Chief Rick Lasky (ret.) a 40-year veteran of the fire service, served as chief of the Lewisville (TX) Fire Department for 12 years, prior to that as Fire Chief in Coeur d'Alene Idaho. Most recently, he was interim Chief for the Trophy Club (TX) Fire Department. Rick followed in his father’s footsteps beginning his career as a firefighter in the suburbs on the southwest side of Chicago and while in Illinois received the 1996 International Society of Fire Service Instructors “Innovator of the Year” award for his part in developing the “Saving Our Own” program. Throughout his 30-plus years in the fire service he has served as a career and volunteer firefighter. He served as the co-lead instructor for the H.O.T. Firefighter Survival program at FDIC for over 10 years, is a long-standing editorial advisory board member for Fire Engineering Magazine and also serves on the FDIC advisory board. Rick is the author of the best-selling books “Pride and Ownership-A Firefighter’s Love of the Job” and “Five Alarm Leadership: From the Firehouse to the Fireground” published by PennWell Books and is the co-host for the radio show “The Command Post” heard on Fire Engineering Talk Radio. In 2017, he was the recipient of the Tom Brennan Lifetime Achievement Award.
Hello Chief! It's great to see you on the Community site. I can't find the dang friend link on your page to add you to my list. Looking forward to seeing you at FDIC.
Hey Brother Lasky thank you for the honor of being included as one of your friends in this exciting and new forum our friend Bobby has created...look forward to seeing you soon
Good morning Chief Lasky, things are great here in NJ, Being an Lt has really opened my eyes to the other side if the fire service, the admin part sure is different. Hope all is well in your world, I will miss you in Indy this year but hope to see you again soon.
Howzit brother! things have gotten very good since our little chat on the apron of the firehouse . . . I got a groove on now, and family life, while different, is doing very well.
Thanks for calling Tony (Deerfield Chief), he said you two had a nice talk. He is your kind of guy, he has taken back that FD for the men and women who serve in it and given them back their pride . . . good stuff. Call me when you are in town for the Boca meeting, I'll take you to dinner. Take care brother.
Chief...cant wait till Indy-promise I'll laugh at all your jokes again this year! Im already very excited, I will be getting in Sunday night and will be staying the whole week this year, maybe we can grab a Starbucks and chat a bit if you get a chance! Be Safe!
Chief Lasky, your keynote at FDIC speaking of Pride and Ownership is when I first saw you speak, it moved me a lot because when I first moved to a new department in Southern Indiana, I just didn't have the same feeling as I did back at my home department in Northern Indiana. I specifically requested that your book be added to our public library's collection, of which they did -- and it was just as good. Keep up the great work in everything that you do, and please keep preaching the word.
Chief Lasky, My Captain gave me your book "Pride and Ownership" to read and is one of the best books I have ever read. I can't wait to hear you speak and meet you later on this year when you come to my dept. Stay safe.
I have read Pride and Ownership and watched the video. I was wanting to know what other books or videos you would recommend to a fairly new Lt.
Stay Safe,
Jim Mayfield
Hey Chief- I know you get a lot but I am the one that wrote the brother hood article do not know if you remeber or not.... I really am a HAzMat Nerd but one day that article just hit me
Hey Chief, thanks for writing that awesome book "Pride and Ownership", I received it for Christmas and read it through in a couple of days. We've been down some bumpy roads here in St Louis over the past 8 years, but the book really helped me re-focus and reignite my passion for this "job"! God bless and stay safe!!
Chief I Love the whole Pride and Ownership I have the book and the movie. But the best of all is when you do the Fire Engineering Radio.I have it running now. I am not one that can set and read a book for hours. Thank you Brother TR Hagerty
Thanks for all that you do for the Fire Service! I hear your going to be in my neck of the woods in September, can't wait. I'll see you @ FDIC.
Brother....Joe F. sent me the link...I didn't know anything about it.... I will hunt you down at FDIC....will you be at a booth or roaming? Glenn and I will be over on Friday.
I really enjoyed your "up-close and personal" presentation in Pittsburgh last spring. We felt we that we got so much out of the opportunity to have what was essentially a one-on-one chat with you due to the low turnout. Their loss was our gain.
I'd appreciate your feedback on my "Fire Service Funeral Practices" blog here. I know it's a subject that we both hold near and dear to our hearts.
Just wanted to say thank you for your stop in Washington Twp NJ. You have done it again 90% of the members who attend the class that week end are still firered up. Our company Chief has come up with some ideas that stem from you. Also being your driver during your stay with us was an honor, the day my son was with us you sparked something in him he is now talking about a career as a firefighter and has started to put applcations all over. Again thank you Chuck
Chief, Fantastic classes at FDIC this year. I was in both Five Alarm Leadership and Pride and Ownership. What an inspiration they were. My hand still hurts from all the note taking. Thank you so much for all that you do in the fire service. God Bless You. Never forgetting means NEVER FORGETTING.
