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Fire Service Getting TSA-Style Pat Downs?

It has been widely reported through several news outlets that the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) wants to make the more aggressive airline passenger pat-downs so unpleasant, that passengers will want to go through the Backscatter Security Scanners, which are full-body scans that leave nothing to the imagination.

That got me to thinking…

In a metaphorical sense; city governments are TSA screeners and public safety is getting the pat-downs!

So, if any city officials… Continue

Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on November 22, 2010 at 10:59am — 3 Comments

Are Bed Bugs Biting Your Wallet?

Bed Bug media hype has spurned considerable action in the travel industry, hospitals, prisons, homes and (of course) fire stations. These pesky little critters have developed resistance to many pesticides (which may account for the recent increase in infestations), are particularly good a hiding, but remain visible to the naked eye. That's right; you can see them! What you might not see so clearly are the unscrupulous profiteers hoping to drain your wallet with ridiculously expensive equipment… Continue

Added by Mike McEvoy on November 21, 2010 at 11:00am — 6 Comments


Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving, everyone!!

To see more of my work or to purchase a print of this illustration, visit:… Continue

Added by Paul Combs on November 19, 2010 at 2:31pm — 4 Comments

Letter Request for donations of old, used, Fire helmets, turnout gears, boots, fire & rescue Equipments.

Good Day,

I’m Stephen Eric P. Chua from the Philippines, me and my group ( 20 persons ). from all walks of life are all volunteer members of our peace & order council in our local community involve in various activities such as, peace keeping, emergency response team ( medical or calamity), and other volunteer works including fire fighting in our local community. We serve as an auxiliary group when needed by our Barangay (Local Community) Captain or Chairman.

As part of it all, we… Continue

Added by Stephen Eric P. chua on November 19, 2010 at 4:12am — No Comments

Letter Request for donations of old, used, Fire helmets, turnout gears, boots, fire & rescue Equipments.

Good Day,

I’m Stephen Eric P. Chua from the Philippines, me and my group ( 20 persons ). from all walks of life are all volunteer members of our peace & order council in our local community involve in various activities such as, peace keeping, emergency response team ( medical or calamity), and other volunteer works including fire fighting in our local community. We serve as an auxiliary group when needed by our Barangay (Local Community) Captain or Chairman.

As part of it all, we… Continue

Added by Stephen Eric P. chua on November 19, 2010 at 4:04am — No Comments

Somethings I think I think ( November, 2010 )

Several years ago, one of my favorite writers, Phil Musick, wrote a column for the Pittsburgh Press. He titled it as I have titled this. This is how I pay tribute to him and his work. May he rest in peace.

Somethings I think I think ( November , 2010 )

It’s so hard to step out of something you have been doing for a long time.

Making rules and setting examples is one thing. Being prepared to follow them yourself, is another… Continue

Added by Andy Marsh on November 19, 2010 at 3:03am — No Comments

Corrective Actions In The Name Of Firefighter Safety

Once you are aware of, and have an understanding of the 16 firefighter life safety initiatives as presented by the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation; we will need to implement those initiatives into our daily operations whether on the scene of an emergency or back at the firehouse. That is-if we are to succeed in ensuring that everyone goes home ! No matter your longevity in the fire service, one year or forty years, I would bet my last toad on the stump that you have been involved in,… Continue

Added by Jon D Marsh on November 17, 2010 at 6:17pm — No Comments

A Nation of Unionized Volunteers?

“The Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act” would mandate union monopoly bargaining for state and local public safety employees. (See: and

It would force police,… Continue

Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on November 15, 2010 at 12:34pm — 19 Comments

Because I said so...?

Since the beginning of time this proverbial saying has been commonplace in society. Everyone, at one point, has been told to do something “because I said so”. But where does this come into play in the fire service? When does it become acceptable to use the phrase in an appropriate manor?

Obviously, we can all agree that there are some circumstances that require its use but I believe that they are few and far between. As firefighters I think we have all had that order given and there… Continue

Added by David Mellen on November 15, 2010 at 11:25am — 2 Comments


To see more of my work or to purchase a print of this illustration, visit:


Added by Paul Combs on November 14, 2010 at 11:17am — 3 Comments

Adrenaline rushes, mistakes, Intentional Stupidity

Just as many of you, I receive notification from The U.S. Fire Administration upon the occurance of an LODD in our nation's fire service. Each brings a sickening knot in my stomach, and tears are common at this stage of my life upon news of a fallen brother even if I don't know them personally. Death, no matter it's cause in the line of duty, is a particularly traumatic experience for those of us who fail to convey the knowledge we have in our possession that would have, or could have prevented… Continue

Added by Jon D Marsh on November 13, 2010 at 4:00pm — No Comments

New school firefighters, old school firefighting

When I began my career in the fire service there were still fire departments that were using ¾ boots and long coats, belt mounted “elephant trunk” SCBAs and had firefighters standing up in the back of an open cab rig while going to calls. Most of these things have faded into fire service history but there are still departments that operate the “Old School” way.

