bill noonan

, Male

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Weymouth MA
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
NEW APPARATUS, TRAINING --and YOUNGER FIREFIGHTERS as the department's age is creeping upward
Professional Qualifications:
Arson Photographer for over 30 years, author of 4 photo books on firefighters and firefighting, numerous photos have been published in various publications and books over the years, photos have been used in many Training exercises and other ventures
Areas of expertise:
Fire Photography along with photos used to document fire scenes, fire apparatus photography and photographing the firefighters at work

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  • Dave Gallagher

    Bill, I am so sorry for your loss. I know you have much going on and perhaps I'll see you Wednesday. I'll be coming with the Worcester Brothers.
    Stay Safe,
  • Susan O'Brien

    Hi Bill-
    I watched your presentation at the SSCC last night. I'm the editor of the club newsletter. I wondered if you wouldn't mind sending me two photos to use in our newsletter for this month. I wrote a short article on you and the presentation and the two images would just add to this. I can send you the article if want to read it first. Let me know...thank you. Susan O'Brien
  • Susan O'Brien

    Hi Bill-
    I forgot to send you my email address to send the images to (if you want to). It is
    Thank you.
    Susan O'Brien