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July 2016 Blog Posts (33)

Hump Day SOS In Command and Out of Control

In Command and Out of Control

By David Rhodes 

Published Friday, July 1, 2016 | From…


Added by David Rhodes on July 13, 2016 at 10:30am — No Comments

Embrace the dialogue

PokemonGo is a cultural phenomenon. In a matter of a week, it has made headlines, both good and bad globally. It has also gotten people of all ages walking around their communities, looking for game goals.

Last weekend, I was out with my 15 year-old daughter and asked her if our firehouse had any part in the game. She was unaware at the time, so we drove by. It is a Pokemon Gym, where players can come and work on skills. Foot traffic in our borough has visibly increased recently with…


Added by Larry Browne on July 13, 2016 at 9:24am — No Comments

Civilian Victim Removal

When training on search, victim removal often gets very little attention.  Victims are most often found in one of two places:  a path of egress or in a bedroom. Logically, if the victim were 5-10 feet inside the front door, we would simply drag him/her out quickly.  But if the victim is found in a bedroom behind a closed door we must be careful not to do additional harm to this victim.  We say it often on our classes, “If you crawl through a smoky, hot hallway and open up a bedroom door and…


Added by Grant Schwalbe on July 13, 2016 at 6:30am — No Comments

Can’t We All Just Get Along? Conflict Resolution in the Fire House


Cant We All Just Get Along? Conflict Resolution in the Fire House

Joseph Kitchen, Bath Twp. Fire Department (Lima, Ohio)


            Some call it drama. Many…


Added by Joseph Kitchen on July 12, 2016 at 12:30pm — 2 Comments

INFORMATION SUPERPOWER - July Magazine Editorial Cartoon

There's no real power to having knowledge that you refuse to share with others. Regardless of your reasons, you are not smarter or empowered by what you know when it's kept in your self-centered locked mind of superior denial. Knowledge only works when you use what you know to lift others, so they can in turn lift others, and so on...

If you know it,…


Added by Paul Combs on July 12, 2016 at 11:00am — No Comments

What to do when the public takes the time to thank us

In the wake of the Dallas tragedy, public safety is once again in the spotlight, as it was after 9/11. After 9/11, if you identified as a member of the public safety community, strangers on the street would give thanks, baked goods were donated to stations, and there was a renewed interest in our safety and well being. Once that atmosphere faded, I heard many in public safety ask "Where's the love? Everyone's forgotten us again."

The thanks and baked goods are back. What can we do in…


Added by Larry Browne on July 11, 2016 at 12:59pm — No Comments

Get Out There

The Sunday Preach:

Chapter 8: 'Get out there'

While everyone loves what is 'inside' the firehouse: the kitchen, rigs, tools, gym etc... we must get out into our first due and ensure that we continue to provide the level of protection that our citizens require and deserve. 

The only constant in life is that of change. 

Change in our personal lives, families & careers our communities, the world continues to change around us. It is…


Added by Douglas Mitchell, Jr. on July 11, 2016 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Journal Entry 42-“It’s All About Love”

Happy summer everyone. I had breakfast with two close fire service friends yesterday morning (Jim Murtagh-NY, Jack Murphy-NJ) and on the way home I was giving thought to my next blog. Lucky for me, I opened my email this morning and my good buddy Rob Beattie from New Jersey who had visited with us in the past wrote something that I thought was spot on. He loves the job as I do and lots of you. Rob makes a point of telling us how and why and even offers a few tips on how to get others to…


Added by RON KANTERMAN on July 11, 2016 at 9:15am — No Comments

Loved or Feared?

There’s a movie that I love called “A Bronx Tale” and in the movie there’s a question.. “is it better to be loved or feared?”

There’s an old study that there are only three types of Leadership; Democratic, Dictative and Autocratic. In my experience there are many more than just those three. I have been blessed to work with some of the best and worst leaders one…


Added by Dave McGlynn on July 8, 2016 at 5:30pm — No Comments


Morning Coffee

“Mama wanted me to be a preacher. I told her coachin’ and preachin’ were a lot alike. Paul “Bear” Bryant. (I would add leadin’ too.)

Every morning as I step outside and enjoy my first cup of fire house coffee at 5 AM, I give thanks for another day and for the good grace that has allowed us all to go home safely to our families. I have done my one and only job…


Added by Warren Cersley on July 6, 2016 at 9:31am — No Comments


Heat related illnesses can lead to countless issues including fatigue, nausea, disorientation, injury, and in extreme situations sudden cardiac events. It's hot out there, brothers and sisters - so remember to hydrate and get that gear off as soon as possible.


Click here to see more of my work or to order prints:…


Added by Paul Combs on July 6, 2016 at 7:59am — No Comments

MFA #32: Changing the Rules - New excuses for old habits

There has been a steady increase in the fire service’s acknowledgment of the validity of the information provided by recent fire dynamics research, with references to the new understanding now appearing in articles, training materials, and after-case reports (not to mention the occasional blog).  Flow paths, smoke as fuel, wind effects, the inability to push fire with straight streams, and the rapid increase in combustion that results from ventilation are all concepts that have been…


Added by Mark J. Cotter on July 5, 2016 at 11:22am — 2 Comments

Company Officer Development

If you ask almost any training officer, chief officer, or even line company officer what one of the biggest training shortfalls in their organization is, somewhere toward the top of the list will often be officer development.  Some of the responsibility for officer development lies with the organization itself, with formalized training and mentoring programs for new or prospective company officers.  But after initial training and orientation into their new position, the…


Added by Brad French on July 4, 2016 at 11:16am — No Comments

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