I recently spoke to a long time friend whom I started my career with and after a while the discussion turned to new… Continue

Added by David Mellen on November 12, 2010 at 4:30pm — 4 Comments

The reality of the times

With the changing face of the American fire service it is no wonder we don't have as many old salts to sit around the table in the beanery and spin the great tails of old. The reality is that the adventures are still out there and happening every day, some of us have just forgotten to update our stories. As with all things we as a profession are changing and what our customers expect of us is changing as well. Many would say that Johnnie and Roy ruined it for all of us by planting the seed of… Continue

Added by Skip Simmons on November 11, 2010 at 5:21pm — No Comments

Veteran's Day-Dad's Letter to Mom.

Note: Dad is on the right as you look at the picture.

The envelope measured four inches wide by six inches long. It has held up rather well. It almost has a waxy feel to it. I am sure that it was white at one time, but is now a dark beige color.

In the top, left corner scribbled in pencil is: “after 5 days return to Pvt. W. H. Goodrich, Fort Leavenworth Kans".

At the top, middle of the envelope is a… Continue

Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on November 11, 2010 at 12:48pm — 2 Comments


This is a post from last year, but the message still holds true today! Let's remember our Brothers and Sisters who are not only fire service family, but are serving our country, too. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers, and may they ALL come home very soon!

To ALL Veterans, young and old, of all races and many wars - THANK… Continue

Added by Paul Combs on November 11, 2010 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Making the Grab!

That is in the metaphorical sense. A hand was extended and I "grabbed" it. Thank you so much, Bobby Halton.

I have not been active on the fire ground for 8 years, but I remain active in our fire department as president of its board of trustees.

Before some of you get the wrong idea, I want you to know that NOTHING comes before the safety and well-being of our firefighters.

I am true blue collar firefighter who has enjoyed the highs and suffered the lows of this great… Continue

Added by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on November 10, 2010 at 10:47am — 4 Comments

Hold CPR: Get an Ambulance and Helicopter

Time is ticking away. You might want to put down those few hundred pages of Emergency Cardiac Care Guidelines 2010 and pick up a copy of the draft NFPA 1917 Standard for Automotive Ambulances. "Doesn't affect me," you say? I'd bet otherwise; if you ride a bus, aid car, rescue, box, ambulance, or whatever else you call that patient care and transport vehicle on wheels, this standard affects you.… Continue

Added by Mike McEvoy on November 4, 2010 at 8:01am — No Comments


I LOVE Fall!! I love everything about it, except for the allergies, of course - but even they're tolerable with the incredible beauty of a Great Lakes Autumn!!

However, seeing multi-colored leaves carpeting the ground also brings to mind the ever increasing mounds of paperwork and documentation that… Continue

Added by Paul Combs on November 3, 2010 at 8:00am — 5 Comments

Consider your words carefully when demeaning those who speak of "safer firefighters"!

Perception is reality...and a large part of one's perception is based upon their environment... past, present and their expected future.

For example, if you are around positive people the majority of your life then you more than likely will have a bright outlook on things and most who cross your path will consider you to be a smiling optimist. Conversely, if you spend most of your time around people and situations that steep in negativity then you will probably share a life view full… Continue

Added by John Barrett on November 2, 2010 at 7:30pm — 3 Comments

Responding to Non Emergency Calls re: Fire Service Court -Fire Engineering Radio

Certainly enjoyed this informative Podcast! It raises issues that just 10 or even fewer years back wouldn't have aroused curiosity to many of us. Remember when we used to fill residential swimming pools ?

A few years ago, I recall being dispatched to a residence where EMS was already on scene. The EMT and Paramedic were trying to maneuver a gurney with patient out an entry that was obstructed by large shrubbery and low tree limbs. I chopped a clearing just enough to allow passage of the… Continue

Added by Jon D Marsh on November 1, 2010 at 12:38am — No Comments

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