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 So what can i say , outstanding day of Classes at NYS Chiefs, was able sit and listen to some excellent people speck, I got to meet the Chief of Chiefs also Ret.Chief Brunicini, he came into Chief Salkas Talk today on The Fireground Commander , let me tell i was blown away to sit next to the gentleman. Chief Salka sparked a fire inside of me thou and i took what he  talked about today and applied it , Now mind you i am traveling back and forth from the Chiefs Show and Tonight end up getting a Structure call and what he talked to us about worked , COMMUNICATION , it works .


Let's see what Thursday brings , by listening to Chief Lasky and sneaking into Bobby Haltons classes [ who would figure two guys i really want to listen to scheduled at the same time, and of Course Chief Goldfeder, Firday the big roundtalbe with all these guys and Saturday , i understand That Mike Dugan will be speaking , talking about the House that Rocks .


NYS Chiefs did a great job this year.

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Wish I could have taken the week off from work and went, I would have loved to have heard the talk from all of those guys.  Maybe one day I will be able to plan for the week off and go, but for now, Im stuck in the 9-5er routine!! lol

Have fun and enjoy the show chief, take back lots of knowledge learned and share it with us here, I know I would appreciate it.

Day 2 , Met Bobby Halton and shake his hand, took Chief lasky's class and was blown away great job , so many ideas to work on after his class, all i can say it was honor to met these guys , thanks


Friday , time to take in the Show and see what new toys they are pushing , 2 items to look at Rehab Items and Gear

Next year they need to get Art Goodrich and Bill Greenwood  up here , these guys up here  would love to hear them

Mike France said:

Day 2 , Met Bobby Halton and shake his hand, took Chief lasky's class and was blown away great job , so many ideas to work on after his class, all i can say it was honor to met these guys , thanks


Friday , time to take in the Show and see what new toys they are pushing , 2 items to look at Rehab Items and Gear

Have to say what makes this even better , is that while being at State Chiefs , the Crew of South Schenectady in a 2 day period ran 4 calls [ 2 of which were Structure calls] and perform and did the job , while i was away and did a great job, i got several calls saying this.

I guess we are getting our "Pride and Ownership'' back .

Well Day 3 is over , was a little late to the early classes today, but made the Round table for awhile, hats off to NYSAFC for a Job well done. came away from this with a lot of ideas , now the hard part to convince the aging members of the Board that change is needed , It's 2011 , not 1960 .

On the bright side , we purchased a new Rig there, and yes i bought a Pink t Shirt to wear to show my support for Cancer Awareness , I even bough for every FF a Cancer awareness Sticker to put on their helmets [ of course out of my pocket]..



I would be honored to be part of the line-up.  Thanks for the vote of confidence! 


Bill Greenwood (FETC)

"Tap the Box"

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