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Look-out folks, the 9/11 predators are out in force!!! They are selling everything from "commemorative" ball caps to stickers, patches, posters, helmets, t-shirts, t-shirts, t-shirts, and t-shirts! Some say they're selling these items for a charitable donation (and that's fine) - but please check their true intentions before buying. Verify the charity, if you can. I see these folks as parasites feeding off the misery of others for a simple profit and have pulled no punches on my opinion. This cartoon pretty much sums up my thoughts on these people... repulsive!

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Comment by Paul Combs on July 26, 2011 at 12:03pm


Chief Thomas: I am so sorry to hear about your son!! Words are never enough...

I will pass along your recommendation to support the September 11 Anniversary Fund.

Comment by Nick Morgan on July 26, 2011 at 11:11am

Oh and BTW, I'm with Jason on supporting the September 11th Anniversary fund.  They are the "real deal"!


God bless you all!

Comment by Nick Morgan on July 26, 2011 at 11:02am
Seems like there's always a "snake" or "snake-oil salesman" looking to profit on the misery of others. Using prudence when buying from or supporting any organization that claims to be a 9-11-01 memorial charity is a wise and necessary reminder. Those that pull these kinds of scams must have NO conscience!!
Stay safe everyone!!
Comment by Thomas P. Cullen, Jr. on July 25, 2011 at 3:12pm

I join in Jason Hoevelmann's recomendation of the September 11 Anniversary Fund. I met one of the Chief's involved at the 2010 FDIC. I bought my coin and have it with me always. My son , Thomas P. Cullen, III from Squad 41, is one of the 343. Chief knew Tom and we talked about him, the job and the fund. I helped man the booth and can say it is an organization to support. 

I want to thank Paul Combs for not only this cartoon but all of the ones he has done in the past. Keep up the good work on behalf of the brothers and sisters. 

Comment by Jason Hoevelmann on July 23, 2011 at 4:47pm

Hey, check out this link for a credible source for a charitable cause.

I got mine and have it proudly displayed.  Stay safe everyone.


Comment by Paul Combs on July 18, 2011 at 8:10pm
Chief: Me and my Dept fell into the same trap immediately after 9/11, too. We purchased prints of the "flag" raising, and took part in a music CD fund raiser that later turned out to be a fraud (not sure how that settled). I can't remember the exact amount, but it was a substantial amount of money. We wanted to help make a difference from 650 miles away - and was naive enough to think all offers were legit. Ten years later, and hopefully wiser, we should know better and turn away from these opportunists. But obviously someone is buying this crap because there's a market - it's repulsive, at best!!!
Comment by Art "Chief Reason" Goodrich on July 18, 2011 at 7:48pm

If 100 percent of the money taken from selling "commemorative" items isn't going to a 501C3 charity, then the motive is obvious.

It is disgraceful, despicable, disrespectful and disingenuous.

In the few days after 9/11, we wanted FDNY stuff to show our support.

We can observe the 10th anniversary without going on a QVC shopping spree.

You nailed it again, Paul.

Comment by Paul Combs on July 18, 2011 at 8:59am
Thanks, Chief!! And yes, there's a very special place in Hell for these folks - they should have to feel the pain and sorrow of every grieving mother, father, wife, child and fire Brother/Sister of the people they're trying to profit from!
Comment by John K. Murphy on July 18, 2011 at 8:53am
Anywhere there is $$$$ to be made. I remember being at the pile about 3 months after and the "T" shirt guys were on the street selling FDNY gear then the greatest insult of all was some A**H*** tried to trademark the FDNY logo. There is a special place in hell for these dudes. Great illustration

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