This illustration is in response to the many letters and emails I've received from followers of my commentary. They state that texting and responding in department vehicles or POVs is becoming very commonplace - and has resulted in a few accidents, as well. To be honest, I'm guilty of doing it myself on occasion. Not while responding, but driving to the station or…
Added by Paul Combs on September 26, 2012 at 8:23am — No Comments
In our classes we spend a lot of time showing firefighters how to stay out of and how to get out of bad situations. Our fire service is seeing an increase in firefighters who are falling through floors into basements or sub-levels. This is large part due to the engineered flooring systems that do not perform well in fire conditions.
Fires are growing more intense much…
ContinueAdded by Jason Hoevelmann on September 25, 2012 at 10:43am — 3 Comments
Here we sit in 2012 and there is still a need to address. discuss or simply admonish the lack of turnout gear on incidents. We are still seeing chiefs or incident commanders of some sort running into buildings and homes or walking about a mvc with the sole protection of their hand held radios. Then we see firefighters jumping off the rigs wearing a leather helmet and tennis shoes or a ball cap and turnout pants. It makes for a fine commercial for that particular brand of shoes or hat, but…
ContinueAdded by Andy Marsh on September 23, 2012 at 10:53pm — 2 Comments
The Chatham Fire Department is in the process of expanding its membership. In order to do so focus needs to be made on what drives member to join and to continue to perform the tasks that are given to them. The purpose of this project is to determine how to keep current members motivated and to provide direction for new members.
To accomplish this, descriptive research was conducted to answer the following questions.
1. How did members become involved in the fire…
Added by Travis Wood on September 23, 2012 at 9:04pm — No Comments
If you've ever had someone vent windows without coordinating their efforts with your hose team, then you'll empathize with these two firefighters. Whimsical look at a very dangerous situation.
Added by Paul Combs on September 23, 2012 at 6:30pm — No Comments
Cuando somos novatos estamos pendientes de lo que nuestros superiores o gente más antigua en el departamento nos diga. En la academia sólo nos indican lo que hay que hacer por teoría y básicamente una que otra práctica controlada. Pero al pasar el tiempo llegamos a tal punto que hacemos nuestro trabajo casi mecánicamente y con tal confianza que ya ni lo pensamos. Ese es un peligro latente en nuestro trabajo como bombero, ya que descuidamos cosas básicas como al levantar una escalera…
ContinueAdded by Philips Chan on September 21, 2012 at 10:27am — No Comments
R.I.C. Rapid Intervention Crew en sus siglas en Ingles, es un grupo de intervención rápida, grupo de bomberos que nos ayudarán bajo ciertas situaciones mas alla de lo normal y las que nos pude pasar y estar envueltos, a estas situaciones las llamamos "Mayday" usando el radio.
Como ayudamos a R.I.C., tan simple como poniendo en funcionamiento L.U.N.A.R. cinco letras que nos salvarán la vida y que harán mas fácil la labor al R.I.C.
Al entrar en…
ContinueAdded by Philips Chan on September 21, 2012 at 10:18am — No Comments
As you may or may not know, the great people here at Fire Engineering Online have allowed me to be a Featured Blogger. All my FE post will now be in that section. Thank you to all those who have supported, read and followed me on this amazing journey. So many new friends have been made because of this online forum and I look foward to making many more. So from now on please stay up to date with this link:…
ContinueAdded by Christopher Huston on September 20, 2012 at 10:24am — No Comments
Last weekend several of us competed in the Revolution 3 Cedar Point triathlon that tested varying degrees of endurance. Does this type of endurance translate into endurance on the fireground? You bet it does. Leading up to the triathlon, we trained together and pushed each other to new limits. Read previous posts leading up to the latest triathlon …
ContinueAdded by Paul Hasenmeier on September 15, 2012 at 9:11pm — No Comments
Alcanzar la inmortalidad
Ser Bombero es extremadamente increíble no hay nada comparado con salvar una vida, salvar una propiedad, rescatar a un ser viviente, hasta que descubres que ser instructor de bomberos te hace alcanzar la inmortalidad.
De joven quería ser inmortal y conseguí la formula y de la mejor manera, siendo parte de la profesión mas bella e interesante del mundo, ser Instructor de bomberos, se preguntaran por qué? Porque cuando le enseñas a alguien técnicas de…
ContinueAdded by Philips Chan on September 12, 2012 at 6:30pm — No Comments
Today is a solemn day. Eleven years ago this country was attacked by terrorists and changed us forever. That day is remembered not only for the horrific events of the attacks, but also for the heroes of that day. We lost 343 of the bravest our profession has known and some of the most influential fire service leaders and instructors we have seen.
Today will be filled with ceremonies, Facebook posts, blog post like this one, speeches and news coverage of events remembering this day all…
ContinueAdded by Jason Hoevelmann on September 11, 2012 at 1:36pm — 1 Comment
By Chris Mc Loone, Associate Editor, Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equipment
I understandably get a little reflective whenever September 11 comes around. There’s the usual reflecting on where I was when I first heard the news about the first plane striking the first tower and where I was when the second plane hit. This morning though, I decided to…
ContinueAdded by Fire Apparatus & Emergency Equip on September 11, 2012 at 10:18am — No Comments
On this eleventh rememberance of the events of September 11, 2001 The Terry Fund would like to say thank you to al those who have made such a positive change from the horror of that day. Thank you to Chief Halton and the great folks at FireEngineering who make training is more important than ever. Thank you to Paul Combs who has been able to take the feelings and heart of every firefighter and family member and put those to paper for all the world to see. Thank you to the thousands of…
ContinueAdded by TERRY FARRELL FIREFIGHTERS FUND on September 11, 2012 at 7:07am — No Comments
Thought I'd share my September 11th, 2001, related artwork that has been created over the past ten years.
I Will Remember!…
Added by Paul Combs on September 10, 2012 at 8:30pm — 1 Comment
Just because it's entertainment or funny to you, doesn't mean it has a place in the firehouse. Use a little discretion and self-control, please!
Added by Paul Combs on September 7, 2012 at 3:02pm — 1 Comment
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