Fire Engineering Training Community

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All Blog Posts (3,145)

On the FE site: Important NIOSH report, Quick vote...

Be sure to read the recently released NIOSH report on certain types of aerials by clicking here: The report concerns safety issues with aerial ladder trucks with locking (pin-anchored, lever actuated, clamped) waterways.

Also, we're always looking for new Quick Vote questions to post on the homepage of the Fire Engineering site. Quick Votes are those poll…


Added by Fire Engineering on May 9, 2008 at 9:47am — 2 Comments

The ISFSI is back!

Hey gang! I thought I'd offer a little update on the ISFSI. I was sworn in as president at FDIC a few weeks ago and WOW, what whirlwind it's been! We have a lot going on at the Society and could sure use everyone's help. I'm very lucky as President that I have such a talented Board of Directors! The guys and gals on the board have a lot of experience and passion for the job. I can't wait to see what we're able to accomplish to improve firefighter safety!

I have to say a big THANK YOU… Continue

Added by Eddie Buchanan on April 28, 2008 at 8:09pm — 2 Comments

First time Registry test taker

While I have been in EMS for 21+ years I have never taken the National Registry of EMT's Paramedic exam, until this past Thursday. I have to say that I have always been leery to try, what if I can't even pass the exam I have been teaching new medic students to pass just to enter the profession? Since our medic students must take and pass this exam, I was convinced by one of our other…


Added by Michael D. Smith on April 19, 2008 at 10:06pm — 3 Comments

Firehouse Nicknames

We all got'em. Some well deserved, some we would rather forget. Firehouse nicknames. On my crew I have a "Booge," "Lukie," "Greenie," "Wrong Way," and a "Fragile Bob." I have been called "Da Wop" "Henchman" and my favorite is the "Spaghetti Yeti." What are some of the ones around your fire house?

Added by Kristofer DeMauro on April 12, 2008 at 6:41pm — 3 Comments

FireFighter Fatalities in Colerain Twp. Ohio

This morning two firefighters were killed in a working house fire in Colerain Twp. Ohio. That is north of Cincinnati. The two entered with one other firefighter and the floor collapsed. One firefighter exited. Two fell into the basement. The occupant was out upon arrival.

I am sure more news will be coming on this fire.

I can not, nor will I comment on…

Added by Skip Coleman on April 4, 2008 at 9:30am — 2 Comments

just getting a feel for the site

Hey everyone,
just checking things out and getting used to the site . still got alot of exploring to do

Added by mike diener on March 31, 2008 at 3:40pm — No Comments


I will not be at the April meeting due to attending FDIC...I would guess that Mark will 'designate' someone to take notes in my place--thanks in advance to the person who does this. Also, I was accepted to the Book Committee for the State, our first meeting is April 15th, I will keep the district posted. As always, if you have any questions,…

Added by Stacy White on March 29, 2008 at 12:44pm — No Comments

The Boy in the Plastic Bubble

In my tenure as a firefighter I have responded to numerous hazmat calls. Most (90%) we handled at the operations level. Only a few needed "tech" level interventions. With that said, continued education and training to maintain the skills learned have been important for me. Yesterday I attended an 8 hour class with several other departments, including DHS hazmat teams. The class was hosted by the Dupont Chemical company. The company has an old Anhydrous Amonia car converted to a training prop… Continue

Added by Kristofer DeMauro on March 28, 2008 at 9:12am — 1 Comment

Fire Service Funeral Practices

I originally wrote this piece for another blog spot in October-2007 but felt it has relevance here. I'd love to hear what you think on the subject:…


Added by Tiger Schmittendorf on March 27, 2008 at 3:33pm — 4 Comments

Looking for FDIC gear?

Then check out, the official FDIC apparel store.

Added by Fire Engineering on March 27, 2008 at 12:45pm — No Comments


What SOP do I need to make law, but not write a huge book?

I have been working in SOP for over the last 6 months.

What do's and donts should I use.

Im open to all information.


Added by Kirk Pickens on March 25, 2008 at 10:28am — 4 Comments

New this week on Fire Engineering's site: EMS video and more

Mike McEvoy's third Training Minutes video is up. It's EMS training, on treatment of chest wounds. Watch it at

Steven De Lisi's new Haz-Mat Survival Tips column talks about getting documented training on atmospheric monitors for your department. Click the… Continue

Added by Fire Engineering on March 25, 2008 at 9:34am — 1 Comment

"ZIP - Clunk!, ZIP - Clunk!, ZIP - Clunk!"

What is it that we love about the job? What are the little things? For me it has to be the sound of firehose flaking off the rear of the rig as your laying a line into a good job. Even inside the cab of the truck you can still hear the "zip-clunk" as section after section of hose feeds off into the street. Or maybe it is the time at shift change when we all are gathered around the kitchen table. There is plenty of coffee and lots of laughter. Or maybe it is the smell of the apparatus bay. The… Continue

Added by Kristofer DeMauro on March 24, 2008 at 10:13pm — No Comments

Recruitment--Hook Em Young--This Ain't Your Daddy's Fire Service

In response to the troubling prevailing trend of declining volunteerism in the Fire Service...oh the hell with that...let's call it what it is, we're in trouble folks....the numbers are bad, the kids aren't signing up and the current membership is aging at a rate that almost guarantees the death knell for Volunteer Fire Departments.

What to do? I've created and have almost completed writing a program that my organization (The Firemen's Association of the State of New York...aka FASNY)…


Added by Mary Ellen Shea on March 24, 2008 at 9:30pm — No Comments

Where and why do we get hurt?

This chart…


Added by Michael Urban on March 19, 2008 at 10:59pm — 1 Comment

Looking to Gain Knowledge!

I believe that the day I stop learning is the day to quit this job. I'm looking for anyway to increase my knowledge in all subjects pertaining to the fire service. If you have any ideas please let me know.

Added by Jim Mayfield on March 17, 2008 at 10:21am — No Comments


I have been fortunate to be associated with so many great firefighters in my fire service career and it seems only natural that this site would further enhance that experience. In a recent blog post, I asked for information on response safety for a report I am working on for the Indiana SAFE Fire Service Initiative [This initiative is modeled after the 16 Life Safety…


Added by Stacy White on March 14, 2008 at 10:40pm — 3 Comments

The IFIA is a Full Service book store.

I am the IFIA [Indiana Fire Instructors Association] District 6 Representative and am at the service of the 13 counties within my District. Many of the fire schools in Indiana…


Added by Stacy White on March 12, 2008 at 11:44pm — No Comments

The Next "Great" Thing In The Fire Service

A year from now, what will this fire training community be like? Will we use to promote our profession, our lifestyles as firefighters? Or, will it slowly turn into a second thought as the novelty wears off of it? When I joined I was number 76 or so, as of this post there are 389 members, what will it be like at 1,000 members, 10,000 members, or even 100,000 members. So far it has turned out quite good. With just a few keystrokes I can interact with leaders in the fire service. I can network… Continue

Added by Kristofer DeMauro on March 12, 2008 at 7:29am — No Comments

Working Up: Filling In As An Officer

A common practice in the fire service is to allow firefighters to work in a position that is above the position they currently hold. Every department has a different phrase for this, such as: riding out, working out of class, working up, or even wearing the big pants. As fire officers we have to be sure that those that fill-in for us are capable of doing the job. The best way to set these firefighters up to succeed is to provide them with the training, support, and encouragement they… Continue

Added by Kristofer DeMauro on March 11, 2008 at 11:58am — No Comments

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