Fire Engineering Training Community

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September 2011 Blog Posts (21)

Free EMS Care: We Can Blame Ourselves

The recent news coverage of Chicago Fire Department losing big bucks to unreimbursed refusal of transport calls is not a problem unique to Chicago.  Sure, asthmatics will call for an albuterol treatment when caught without their own medications and some hypoglycemic patients…


Added by Mike McEvoy on September 29, 2011 at 10:00am — 1 Comment


It's amazing what becomes important when nothing important is going on. (Said to a firefighter who was better with the floor buffer than he was with his tools.) — Steve Auton, Halifax Regional Fire, Nova Scotia, Canada

Added by Brian Wiswell on September 28, 2011 at 3:07pm — No Comments

Firefighter Skills Competency Workbook is now available

The new Firefighter Skills Competency Workbook is now available. This workbook follows NFPA 1001 (2008) edition

This workbook is designed to assist departments with tracking not only initial firefighter training, but continued skills competency as well. Use of this book will also assist…


Added by J. Scott Loftis on September 26, 2011 at 8:08am — No Comments

Remembering Bradley Golden – Now Ten Years Gone


I wrote this story in 2003 and first released it on September 25th of that year; two years after the tragic death of then 19 year-old Firefighter Bradley Golden, who died in a live burn training exercise in Lairdsville, New York. I have posted it every year since then to honor and to remember Brad.


It is a story that sparked numerous discussions among the nation’s…


Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on September 22, 2011 at 8:02pm — No Comments

Funeral Details for Slain OK Fire Chief

Keith Bryan, chief for Nichols Hills (OK) Fire Department, was shot by a lone gunman at his home on Tuesday night at approx. 10 PM. Chief Bryan died Wednesday morning at around 6:00 AM.
Keith’s Memorial Service will be held at 10 AM this Saturday, 09/24/2011, at the Bridge Assembly of God Church located at 1116 West Highway 152 in Mustang,…

Added by Fire Engineering on September 22, 2011 at 2:15pm — No Comments

So True

My 3 children (2 girls and a boy) were always at the firehouse with me. They played in the trucks, helped clean and wash them, amd were always an extra set of hands when needed and sometimes when you didn't need them. They were there so much that when they were not the guys would ask where they were. My oldest daugther is dating a volunteer firefighter and my son has been in the fire service for 4 years. The firehouse will be in our lives for a long long time.

Added by Jeff Weinert on September 21, 2011 at 12:34pm — No Comments

THE FIRE LINE: Daddy's Little Girl

Oh, the things children repeat!

Like many of you, my child grew up in the firehouse - and this is something that I hope she says with a tremendous amount of pride. The station has been her refuge, playhouse, babysitter, and many times, her entertainment. All too often my daughter hung out in the back room watching TV while we gathered to discuss training, debrief from an… Continue

Added by Paul Combs on September 20, 2011 at 10:02am — 13 Comments

A Tale of Two Saws

A few years back it was decided that circular saws ordered for the rescue and truck companies would be the same model and manufacturer.…


Added by Brian Brush on September 19, 2011 at 2:50pm — 1 Comment

Firefighter Skills Competency Workbook

I have had several people contact me about the status of the Firefighter Skills Competency Workbook project. I have completed the project. I have to review the proof copy, and then it will be available. I think it will be around the first part of October. You can see more about it by going to www.createspaceamcom/3690367

Added by J. Scott Loftis on September 17, 2011 at 12:56pm — No Comments

Paul Krugman: Biggest Loser is a Nobel Winner?

I have always believed that I was not capable of hating my fellow Man.

That’s not to say that, for my personal reasons, I have people that I hold no fondness towards; not many, but some.

But, I hate Paul Krugman.

Oh, don’t worry; I said that I didn’t have the capacity to hate my fellow MAN.

Paul Krugman is a repulsive, repugnant, reprehensible, reptilian reprobate!

In addition, a man has scruples, morals, ethics and…


Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on September 16, 2011 at 5:30pm — 4 Comments

Contagion: Possible or Not?

