Brotherhood Instructors, LLC

18, Male

Washingtonville, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Morris, IL, Washingtonville, NY & Fergus, Ontario
Brotherhood Instructors, LLC.
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:

Visit Fire Engineering Training Network
Topics you provide training for:
All of our classes are listed at this link:

Brotherhood Instructors, LLC was officially incorporated in 2006. As our mission statement testifies, we specialize in the basic fundamentals of firefighting. While we believe that hazardous materials, terrorism, emergency medical and the various rescue disciplines are essential parts of the Fire Service, we also think that the basic fundamentals of firefighting have been overlooked in recent years. We are here to help turn that trend in the other direction.

Brotherhood Instructors, LLC teaches each class with the everyday firefighter and/or fire officer in mind. While the company is relatively new, the instructors have been teaching in various areas of the country for several
years. Every instructor, in addition to their current department are experienced
in rural, small-town and suburban fire departments. Our instructors know and
understand the feeling of arriving at a building fire with as little as one, two
or three members per company. We know this because all of us worked in a
department similar to yours!

Our classes are geared towards

We can service any of your training needs. We will work with you and your
department’s daily schedule to train all of your shifts over several days.
Whether you are looking for a 4 hour “company drill” session, an 8-16 hour
hands-on train-the-trainer for a few members, an in-depth 40 hour combination
course or you are to planning to host a regional 8 hour seminar or hands-on
training day let Brotherhood Instructors LLC assist your training division.

Improving the Fire Service by training those
chosen to replace us

Visit our “Training
” page to view the classes that we offer and how we can teach them.
We can also construct a class to fit your specific training need, email us with
the information and we will do our best to accommodate your needs. Also feel
free to visit our “Online
” area for a few quick drills and discussion on various topics.

Check out our site at: or email us at

Web site:

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  • Art Zern

    Thank you. I have asked a couple of my officers to sign-up for the FE class in Morris in April. You guys do great work...thanks.
  • Doug Leihbacher

    Thanks for the message. It is a very sad time in the YFD. Fortunately, Lt. Murray and Ff. Kanick are out of the hospital and recovering at home.
    Stay safe,

  • Mike France
