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Common Sense Firefighting


Common Sense Firefighting

A group dedicated to Decision Making and Leadership on the Fire Ground

Members: 182
Latest Activity: Aug 10, 2016

Thanks to all for the kind words during the family issues, Let's get back to it.

Discussion Forum

Fire Ground Communications 16 Replies

Started by Jim Mason. Last reply by Eric Michael Ziegelhofer Apr 5, 2014.

Pre arrival assignments 16 Replies

Started by Brandon Krause. Last reply by Scott Thompson Jan 26, 2012.

Search Rope SOG/SOPs

Started by Matt Erdman Feb 8, 2011.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Jim Mason on January 29, 2009 at 7:36am
Yeah 7 gallons. ieghs a bit and That is without the senior FF's putting a brick or two in the bottom for the new guys before they carry it into the fire building
Comment by Jim Mason on January 28, 2009 at 7:07pm
Perspective is reality! Funny how it works, isn;t it
Comment by Scott Kleinschmidt on January 28, 2009 at 4:38pm
We don't have anything formal other than we began taking guys through "can" fires in the burn tower. This is something we try and do with every H.O.T truck class we do here. We will build a good size "contents" pallets/hay fire and have guys put it out with attack lines. Then we will have them go back in and put it out the next time with the can. Like Chris said " I think everyone would be amazed just how much fire a 2 1/2 gallon can will put out when used properly" is no lie! Then a funny thing happens guys who use to never bring it will always have it with them on the "check" calls.
Comment by Jim Mason on January 28, 2009 at 4:15pm
Our hand pump carries 7 gallons of water. It knocks down alot of fire
Comment by Chris Piepenburg on January 28, 2009 at 2:26pm

If you have a burn building available set-up a pan with 4-5 pallets, fire it up and then have the firemen come in and see how much damage they can actually do with a can. I think everyone would be amazed just how much fire a 2 1/2 gallon can will put out when used properly.
Comment by Jim Mason on January 28, 2009 at 1:34pm
We have a hand pump (extinguisher ) that is acutally hand pumped to push the water. It's not pressurized with air. It can be refilled in a bath tub of the fire apartment. This is huge for us , in that , we can use it, refill, use it again. When we investigate for fire that is not showing upon arrival we bring it in. We can use it or go get a line.
When we refill in the bath tub, someone will pull down the shower curtain and step it into the drain, then turn on both faucets to start filling the tub. The hand pump EXTinguishers will then be dipped into the filling tub and brought back to the fire to keep it in check if and until the hose line gets inside for final extiguishment. It really not a drill for us but a common sense way of investgiating for a non-showing fire until the hose line is brought inside.
Comment by Todd Trudeau on January 27, 2009 at 4:49pm
I'd be interested in anything you come up with. Information is power!
Comment by Jim Mason on January 26, 2009 at 9:12pm
"the can" as in reference to a hand can (or extinguisher ) you mean?
Comment by Todd Trudeau on January 22, 2009 at 4:05pm
Your jake is in our hearts and prayers. May his family stay strong. God Bless!
Comment by Matt Erdman on January 22, 2009 at 3:48pm
Dave, thank you for your post. We'll keep keep him in our prayers.

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