Mass Decontamination
Mass Decontamination is an important part of today’s functions of the emergency responder. This is due to the fact that live patients can’t wait for Technical Decon to arrive. There are four types of decon, emergency decon, mass, decon, technical decon, and hospital decon. . When we look at the Differences in Emergency Decon and Mass Decon there are almost the same except mass decontamination is for more people. In decontamination our focus is on wetting the…
Added by Todd McKee on July 31, 2009 at 9:35pm —
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For two days now,we had to put out fires from the land field,trash dump.I notice that the workers there does not wear and mask ,i would think they would because of the gasses that come from and land field.
What do you think,the city should tell the workers at the land field how dangeous the gasses could cause them health problems.
Added by Brenda Tenney on July 31, 2009 at 9:12pm —
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Many years ago, one of my favorite newspaper columnists was a gentleman named Phil Musick. Occassionally, he would write an article titled the same way as I did mine today. I enjoyed most of those articles. Here's a version of mine.
Somethings I think I think.......
You may know this already, but, there is no respect for anyone or anything anymore.
Life is too short. Believe what they say and value everyday as if it was your last.
As we get older, our…
Added by Andy Marsh on July 26, 2009 at 2:00am —
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This is an interview conducted with Lt. Dan McMaster (Alexandria, VA Fire/ IAFF Local 2141) back before Andy Fredericks Training Days. It ran in our Local 947 newsletter and at our website ( ). We had several guys from our Department attend and was an awesome event. Obviously, it is a little dated but it's well worth posting here. Hope everyone enjoys...
Lt. Andy Fredericks was a 20 year veteran of the FDNY when he responded to the terrorist attacks on the World… Continue
Added by Dave Coker on July 20, 2009 at 6:57pm —
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I have been reading books on historical figures and great leaders. I find these people fascinating and intriguing. Many of these individuals have been studied on their leadership style and characteristics in great detail. However, the parallels to these great politicians, executives, generals and peace keepers is that they were aware of their surroundings and those around them. They all understood there was a greater cause.
In the fire service, the same can be said about our great leaders.…
Added by Jason Hoevelmann on July 17, 2009 at 8:32pm —
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When is it time to pull out? The old adage of 20 minutes was considered to be the norm. This is really for two reasons. The building construction for that day did not consider light weight trusses, no gang plates, no I-beam floor joists; one bottle lasts about that long. There were many reasons for the “rule of thumb”. In today’s buildings we can not operate by rules of thumb. Think about it this way…dispatched to a SFD at 2300 arrive to find light smoke showing at 2305 and place your crew into…
Added by Rob Gaylor on July 10, 2009 at 3:03pm —
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Hello to all...
I hope that this finds everyone well. I hope that with the holiday season upon us that everyone takes a little time to stop and give thanks for what we all have; regardless of religious beliefs. I recently had an amazing experience. I am sure that I am no different than any other father out there that watches his young children grow up and finally ...FINALLY graduate and move into adult hood. Now the experience that I am talking about is not the typical…
Added by Rob Gaylor on July 10, 2009 at 3:01pm —
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Becoming and officer envelops many tasks and in reality for what real benefit we often wonder. Getting the bars or bugles on your collar gives you the right to tell people what to do … and remember you get that extra $20.00 a day. The reality of it is this…the one thing that you must become a master at is motivation. How do you get someone to do something? Often times we feel that it is just easier and some times faster to just do it our selves. Remember you…
Added by Rob Gaylor on July 10, 2009 at 2:59pm —
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I have been a part of the Training Division for three years and I've learned first hand about the uphill battle trainers face when it comes to accomplishing the training that matters. We as trainers must never get discouraged, and must always think of the firefighters that we train because they are why we chose training. So when it gets tough think of the firefighters and the public we serve.
Added by Antonio Almodovar on July 9, 2009 at 5:53pm —
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At a recent full scale exercise I was the fire controller and an old acquaintenance of my was the evaluator. This was an IED type exercise at a school football game. Initial response was from the Twp. PD who did an excellent job of taping off the area and controlling the scene. The fire department arrived on the scene with a command vehicle, turned on the big green light and never stepped foot in it again. It was hard to watch an incident like this because the safety of responders was in…
Added by Robert Rhoades on July 7, 2009 at 2:57pm —