Art Zern

65, Male

Sycamore, Illinois

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Sycamore, Illinois
Des Plaines and Sycamore Fire Departments (Retired)
Deputy Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
AAS Fire Science
BS Fire Service Management
MS Management and Organizational Behavior
Fire Officer II
Instructor II
Illinois MABAS Operations Committee Co-Chair
Illinois Incident Management Team (Chicago Metro Operations Section Chief)
Field Staff Instructor: Illinois Fire Service Institute
Field Staff Instructor: Illinois Fire Chiefs Association
Instructor: Southwest United Fire Districts
Topics you provide training for:
Tactics and Strategies
Incident Commander Bootcamp
Company Officer Bootcamp
Officer Development
Firefighter Academy
Firefighter III Academy
Management and Leadership
Vehicle/Machinery Ops. and Tech.

Comment Wall:

  • Danny Sheridan

    Thanks Art, I tried calling you a few times, let's stay in touch. Were you at Indy this year?
  • Rick Lasky

    Hi Art,

    Thanks for your kind words. They are incredible people and I love them dearly. They have done so much fo me and my family!!

    I'll be in Northbrook with Fire Engineering teaching on July 20th.

    Be safe pal and take care.

  • Danny Sheridan

    We are field testing a new 2 1/2 inch hose. It is much lighter. With all that is going on these days with fire loads and wind, we feel that the 2 1/2 is the answer with the 1 1/8 smooth bore. I have a video of the hose fold, let me see if I can up load it to the site.
  • Danny Sheridan

    I don't think so, but I will call my buddy tomorrow and try to find out. I am at work now and am exhausted, played a double header today.
  • Mike Walker

    Those pictures on your page are awesome.
  • Art Zern

    Thanks Mike, a little old and a little new.

  • Anthony Avillo

    hi art
    welcome to the page
    some great pics
    stay safe out there
  • Anthony Avillo

    there's no business like truck business
    truckies make the best chiefs
  • Drew Smith

    I got your e-mail and I'll call you soon.
  • Paul Combs

    Thanks, Chief!
  • Eric Hankins


    Thanks for your comment. I aggree, Mac and EE are too solid Brothers. I have had the honor and priviledge to see them speak twice back east. Motivational Speakers doesn't even begin to describe what they do. I look forward to actually "meeting you in the future. Are you going to FDIC or The FOOLS convention next year? If so, I'll see ya there.

    Be safe Brother,

  • Brandon Roark

    Art, next time you decide to don your hoosier shoes give me a yell. I am a fireman in South Bend, not to far from middlebury at all. I am always down for a good brew/cup o'java/lunch/etc... I am also up in your area pretty often, my in-laws live in geneva.
  • Jim Mason

    You guys have hi rises right? How are you on that stuff?
  • Joe McClelland

    Thanks Art. That means a lot. I look forward to the posts in this thread.

    Hane a great holiday.
  • Christopher Naum, SFPE

    Hey Chief, thanks for the add...
    Stay in touch
  • Rich Collins

    Hey Art,
    Thanks for the invite. Florida is great, and it is a new position. Having fun but still miss my friends from IL. Thanks for setting up the FSI group as it helps me stay in touch with my friends back home. Take care, and stay safe, Rich
  • Todd Trudeau

    I was referring to "Jerry McGuire"... you had me at hello. LOL. Roseville is NE suburb of Detroit. If you're familiar with the area, 13 mile rd and Gratiot area
  • Rob Cannon

    Chief, thanks for the kind words and understanding on my situtation. I look forward to many great discussions and learning from you int he future!
  • Dave Gallagher

    HI Art! I think we've met... I am/was an adjunct field inst. for the U of I. Did a couple of Fire Colleges and worked for Buck in TIC and Chief Brady in 1st Arriving C.O. Things are good and I would love to get back out to Champaign some time.
    Take care and be safe
  • Dave Gallagher

    Also, great logo there. May I have permission to copy that?
  • Rick Decorie

    I served on Danville. Got my start up in Blue Island.
  • Michael Bricault (ret)

    Art, I just added a blog, Residential Search; Complacency and Priorities that you can find on my page. Give it a look if you have some time. Take care and stay safe.
  • Cheryl Horvath

