Fire Engineering Training Community

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The recently released Warner Bros. movie, Contagion details the fictional outbreak of a deadly and highly contagious novel respiratory virus.  While some aspects of the movie are improbable, a major outbreak of a deadly disease could really happen.  The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was extensively involved in the production of Contagion which was partially filmed at their headquarters in Atlanta.  If anyone asks you, or for those personally interested, the CDC Foundation has set up a web site separating Contagion facts from fiction and detailing the CDC's role in preparation and response to outbreaks.  In fact, the CDC works 24/7 to detect new diseases, investigating an average of one new contagion every year.  More information on how public health works around the clock to protect Americans from outbreaks is available on the CDC web site.  Check it out.  A scenario like Contagion is all too probable.


Mike McEvoy

EMS Editor - Fire Engineering

Views: 400


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