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July 2010 Blog Posts (10)

Is making a mistake a crime

Chief Halton, I was made to smile as I could feel the anger generating from your thoughts thru your pc keyboard. It is a sad fact that so very, very few of today's politicians from the local level to state and federal levels have zero to little knowledge of how the actual agencies they are elected to oversee, function and/or operate. Equally sad are "appointed" heads of such agencies, specifically police, fire, and public safety, who have no prior experience in the specific agency they are… Continue

Added by Jon D Marsh on July 30, 2010 at 11:14pm — 5 Comments

Blame it on Adrenaline!

Paul Comb's illustration reminds me of the actions one might witness in so many of the nations firefighters ...when the alarm sounds the old adrenaline rush kicks in, and unfortunately it sometimes erases all memory of the hundreds of hours we've invested in training to be safe; suddenly our driving skills are comparable to to those of Earnhardt or Foyt while our knee crams our foot to the floorboard while it is on top of the gas pedal. Adrenaline turns due regard into first due, regardless… Continue

Added by Jon D Marsh on July 28, 2010 at 10:06am — 1 Comment


'Nuff said!!!

To see more of my work or to purchase prints, visit:

Added by Paul Combs on July 27, 2010 at 10:30am — 10 Comments


Sorry, forgot to post this month's magazine commentary. Thanks for the gentle nudge by Chief Murphy:)

Not sure what else to say about this piece other than it's a "sign of the times". The fear of litigation may be pushing many Dept policies, but I'm not sure what choice the policy makers have. Lawsuits,… Continue

Added by Paul Combs on July 24, 2010 at 11:17am — 4 Comments

Use Incident Critiques To Learn All You Can

The title of this article may sound pretty basic, but there are too many times in which critiques narrow down to a couple of events or even a single action during an incident. The result is a misguided but well-intentioned lesson that doesn’t focus on the overall incident.

This has occurred on more than one occasion during my career with the MFD. One particular incident occurred in December 2008.

We had a structure fire which resulted in a Mayday with two firefighters… Continue

Added by Christopher Drake on July 24, 2010 at 9:36am — No Comments


Hello all. I am new to the Fire Engineering community and am looking forward to sharing information which will not only help us stay safer, but maybe even put a smile on our face.

As a 24-year veteran of the fire service, I have had the opportunity to work as both a volunteer and career firefighter. In the US Coast Guard, I practiced maritime firefighting as well. No matter where I've worked, lessons are there for the taking. As a career firefighter, I've never forgotten where I came… Continue

Added by Christopher Drake on July 23, 2010 at 3:34pm — No Comments

FDA Seizes Cyanide Antidote Kits (CAK) - NOT Cyanokit

The following are links to the FDA press releases distributed yesterday by the Federal Drug Administration regarding seizure of the Cyanide Antidote Kits (CAK) from Keystone Pharmaceuticals. Do not confuse the CAK with Cyanokit and/or Hydroxocobalamin.

According to the FDA, the Cyanide Antidote Kits (CAK):

1.have not proven safe or effective for their intended use;

2.the kits are also misbranded because their labeling does not contain adequate directions… Continue

Added by Shawn Longerich on July 23, 2010 at 12:35pm — No Comments


Hey, Gang: If you're in the NW Ohio area, please come join us for the 4th annual Blazin' Race 5k (July 31st, Bryan, Ohio) - an event sponsored by firefighters, for firefighter wellness. All proceeds go to the Bryan Fire Department (my Department) to purchase fitness equipment and programs to help keep us ready to serve our community. It's also a great way to promote wellness and positive relations with the general public. If you'd like more… Continue

Added by Paul Combs on July 21, 2010 at 9:30pm — No Comments


I'm pissed - and have been for months about this topic. I can't begin to tell you how much I hate the divisive and contentious career v. volunteer crap!! I see this play out too many times as it tares good, well trained, dedicated departments to shreds. I'm tired of volunteers whining about their lack of respect, tired… Continue

Added by Paul Combs on July 14, 2010 at 8:30am — 17 Comments

4th of July

Chief Halton,

Always enjoy your insight and opinions, and speaking of insight, how about that John Adams ? Did he pin the tail on the donkey or what !!! Fantastic history lesson Chief ! Now many of the nations younger firefighters may not be aware of the fact that several of those signing the declaration of Independence went on to become volunteer firefighters as well. Each American or person living in America, would do well to study or review how America came about. Then take a few… Continue

Added by Jon D Marsh on July 2, 2010 at 8:12am — No Comments

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