations inherent in any attempt to motivate firefighters to think less about their own safety and more about the lives and property we are sworn to protect; to display more boldness and less caution, I have suggested that the concept of heroism is so vague as to render it virtually useless as a tool for either change or measurement, and have proposed that the route to maximizing effort is to educate, demonstrate, and support the desired…


Added by Mark J. Cotter on January 29, 2018 at 8:41am — No Comments

Guide for aspiring fire fighters in India

Scope for fire professionals :

Male and female aspirant have an equal job opportunity in this field. They will get job opportunity in state and municipal fire brigades, in industrial fire brigades, in railway and airports fire brigade, at high rise building, at five-star hotels and hospitals. In Indian scenario, in recent years, Increase industrialization, the introduction of new life safety rules and regulations, and government level effort to implement effective disaster handling…


Added by Shivkant on January 29, 2018 at 6:25am — No Comments

Caring For Your People

In this post, I discuss the book: Everybody Matters: The Extraordinary Power of Caring for Your People Like Family and I discuss caring for your people so you can build a high performing team.

So if you want to all out effort, all in attitude, and have fun at work so you can how to get the most out of those around them, keep reading!

Below are the top 5 highlights I had from the book.

– We are social animals and we respond to the environments we’re in.

– We are…


Added by John Lovato Jr on January 25, 2018 at 4:28pm — No Comments

The Armadillo Effect: Art of Foreseeability

The Armadillo Effect: Art of Foreseeability

by: Thomas D. Kuglin Jr.


            Have you ever wondered how Armadillos are always seen dead on the side or the middle of the road? Have you wondered how a squirrel jukes back and forth in the roadway when a vehicle approaches sometimes making it across and sometimes not? Have you wondered how an Eagle is able to soar high above and a precisely locate their prey?…


Added by Thomas D. Kuglin Jr. on January 24, 2018 at 7:09am — No Comments

Reasonable Suspicion – 4th Amendment Protections

The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees the "right of the people to be secure in their persons ... against unreasonable searches and seizures." In most cases, the Constitution requires the government to obtain a warrant supported by probable cause to search a person. However, when government has a special need for a search, such as protecting public safety, courts have upheld the search(s) if it is found "reasonable" after balancing the physical intrusion against…


Added by John K. Murphy on January 22, 2018 at 11:24am — No Comments

Influencing People Basics Every Firefighter Needs

The basics that we need to help start influencing people and how to get rid of that negativity that’s going on.

So a real simple response to negativity is Misery loves company, so don’t engage in it.

It’s hard, you know, these might be simply answers, but they’re hard to do and that’s why most people don’t do it. The first thing is don’t go down the rabbit h*** of negativity. Try and maintain yourself positive, especially if you’re the leader of a group because the minute you…


Added by John Lovato Jr on January 18, 2018 at 5:46pm — 1 Comment

THE EGOCENTRIC OBJECTIVE - January Magazine Cartoon

NEW Fire Engineering January editorial illustration.

You as an instructor are there for your students, they are not there to pad your ego! I have seen way too many instructors and officers who love to show you how much you don't know, instead of how much they can…


Added by Paul Combs on January 17, 2018 at 3:28pm — No Comments



Ghosts by Chief Jim Crawford

“Which one of us are you going to tell him…


Added by Paul Combs on January 14, 2018 at 12:19pm — No Comments

The #1 Mentoring Mistake Every Firefighter Must Avoid

I overheard two conversations this week that were both the number one big mistakes that I see firefighters make when it comes to mentoring. Both these guys were getting frustrated. They weren't getting the results that they wanted.

The first ones was a guy that was complaining about the experience level of his immediate supervisor. He had more experience and the supervisor. When asked, hey, are you going to help them become better? He replied That his boss is responsible for his own…


Added by John Lovato Jr on January 12, 2018 at 12:16pm — No Comments

Inciting Bravery, Part 2 - The realities of promoting risk-taking - Can we increase it?

Having cited the limitations and contradictions of the concept of heroism in my last post (i.e., unmeasurable, and essentially bestowed upon all of us simply for joining the fire service), is there another attribute that might allow us to be more effective in our attempts to protect life and property by inspiring bolder searches and fire attacks? Might it be feasible to at least increase our collective acceptance of risk? And, if so, what would be the best method for accomplishing this…


Added by Mark J. Cotter on January 8, 2018 at 9:41am — No Comments

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