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Does your County Fire Academy offer all of the required training your Department needs, (IE: FFI, Fire Officer 1, ISO, ICS100, 200, 300, 400, etc.) or must you go out of County or find other Academies?

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Hey Steve,

The Fire Academy here in Monmouth County covers all aspects of fire service training on site as well as coming to your Fire department. Upon requeast they will taylor a course to your specific needs. All courses are "FREE" and it is in the process of being expanded. The instructors cover the required course curiculum very well. The FF1 program is very indepth and puts it all together at the end with a live fire response with all phases covered. Chief Avillo from NHRFR teaches the Fire Officers course and I here nothing but great things about the class and I personally have implemented his initial report and progress report documentation as our company first due IC SOG. The above statement is completly unbiased and I would recommend the Academy to anyone. The surounding academies all have a fee. On my page and in photos page I posted the "putting it all together "from the MCFA FF1 program. My company Prides itself in supporting the Academy with EMS coverage and apparatus to give back what they have given to us ! They also have a great JR firefighter program the second Wednesday of each month. Taxpayer money WELL SPENT !!

STAY SAFE !! Dennis

I am glad to hear this; we do not have that luxury. Our county offers FF1 and FF2; sometimes they might offer a ICS class but not often. We can go to other counties but there is a fee and our Department won't cover it due to funding issues.

I am a member of the Lincroft fire company, one of the 10 stations of the Middletown Twp. Fire Dept.
We are fortunate in that the Middletown Fire Academy offers all of the afore mentioned courses as well as others.In addition we can choose to attend these or one of the many other courses offered at the Monmouth County Fire Academy. When you consider the opportunities available to us between both academies, there really is no excuse not to take a course or two each year.



The Burlington County Emergency Services Training Center offers all of the classes you mentioned about as well as some others. As well as the mentioned classes they also offer General, SCBA/Smokehouse and Live Burn saftey, the MCTO series, Building Construction, Engine & Truck Company Operations, RIT, Leadership, EMT, Propane Emer, Pipeline emerg, Confined Space, Hazmat, High Angle, Vehicle Extrication, Pump Ops, and some other variouse small one or two day classes. In addtion to the classes help here my depatment has a private company come to our station rescue techniques such as vehicle extrication, basic ropes, basic water, and some awareness classes. Our board of fire commis has a limit on the number of classes we can take in a year however it is very rarely enforced. They do however make you pay for a few classes but these are the classes in which you could go to they go out and get a job doing I.E. fire inspector.
I belong to two departments, one in my town, Matawan NJ, and one for my company, Union NJ.
The Monmouth County Fire Academy (for my town) has all of the necessary courses to become FF 1 certified, as well as, continuous education courses (FF2, Pump Ops, Truck Ops, Rescue Ops, Officer Training).
The Union County Fire Academy is a smaller academy that also has a Flashover Simulator that the Monmouth Academy does not have.

Don't be the next One, Be Safe!
I'm in Essex County and we don't have a academy. My department uses Morris County Fire Academy for most of these classes. We did have a newer member go to Bergen for FF1 due to scheduling conflicts with his personal schedule.
Morris County Website:
Currently, no. The courses have been shared through the individual departments in the county. However, this year Union County has formed a county Training Officer's Committee and a new curriculum is underway that will include all of the basic core training, intermediate and advance; then the specialized training.


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