I just finished your podcast with our friend Tom. great job as usual. Couldn't agree more with the content and spirit. We just had EE out for some special officer training which was great as you can imagine. Thank you for highlighting and honoring some great friends and mentors. We are indeed lucky to have them sill active in the Illinois fire service. When will you be back in the area?
Eric Schlett
Mar 6, 2008
Joel Hewitt
Mar 6, 2008
Bob Shovald
Your training this weekend has sparked some good conversation around the coffee table . Keep up the good work!
Mar 6, 2008
Anthony Avillo
a customized page
how fancy
what's up bro
hope all is well
c u in indy
be safe
Mar 6, 2008
Chris Mc Loone
Thanks. Great to hear from you. Currently waiting for little Mc Loone #3 to make an appearance...hopefully sooner than later!
Tried to add you as a friend but your page doesn't have an "add" button that I can find.
Talk to you soon. Have a great time in Indy!
Mar 8, 2008
John A. Van Doren
Mar 10, 2008
John Lewis
Mar 10, 2008
Mike Walker
Mar 11, 2008
Ric Jorge
Howzit brother! things have gotten very good since our little chat on the apron of the firehouse . . . I got a groove on now, and family life, while different, is doing very well.
Thanks for calling Tony (Deerfield Chief), he said you two had a nice talk. He is your kind of guy, he has taken back that FD for the men and women who serve in it and given them back their pride . . . good stuff. Call me when you are in town for the Boca meeting, I'll take you to dinner. Take care brother.
Mar 12, 2008
bill noonan
Mar 12, 2008
bill noonan
Mar 12, 2008
Joel Thacker
Mar 12, 2008
Marion F. Blackwell, Jr.
Mar 12, 2008
Stacy White
Mar 12, 2008
Debora R. Lewis
Mar 13, 2008
Ted Corporandy
Great to see you here. I hope I can keep up with all of this and still run Firenuugets!
Be safe!
Mar 13, 2008
Craig Shelley
Mar 13, 2008
Joel Thacker
Mar 14, 2008
Joseph Alvarez
Mar 14, 2008
Justin Anderson
Mar 14, 2008
Kurtis J. Cummings
Thank you.
Mar 15, 2008
Erik Kallauner
Mar 15, 2008
Stacy White
Mar 15, 2008
Jim Mayfield
I have read Pride and Ownership and watched the video. I was wanting to know what other books or videos you would recommend to a fairly new Lt.
Stay Safe,
Jim Mayfield
Mar 17, 2008
Jim Mayfield
Thanks for getting back with me. I appreciate your help.
Stay Safe,
Jim Mayfield
Mar 17, 2008
Kristofer DeMauro
Using your book as a point of origin we have ignited quite a change in our organization. Keep up the good work.
Mar 17, 2008
Todd McKee
Mar 17, 2008
Nick Morgan
Mar 19, 2008
TR Hagerty
Mar 21, 2008
Joe Florentino
Joe Flo
Mar 21, 2008
Kristofer DeMauro
Started the group on fire department staffing. Would love comment from a Chief Officer.
Mar 23, 2008
TR Hagerty
Mar 24, 2008
Francie Halcomb
Mar 24, 2008
Dave Anderson
Thanks for all that you do for the Fire Service! I hear your going to be in my neck of the woods in September, can't wait. I'll see you @ FDIC.
Mar 26, 2008
Shawn Russell
Mar 26, 2008
Julie Simmons
And we'll have it on MP3 players at FDIC!
Mar 28, 2008
David B. Fulmer
Mar 29, 2008
Tiger Schmittendorf
I really enjoyed your "up-close and personal" presentation in Pittsburgh last spring. We felt we that we got so much out of the opportunity to have what was essentially a one-on-one chat with you due to the low turnout. Their loss was our gain.
I'd appreciate your feedback on my "Fire Service Funeral Practices" blog here. I know it's a subject that we both hold near and dear to our hearts.
Stay safe. Train often.
Apr 5, 2008
Todd McKee
Thanks Todd
Apr 6, 2008
Chuck Smith
Just wanted to say thank you for your stop in Washington Twp NJ. You have done it again 90% of the members who attend the class that week end are still firered up. Our company Chief has come up with some ideas that stem from you. Also being your driver during your stay with us was an honor, the day my son was with us you sparked something in him he is now talking about a career as a firefighter and has started to put applcations all over. Again thank you Chuck
Apr 10, 2008
Rob Gaylor
Just wanted to say great class at FDIC on Monday. You and Chief Salka make a great team.
Apr 10, 2008
Eric Bunkofske
Eric Bunkofske
North Aurora Fire
North Aurora IL
Apr 12, 2008
Art Zern
I just finished your podcast with our friend Tom. great job as usual. Couldn't agree more with the content and spirit. We just had EE out for some special officer training which was great as you can imagine. Thank you for highlighting and honoring some great friends and mentors. We are indeed lucky to have them sill active in the Illinois fire service. When will you be back in the area?
Apr 13, 2008