Fire Engineering Training Community

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Paul Hasenmeier's Blog (25)

Light Box Instructions - Where's The Training

Last night I was sent the picture below.  Let me first say that this particular light is not on a fire apparatus.  We had a little bit of discussion about the labeling on Facebook and figured the topic was worth sharing.  Here’s what the label says if you can’t read it in the picture:  #1 Push black release on bottom  #2 Pull upward on flashlight.  Check out the picture and think for a moment about training.  Then scroll down for a few more thoughts.  …


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on November 27, 2012 at 3:05pm — No Comments

Triathlon Wrap-Up / FF Endurance

Last weekend several of us competed in the Revolution 3 Cedar Point triathlon that tested varying degrees of endurance.  Does this type of endurance translate into endurance on the fireground?  You bet it does.  Leading up to the triathlon, we trained together and pushed each other to new limits.  Read previous posts leading up to the latest triathlon …


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on September 15, 2012 at 9:11pm — No Comments

School Bus Roof Lift

When you see this post’s title you may wonder, when would I need to do that.  The scenario is a rare one, however, what if a school bus crash causes significant crumpling of the roof effectively trapping the driver and students that are towards the front of the bus.  Here’s an option for school bus roof removal involving a coordinated effort with firefighters and a heavy wrecker.

Involving heavy wreckers at our extrication scenes involves prior training for the coordination to work…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on June 19, 2012 at 8:23am — No Comments

Meat Grinder Rescue

A few weeks ago Andrew Brassard started a discussion via email about meat grinder rescue.  Below are some pictures and a couple points to ponder on this type of extraction from Brass.  Be sure to check out the Brotherhood Instructors LLC Man-In-Machine Operations class and find more training materials here.



Added by Paul Hasenmeier on June 14, 2012 at 8:14pm — No Comments

Full Bucket Swing Extrication

Here’s a not so routine extrication to think about as you cruise by your local public park.  How are you going to get a child out of a full bucket swing who has become stuck.

The scenario is: a child’s legs are to big for the openings, but gravity squeezed…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on April 9, 2012 at 8:03am — No Comments

How School Buses Are Made

The video below shows parts of Blue Bird Corporations manufacturing process.  It will help you get an idea of where the strongest parts of the bus are located.  Of course different manufacturers have varying methods.

It is important to know the construction of school buses, so we can attack them in the weakest areas first.  Ultimately they are built like tanks to protect the passengers, which places the challenge on us as firefighters to gain access quickly and extricate rapidly.  …


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on April 2, 2012 at 8:38pm — No Comments

Auger Extrication Prop

All the pieces came together for this auger extrication prop.  I originally saw the idea on Brotherhood Instructors page, check it out here.

Firefighter Josh Goetz (Carroll Township FD) was instrumental in locating an old auger from a combine.  Firefighter Kevin Killgor, also from Carroll Township FD lined up a shop for us to fabricate the prop. JD Vasbinder suggested adding an electric box to simulate…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on March 29, 2012 at 3:05pm — 2 Comments

Window Cut-Down - Company Drill

The picture to the left is from a fire the other night in a two story 1,500 square feet residential joint.  It had a gable roof and the second floor was made into one room with knee walls on both B and D walls.  The window seen here was to the first floor bathroom.…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on March 22, 2012 at 1:29pm — No Comments

Tanker Fill Procedure - Company Drill

To start the evolution, the apparatus moves 200 feet to location B.  The tanker is filled from a fill site engine.  When the water tank is full to overflow, the fill line(s) are disconnected (ensure all firefighters are seat belted in prior to moving apparatus), and the tanker moves 200 feet and stops (document your total time for later use with ISO).  Read…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on March 6, 2012 at 9:26pm — 1 Comment

Tanker Discharge Procedures - Company Drill

Here’s another moving water drill.  If you missed the portable pond set-up drill, click here.  Move the water as you would in a water shuttle operation.  (Record and document times for later use with ISO).…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on March 1, 2012 at 10:41pm — No Comments

Portable Pond Set-Up - Company Drill

Over the next few weeks several water shuttle related company drill topics will be added.  In Ohio the terminology is tanker, however, it is synonymous with other regions tender terminology.   Many of these skill set times are evaluated when ISO comes to visit you, but more importantly the training will improve your operations.  *Keep track of your times and the evolution description for later use with ISO.…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on February 26, 2012 at 1:08pm — No Comments

Fire Behavior - Company Drill

The following is a post with several insights and references on fire behavior, especially today’s fire behavior.  It’s not about guts or glory, but a priceless discussion on what the fire is doing in the buildings we are entering.