The recently released Warner Bros. movie, Contagion details the fictional outbreak of a deadly and highly contagious novel respiratory virus.  While some aspects of the movie are improbable, a major outbreak of a deadly disease could really happen.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was extensively involved in the production of Contagion which was partially filmed at their headquarters in Atlanta.  If anyone…


Added by Mike McEvoy on September 16, 2011 at 9:23am — No Comments


Working two months in advance for Fire Engineering magazine can be a bit tricky with timely material like the cartoon above - especially when the material is so emotionally charged. Funny thing is, working that far in advance I sometimes forget what I've submitted - hey, I'm getting older!! However, when I received my copies of Fire Engineering in the mail today, it…


Added by Paul Combs on September 12, 2011 at 3:24pm — 9 Comments

So that they Survive ( My remembrance of 09-11-2001 )

We all have our own memories of that fateful day of 09-11-2001, ten years ago. And for those of you who may have been too young to remember, I encourage you to engage in at least one of the programs on television today, or use the internet to understand the history of that day, the politics of the times, the thousands of lives lost and millions of lives affected. My own memories of that day include getting myself some coffee at a convenience store, as I prepared to assist, as an…


Added by Andy Marsh on September 11, 2011 at 11:23am — 1 Comment

The question

We just came out oft the Flashover-Can as one of the guys told us that a plane has hit WTC and so we watched the news in full gear and scba –heated,  sweating and smoked. We saw the fire und imagined how our brothers climbed the stairs – heavily loaded with all kind of stuff. As the first tower fell, it hit us like a heavy punch in the stomach. It was a feeling like:” Today I’ve to go to the dentist” or “Final exams today”.As the second tower fell, every discussion and thought that started…


Added by Jan Südmersen on September 11, 2011 at 4:40am — No Comments

Firemen... and "Never Forget"

Firemen... and "Never Forget"

Lt. Douglas J Mitchell, Jr. FDNY.

September the 11th is later this week and I have found myself writing. I have been writing snippet's down as they pop in and out of my head, emotions from the events from that day, and its aftermath hereafter.

I just can't watch TV these last two weeks. I can't take it, it's just too much. Caught myself getting upset watching a special such as, (I will make something up here...but…


Added by Douglas Mitchell, Jr. on September 9, 2011 at 11:57am — 2 Comments




We will never, ever forget you!




Added by Paul Combs on September 9, 2011 at 6:38am — 10 Comments

Crew Integrity

I am in the need of finding solutions and different viewpoints on a Rescue or Truck company splitting its crew to handle fire ground tasks.

I am a Captain on a rescue company and our staffing varies from 3 to 4 personnel.  We, by policy, assume or support truck company operations depending on when we arrive on scene.  In the event we have 4 personnel and arrive first or second due we split into a 2 man inside team and a 2 man outside team this is common practice in my area and not…


Added by Erron Kinney on September 8, 2011 at 9:34pm — No Comments

Through-the-Lock; A NEED to Know Skill


I recently updated the through-the-lock setup that I carry in my gear (see pics below).  For years I had used a modified set of locking pliers (ViseGrip style) with separate key tools and shove knife. This setup has proven extremely effective at both alarm runs and working fires.


I've decided to change my setup to a modified "Channelok" setup.  It's going to allow me merge 2 tools into 1 and…


Added by Matt McDowell on September 7, 2011 at 8:24am — No Comments

Never Forgetting is to Always Remember

I have started and stopped this blog a couple of times now.

The first time, there was too much anger. The second blog contained too much sarcasm.


Well; there are several reasons.

First of all, I struggle with calling an event that was filled with so much pain, suffering, sorrow and sadness an “anniversary”.

But, many are referring to the tenth year since the 9/11 attacks as “the tenth anniversary of…


Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on September 6, 2011 at 6:32pm — No Comments

Caring enough to C.A.R.E.

Public safety and customer service go hand in hand.  As many of us know, our customers are the ones that keep us around.  Whether it’s a fire, vehicle accident, medical, or a public education event, we are here to serve our customers.  When I first became involved in the fire service I had a mentor who taught me an invaluable lesson.  No matter how bad your day is going when you respond to someone in need, their day is far worse.  That lesson has…


Added by David Mellen on September 3, 2011 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

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