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April 2009 Blog Posts (10)

Check out Indiana Safe Fire Service Initiative page on Facebook!!

Check out Indiana Safe Fire Service Initiative page on Facebook!!

Added by Stacy White on April 29, 2009 at 11:01pm — No Comments


What a great FDIC! Hats off to Bobby Halton and Diane Feldman, and all of the Fire Engineering team for pulling off another great show. We were pleased to have the George D. Post, Instructor of the Year Award on the main stage again! Dan Madryzkowski from NIST took this year's award. What a great guy! You can watch the award on the video coverage for FDIC on Fire

This week's edition of the VOICE features Tom Harrington from the DHS Grant Office. Tom oversees the… Continue

Added by Eddie Buchanan on April 28, 2009 at 7:42pm — No Comments

Take risk or write it off. Part 2.

Back in January, I wrote a blog post asking the question, “Can we establish a common understanding of risk? Or.. should we write it off?” Because my tongue was planted firmly in my cheek when I posed the question, I don’t want the point to be missed. I believe our duty to ourselves and our beloved fire service cannot be separated from our duty to the citizens we are sworn to and are obligated to protect. What is good for us is good for them. My question is, are we seeing this trend to "let it… Continue

Added by Art Zern on April 27, 2009 at 8:30pm — 18 Comments

What about 2009 FDIC - Best show ever

Bobby, Dianne, Jane and staff:

What a great production. Wonderful training events and support for the instructors and participants.
Class A production. Thank you

John Murphy

Added by John K. Murphy on April 26, 2009 at 4:17pm — 1 Comment

Floor Collapse Prop - Mayday Training

I've drawn up some plans for the floor collapse prop our training division used. See the uploaded file. Let me know if you have any questions. PS- We plan on submitting an article to Fire Engineering which we will get into the entire drill in deeper detail. I hope to have photos of this prop uploaded tomorrow or at least by the end of the week. Floor Collapse Prop Detail.pdf

Added by Steven D. "Smitty" Smith on April 22, 2009 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

All Bark!

We all know fire fighters who talk a lot of talk, but fall short on the walk. They throw around the latest fire service buzz words and training topics, but are opportunistic in their implementation. This month's FE cartoon tackles this topic and poses the question "Are You All Bark?".

In my view, if you are going to preach wearing your apparatus seat-belt, then you should be the first to buckle-up. If you're going to squawk at others… Continue

Added by Paul Combs on April 14, 2009 at 3:30pm — 1 Comment

Be the Change Agent and Stay Positive

I was talking to some old friends that I had worked with when I had originally got hired as a career firefighter. We were discussing the “good old days” and having a good laugh. We all have moved on to different departments and districts since then, but we all agreed that those were some the best times of our careers. The pay and benefits weren’t great, we had our share of issues with the city, but we were a tight group and we had a blast on duty.

Most of us have moved on to bigger… Continue

Added by Jason Hoevelmann on April 10, 2009 at 10:43pm — 1 Comment

"Braithre Thar Gach Ni" Brotherhood Above All

I was asked to speak on Brotherhood at a local department's awards dinner. This is my pre-speech draft:

When I was young, I remember visiting the firehouse my Uncle worked in. The house in Pikesville Maryland, across the street from the Old Confederate Soldiers Home, housed Engine 2. It was a place of massive red trucks, squeezed together between brick walls and dark lighting, and tall men. I was too young to really understand what was going on around me, but there was a sense… Continue

Added by Ben Fleagle on April 4, 2009 at 9:00am — 3 Comments

More about the Master Exercise Practioner Program (MEP)

Previously I posted a comment from Emmitsburg about the Master Exercise Program and I thought that I'd update that by explaining the program. The MEP certification means that a candidate has successfully completed three weeks of instruction on the development, control and evaluation of exercises. The Master Exercise Practitioner Program (MEPP) eligibility includes local, Tribal, State, Territorial, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and other Federal agency emergency management/emergency…


Added by Robert Rhoades on April 1, 2009 at 7:44pm — No Comments

We could use help

Oh yes,we have gear,some new ,some old gear. We have the man power to do the job.We work with the county.

One thing we need is and better Fire department,add ons. We need and rest room,meeting room.bunker rooms and etc.

We go out there ,we do our job,some paid departments,,in the city.But the smaller towns.oh yes,we are volunteer.Just as good as and paid department,we go though what all fire fighters go though.

Most citizens exspects us to do everything for free. Yes!!! we need… Continue

Added by Brenda Tenney on April 1, 2009 at 3:22pm — No Comments

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