    Maybe Wisconsin has it right - state law that you cannot fire a fire chief. Unfortunately that can work for or against the cause.
    Leadership is the answer to so many problems we face, this one included, but unfortunately the term as gone by the wayside due to overuse. I wish I had the answer Art but please know I feel your pain and have for many years, including my years as union president. We have 4-person companies here but every once in awhle someone will pipe up with the idea of reducing staffing to 3 and putting more trucks on the street as the answer to some of our response issues. I always tell them my stories of working in Urbana on 3-person companies, sometimes 2 if the city did not want to overextend overtime funds due to end of the year fiscal "crisis." You cannot be effective with a 3-person force even removing firefighting from the mix. Imagine a MVA response on the expressway with so many safety issues to consider and control. Yes, we are running more EMS and less fire, so frame the discussion in terms of EMS response if that is what gets the point across. We still need 4, period.
    Okay, now you have me ranting and I need to get back to work. Be safe everyone and stay the course.
  • Mike Walker

    YOu have some great pics. there is one black and white of what could be a recruit class Pic 47 ; That wouldn't happen to be your recruit class would it? :)
  • Mike Walker

    If we can't laugh, what do we have?
  • Brotherhood Instructors, LLC

    Hello Chief, Thanks for the add. Hope all is well out your way.
  • Brotherhood Instructors, LLC

    Thanks, we'll be looking forward to meeting them. We had a great time in Morris in November and I hope all of the firefighters who took the class did too. Talk to you soon.

  • Jared Bertsche

    Chief, Thanks for the add. I am currently a Stoker trying to gain more experience from working classes and hopefully become an instructor in the future. I look forward to meeting you either at FSI or at an upcoming FOOLS meeting. Talk to you soon.
  • Dave McGrail


    Thank you...

    Keep up the good work.

    Dave Mc.
  • Michael Bricault (ret)

    Art I am in awe of your courage!! Your actions demonstrate your honesty to the issue and your commitment to your department and your community.
    There may be moments of doubt in your heart; this will pass my Brother. Your courage rings true. I am happy that someone finally had the backbone to stand up and say what we have all known for so long.
    And there is a bonus for you; In the end you may be the happier man for it, ridding the rigs again.
    KTF my friend.
  • Michael Bricault (ret)

    Stick to your guns. In the end all we have is our principles. Screw management if they can't stand to hear the truth spoken in the open light of day.
  • Chris Piepenburg


    Way to make a stand for what is right!! There are so many folks out there that think that the sky is falling when so many of us know the truth. I admire your courage to stand up to those who are making the rash decisions that affect us all. It is people like you, Jeff, Mike and Chris that truly understand what the brotherhood is all about! Keep your head up and keep charging forward. Like the other have said if you need anything just holler, I will be out in Chicago next week.

  • Joe Heim


    Way to go! It seems that too many people fail to realize the consquences of cutting personnel. I commend you for standing up for what you believe in and good luck and stay safe!!!

  • Kurt Callisen

    Art, from all the guys in Niles, thank you for standing up for what is right. The demotion is bullchit I hope it all works out.
  • Brotherhood Instructors, LLC


    We commend you on taking a stand for what is right. I am sure you have the infinite respect of the members of your department (more than you already did). Welcome back to the line (like you ever left), and we are proud to say that we know the most qualified and well-respected Lieutenant in the DPFD!

    There are not many chiefs out there with the balls to stand-up to city admin, and now there is one less. Good luck!
  • Kelly Saunders

    Chief, men like you are what makes the brotherhood great.
    Your story brought me to anger at the idiots in goverment & at the same time helped restore my faith that there still are men of character & courage.
    Stay the course
  • Lance Neuses

    Stay strong!
  • Chris Fioretto

    Great jod standing up for what you beleave.
  • Kelly Saunders

    Hey "Chief", I know you are a Lt these days, but in my books you are still a Chief.
    Have a safe & happy holiday, men like you are what makes the Fire Service great.
    Take care..
  • Michael Bricault (ret)

    -Art, I hope all is well. I have not seen you on line of late.
  • Art Zern

    So very proud of my son upon his selection to Marine Corps Platoon Leader Course this Summer.