Level II instructor
Arson Investigator
BS-- Fire Service -- New Jersey City University
Topics you provide training for:
Fireground strategies
Areas of expertise:
Strategy & tactics
Anthony Avillo, a 24 year veteran, is a Deputy Chief in North Hudson Regional (NJ) Fire & Rescue, assigned as Regional Tour Commander of the 1st Platoon. Chief Avillo has a B.S. in Fire Science from New Jersey City University and is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Educational Technology. He is an instructor at the Bergen County (NJ) and Monmouth County (NJ) Fire Academies. Avillo, an FDIC instructor, is also an editorial advisor and contributing editor to Fire Engineering Magazine. He is the author of Fireground Strategies (Pennwell 2002) and Fireground Strategies Workbook (Pennwell 2003). The 2nd Edition of Fireground Strategies is now out. Fireground Strategies Workbook Vol. 2 should be out before the end of the year. Also co-authored the Safety and Survival chapter in the new Fire Engineering Firefighter's Handbook (with Frank Ricci and Jay Woron) and is co-auther of the Fire Engineering Firefighter handbook Student Study Guide (with Jimmy Kirsch) .
Chief, Congrats on your Instructor of the Year award. It has been an honor to learn from you at Monmouth County and NJCU! Hoping to see you at graduation this year.
Sincere crongratulations on your instructor of the year award. Your efforts and enthusiasm have extended across the globe to make us all better at what we do.
Elliot Belote
Chief, Congrats on your Instructor of the Year award. It has been an honor to learn from you at Monmouth County and NJCU! Hoping to see you at graduation this year.
Apr 29, 2012
Lt.Richard Sartorio M.D.
Chief Anthony!
From Paraguay, South America, Congrats on your Instructor of the Year award!!!!!!!
May 5, 2012
Michael Dombroski
Hi Anthony
Sincere crongratulations on your instructor of the year award. Your efforts and enthusiasm have extended across the globe to make us all better at what we do.
May 9, 2012