Marion F. Blackwell, Jr.


Spartanburg, SC

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
516 Camrose Court, Inman SC 29349
Spartanburg Fire Department
Fire Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Adequate Staffing
Professional Qualifications:
AA in Criminal Justice (Spartanburg Methodist College), BPS in Fire Administration and Fire Prevention (Double Major) (University of Memphis), MS in Executive Fire Service Leadership (Grand Canton University), Executive Fire Officer (National Fire Academy), Chief Fire Officer (Center for Public Safety Excellence), Member Institute of Fire Engineers (MIFireE)
Topics you provide training for:
ISO - Fire Service Rating Schedule made Easy, I instruct at Colorado State University in areas of fire science and management.
Chief Blackwell began his fire service career as a volunteer in 1979 with the Chesnee Volunteer Fire Department. During his time with Chesnee Fire Department, he was appointed to each level of rank to include Fire Chief in 1991, which he held until 1996. While he was a volunteer with Chesnee, Chief Blackwell worked from 1984 to 1991 as a paramedic with the Spartanburg Emergency Medical Services. He obtained the position of Administrative Senior Paramedic. In 1991, Chief Blackwell changed careers from a Paramedic to a police officer with the City of Chesnee. This career change allowed Chief Blackwell to continue his secondary education with a concentration in fire service related course work. Chief Blackwell worked his way up the ranks until he was appointed Police Chief in 1995. In 1996 Chief Blackwell began his compensated fire service career when he accepted an appointment as Fire Chief with the Athol Fire Protection District in Athol, ID. While at Athol Fire Protection District, Chief Blackwell was instrumental in the consolidation efforts between the Athol and Bayview Fire Protection Districts, which subsequently became Timberlake Fire Protection District. In 2001, Chief Blackwell accepted an Assistant Chief position with the Pantex Fire Department in Amarillo, Texas. Pantex is the only Department of Energy, Nuclear Weapons Facility that assembles, disassembles, and maintenances nuclear weapons. Chief Blackwell was granted a top secret security clearance due to his need to access classified information and take emergency custody of a nuclear weapon. Chief Blackwell decided to return to beautiful North Idaho when a position became available at Northern Lakes Fire Protection District in 2004, a combination fire department. Chief Blackwell served Northern Lakes Fire Protection District from 2004 to 2007. In 2007, Chief Blackwell was appointed Fire Chief of the Stillwater Fire Department in Stillwater, OK. Stillwater Fire Department is a career department of 74 personnel. Chief Blackwell accepted the Fire Chief position with the City of Spartanburg in 2011. Spartanburg is an Accreditated career department of 77 personnel.
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  • John Salka

    Glad you enjoyed the program and I appreciate the hospitality I received from your folks. Talk to you soon,
  • Fire Engineering

    Chief, you got it.
  • Rick Lasky

    Thanks brother!! I appreciate your friendship buddy!

    Be safe,
