John Salka

Monroe, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
25 Woodard Rd. Monroe, NY 10950
Battalion Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
FF survival
Topics you provide training for:
Fire Tactics & Procedures for- House fires, commercial buildings, high rise, multi-building operations, top floor fires.
RIT Operations for both large and small departments
FF Survival- Get Out Alive, Bail-Out Systems, Staying out of Trouble.
Leadership- numerous programs
Technical Programs on - Power Saw ops, Forcible Entry
Search Rope Operations
Areas of expertise:
Firefighter Survival
John Salka is a 28 year veteran with the FDNY and a battalion Chief in the Bronx. He has instructed in numerous capacities at the FDNY Training Academy and is a nationally recognized instructor and lecturer. He is the author of "First In, Last Out - Leadership Lessons From the New York Fire Department" and has written for Fire Engineering.
Web site:

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  • Rick Fritz

    The new Basics book looks great!
  • Mark Quill

    Just wanted to comment and thank you for an excellent presentation at the NYSPFFA Health and Safety conference earlier this month.
  • Jeff A. Carlson

    Hi John, heard you speak last spring in Alexandria, MN. last year, anyway I have a question that a firefighter brought to me and I kind of drew a blank. The question was how many diffrent uses are there for the spanner belt? Thanks for your help.