Added by Brotherhood Instructors, LLC on November 30, 2008 at 3:00pm —
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I have not been on here lately,I have had the flu for almost and week,now.
I guess the flu shot did not work to well.
I hope to be back on when i get to feeling better.
Stay safe ,and may God Bless all you fire fighters.
Added by Brenda Tenney on November 29, 2008 at 2:28pm —
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Brothers and Sisters,
Recently, a video of a VES operation in Indianapolis surfaced on several web-sites including this one. The responses on this site were, for the most part, thoughtful and informative. However, on others, not so much. This is not an indictment of those sites, one in fact is a very good site providing a great deal of useful training information. In any case, the level of criticism leveled at the participants was, in my opinion, over the top prompting a response…
Added by Art Zern on November 26, 2008 at 9:30pm —
Retired Fire Chief, Carl "Bud" Gray of the Arcanum Fire Department passed away early Tuesday morning. He was 80 years old. Bud served the village for over 40 years as a firefighter with many of those as chief. He was one old dog who could be taught new tricks. He called me one day and wanted to know if I would be interested in becoming the training officer for the department. He explained that he wasn't very happy with the way things were going. So, began a long relationship for me with the…
Added by Robert Rhoades on November 26, 2008 at 8:30am —
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>I wrote this about the Chief late at night, a few hours after I found out he had passed. It has been three days since then and this is the first time I have let this out.
21 November 2008
Today is the first time in my young career as a fireman that I have had to deal with losing one of our own. It was not to fire, an apparatus accident or a heart attack on the job. It was not one of these but it is no less heart breaking. It is no less devastating, personally or…
Added by Keenan Mulvaney on November 23, 2008 at 10:30pm —
November 22, 2008
Dear Fire Service Colleague;
I am presently researching command simulation training and command training centers.
I am a Fire Captain with the San Jose, California Fire Department.
I am also a student at the National Fire Academy (NFA) in Emmitsburg, Maryland. The NFA is part of the United States Fire Administration, which is under the Department of Homeland Security.
I am enrolled in the Executive Fire Officer Program,…
Added by A. J. Cabral on November 22, 2008 at 8:54am —
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I am sitting alone at last. The firehouse is quiet and I can hear the pipes playing in my head. My Chief has fallen. While we ran from tone out to tone out, he slowly let go. As his boys ran the beat, he went to sleep. I miss him, you know. For some silly reason he used to call me "Watash". I think I'll write that on the back of my helmet. He believed in me.
He was our bull dog, our champion. He loved his men. We loved him. You couldn't help it.…
Added by Ben Fleagle on November 21, 2008 at 3:30am —
Ever had to make the choice between ropes, etc. and utilizing a readily available on site crane or lift platform?
Added by Sam Williams on November 20, 2008 at 4:40pm —
1 Comment
In the wake of this sad week for firefighters, I can't help but feel bewildered by the attitudes of some firefighters.
Two of our brothers and sisters died this week while completing routine training exercises.
While there is no evidence or even speculation that the recent deaths of FDNY-Probie Jamel Spears, 33 and Volunteer-Cecilia Turnbough, 42, for Dale City Fire-VA were in poor physical shape or that a lack of fitness in some way contributed to their death (nor am I implying…
Added by Katy Luetke on November 13, 2008 at 3:00pm —
We have about 6 young men ,that is in training .(Explorers)) One issue that requires particular attention is what the Fire and Emergency Service Explorer will be allowed to do at the emergency scene.Many departments allow Explorers to respond on the apparatus with trained personnel.A solid policy must be established as to what the Explorer may not do once he or she arrives on the scene.
Explorers may not be substituted for trained personnel
''''''''must be equipped with personal…
Added by Brenda Tenney on November 11, 2008 at 10:30pm —
I just went to and scene where two car accidents was involved .Two deer run out in the road,the car entered the other lane.,and hit on coming car..I want to know what would you do,if deer run in front of your car or truck.
Would you go into on coming traffic,or what?
Their was 3 PI's ,this time,the people was lucky they was not going to fast,on and major hwy.
In our area,deer cross the roads any time of day or night...
Added by Brenda Tenney on November 10, 2008 at 9:02pm —
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Chad Berg, my good friend, wants a story. I have recently read Chief Halton's latest editorial, much on my mind. I take pen in hand,..or keyboard and this is what comes out. Please read it all, the major point is in the end.

So, Brothers, there we were....Hey, I'm not gonna lie to ya, it wasn't the coldest night in Alaska, we've seen much worse. But lend your ear (or eyes) and I'll tell you a tale of frozen fingers, ears and eyelids,…
Added by Ben Fleagle on November 7, 2008 at 3:12pm —