David Walsh (Program Chair for the Dutchess Community College Fire Science program) summarizes a short article below that appeared in the 2011 2nd issue of …


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on February 13, 2012 at 2:31pm — No Comments

RIT Locating a Mayday FF - Company Drill

This post is from Lt Jason Deptula (Vermilion Twp. FD).

I’m sure we all practice RIT procedures in some fashion, here’s a twist to keep your crews focused on their situational awareness.  Send your attack team through an…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on February 11, 2012 at 8:34pm — No Comments

High Anchor Point with 2:1 for Window Rescue - Company Drill

This is a firefighter or victim rescue company drill that intimidates some, but once you break it down and train, it can be done quickly with just a few firefighters.  The scenario simulates a heavy victim inside the window where rescuers cannot lift the victim out the window.  The high-anchor point with a modified 2:1 provides extra lifting power.

The set-up can be done quickly with one firefighter if needed.  You will need an extension ladder, a life safety rope (100′ will do), and…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on January 30, 2012 at 3:06pm — No Comments

FD vs. Aircraft Carrier Operational Similarities - Company Drill

This training idea was sent from David Walsh, Chair of the Fire Science Program at Dutchess Community College in NY.

In this video about an aircraft carrier, note the many parallels between…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on January 17, 2012 at 10:58am — No Comments

Gasoline Tanker Training

This drill idea is from Phil Burden in SC.

If your out or on your way back from a run and see a gasoline tanker making a delivery at a filling station, stop and ask the driver if he has any time to review some of the parts of the tanker.  Read on.

Pass it on!

Added by Paul Hasenmeier on January 6, 2012 at 1:50pm — No Comments

Heavy Vehicle Lifting Plans - A, B, C ...

What’s your plan for a collision pinning a victim between the hood of a car and the rear-end of a heavy vehicle?  Is this an unlikely scenario?  Whether you are in a small town or big city, commercial vehicles are stopping and going through your jurisdiction daily.  See my previous post on cribbing for heavy vehicles to get an idea of the weights.

It is imperative for us to…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on December 17, 2011 at 11:10pm — No Comments

Electrical Hazard Recognition - Fireground & MVC's

We had the opportunity to gain some valuable knowledge from our local electric utility company at a recent training.  They provided answers to questions with professional and expert recommendations.  First, I’ll review some terminology through pictures.  Second, I’ll list a series of questions that were asked of the utility company personnel and their answers.  Lastly, I’ll review several…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on December 8, 2011 at 5:02pm — No Comments

Cribbing For Heavy Vehicle Lifting

Here is a basic review of wood cribbing capacities and then some thoughts on how to increase your crews critical thinking before the heavy rescue lifting call.

Are you prepared to lift a heavy vehicle off of an entrapped victim?  Do you have the knowledge, equipment, and cribbing to make the rescue fast and safe?  Fast is a relative term in this case.  Technical rescues are not often fast, but we should strive for expeditious rescue with coordinated and competent techniques.…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on December 5, 2011 at 3:55pm — No Comments

Umbrellas and Sprinklers

The pictures below were sent to me by PTFD Lt. Bronner while on a road trip.  

After you get done chuckling at the photos below consider the following:

  • Are your walk-throughs, inspections, and preplans catching building or content alterations that could potentially place you or the occupants at a disadvantage during a fire?
  •  Would the umbrella material melt away and not interfere with sprinkler coverage?…


Added by Paul Hasenmeier on December 3, 2011 at 10:48pm — No Comments

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