Rob Gaylor

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Division Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
New recruits
Professional Qualifications:
Member of Indiana Department of Homeland Security District Training Committee
Topics you provide training for:
anything I can get my hands on.
Areas of expertise:
not found it yet
Division Chief of Training and Safety is responsible for developing, administering, and evaluating the training of the Department as well as the Safety of fire ground operations. It is the responsibility of the Training Division to ensure that the members of our organization meet the entire mandated criterion set forth by local, state, and federal guidelines. Rob Gaylor has been in the Fire and EMS service for 14 years and part of the Westfield Fire Department since 2004. Rob also sits on the Indiana Department of Homelands Security District 5 Training Council as a Representative for Hamilton County. Rob was also a member of IDHS District 4 Council for 5 years and has taught course as an Adjunct for Ivy Tech State College. Rob has many state and federal certifications ranging from Hazardous Materials Technician, Investigator, Technical Rescue Technician Certifications, as well as Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation (T-T-T). Rob is currently working on his degree.
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  • Forest Reeder

    Thanks Rob, keep up the hard work, I'm real glad you have had these successes. Thanks for sitting in with us, make sure you keep making a difference everyday.
  • Brian Kazmierzak

    Thanks Brother! Let me know if I can be oh help!
  • Todd McKee

    Welcome to the world's greatest training site. This is where the serious trainers come to train & learn from each other. Please allow me to invite you to the group called "HAZMAT PLACARDS TO SUCCESS". This group is for the firefighter, the EMA officer, and the HazMat Technician. I would love to hear what you have to say. This is a great time to join the group as our main focus is currently the first stages of the HazMat Incident.

    Your friend,
    Todd McKee