Dave McGrail

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Denver, Colorado
Denver Fire Department
District Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Topics you provide training for:
High-Rise Firefighting
Standpipe Operations
Engine Company Operations
Truck Comapny Operations
Fireground Strategy & Tactics
Command and Control of Fires and other Emergencies
Areas of expertise:
Student of Firefighting... Working to become an expert...
Dave McGrail is a 26-year veteran of the fire service and a District Chief with the Denver Fire Department (DFD). As a Captain, Dave served as the company commander of DFD Engine Co. 3, and then Rescue Co. 1, two of the DFD’s busiest fire companies. He instructs internationally on a wide range of fire service topics, specializing in high-rise firefighting and standpipe operations. He is the lead instructor for the engine company (standpipe) hands-on training (HOT) at the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC) in Indianapolis, FDIC West, Sacramento and Los Angeles, and FDIC East Atlantic City. He was a keynote speaker on United States high-rise firefighting operations, at the Fire and Emergency Services Asia (FESA) Singapore, 2005. He is a member of the FDIC and FDIC West Educational Advisory Boards and is editorial advisor and contributing editor for Fire Engineering Magazine. He is the author of the new book Firefighting Operations in High-rise and Standpipe Equipped Buildings published by PennWell (Fire Engineering Books and Videos) in 2007. Dave holds two Associate of Applied Science Degrees in Fire Science Technology and two Bachelor of Science Degrees, one in Human Resource Management, and the other in Fire Service Administration.

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  • Lauren Heil

    Hey Dave!

        My name is Lauren, I'm a journalism student at CSU writing a story about the 9/11 stair walk at Red Rocks happening this year. I was hoping to ask you a couple questions about it, and possibly include some of your input in my story?

  • Joe Meyer

    Just finished reading your book,reaaly enjoyed it !
    Also seen your speech by web at FDIC wish I could have seen you in person !
    I' m intrested in your work out program using highrise buildings.
    Do you have a set program ? Do you complete it in turn out gear or gym clothing ? On air or off air .
    What type of excercises do you add with the program ( as in the book. push ups btw floors )
    I Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon !
    Joe Meyer gobucks6@juno.com

  • Tommy Dixon

    Hey Chief,

    I am in the process of trying to make some positive change in my department. I have been doing a lot of research lately on nozzles, hose lines and the myth that a fog pattern will protect you. I feel as though I have a lot of good information to be heard by my department. I am simply just a firefighter with 5 years on the job and just under 2 years at my current department. Were no different in that we have  a lot of people who dont want/like change and think that as long as we keep putting the fires out then we must be doing something right. So why change they say? It is just hard to get people to hear you and actually listen when youre not an officer or have several years of experience. Do you have any advice and/or resources for proving some of the things I am trying to change??? One thing that scares me is that we dont even have an established standard fire flow for residential or high-rise/commercial fires. Any help would be greatly appreciated.