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“Pride and Ownership”


“Pride and Ownership”

What are you and your department doing to get your firefighters to take ownership? Grab a cup of coffee and let’s visit! …and don’t forget to check out our Pride and Ownership show on Fire Engineering Radio.

Members: 505
Latest Activity: Dec 16, 2018

Pride and Ownership: A Firefighter's Love of the Job

Tell us…
...what ceremonies you’re conducting to get them fired up.
...what traditions you have in your fire department.
...about the history of your department and your department’s heritage. you expect your new firefighters to treat the job. you expect your company officers to treat their men and women.
...what chief officers can do to boost morale and create that atmosphere of ownership.
...what issues we’re facing in today’s fire service.

Discussion Forum

Pride / Tradition / Morale / Public Relations

Started by John Fischer Jul 2, 2014.

Probationary training, are we getting it right? 8 Replies

Started by Dan Rice. Last reply by Dan Rice Dec 30, 2011.

Chief Lasky is coming to NJ! 1 Reply

Started by Mike Carestio. Last reply by Mike Carestio Jul 6, 2011.

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Comment by John Fischer on August 16, 2010 at 12:02am
Inspiration is what I can thank Chief Lasky for. I've been inspired to keep the traditional flames lit that I've grown up with in the the North East, and believe should be kept lit for as long as I walk this planet, if I have anything to do with it.

I live in Boca Raton Florida, which is one town North of Delray Beach. For the last 23 years of my life, I've been attending the Delray Beach St. Patricks parade which is the largest St. Patricks parade in Florida.

2 years ago, I approached the parade owner / organizer and inquired about possibly making the theme of the parade a "Fire Service" theme, after telling them that the North American fire service has had a long history and tradition of leading parades, especially the St. Patricks Day parade. Well, they responded favorably. The first year we had just over 100 firefighters from South Florida, a few apparatus (Antique and front line) and two ladder trucks that hung a 20' X 30' Old Glory across the parade route ending.

The following year (This year) we had the Dublin Ireland Fire Brigade pipe band come across the pond and march with a North American Fire Service massed band that included Firefighters from as far as California, Canada, Texas, New York, New Hampshire, Ohio, Indianapolis, New York, Arizona and a few others. over a 1,000 uniformed firefighters, honor guards, color guards, certified fire safety clowns, Dalmatians, Antique apparatus, Frontline apparatus, 10 ladder trucks grouped into twos's that hung 5 - 20' X 30' flags across the parade route. (2-US, 1- Ireland, and 2 Fire Service flags), Motorcycles ridden by firefighters with fire helmets, specialty groups, civilian floats, Muscular Dystrophy Association ambassador - 13 year old Trenton Kirchfeld who accepted out invitation as parade grand marshal, and led the parade in his wheel chair, pre-parade gatherings, post parade gatheringings, hotel hospitality rooms, and more.

This parade is now officially a continuous fire service based / themed parade. And it's gone international. Each year a different fire service agency will lead the parade with their honor guard and / or pipe band. This isn't a "Delray Beach Thing' .. This isn't a "Palm Beach County Thing" ... It's a "Fire Service Thing". Come one, come all. And enjoy the "World Fire Service Brotherhood". For information on next years 43rd annual - Delray Beach - International Fire Service - St. Patricks Parade, please visit the information page on Facebook -!/event.php?eid=148791551797666&ref=ts ... And: ... And ... Spread the word. Hope to see you at the parade. Slainte' !!
Comment by Marion F. Blackwell, Jr. on April 30, 2010 at 9:58pm
Pride and Ownership has been a required reading for all my recruits at Stillwater, OK since 2007. It has made a difference in their overall attitudes and desire to train. It allows them see where we come from and why our traditions are so important.
Comment by Jim Lodato on March 30, 2010 at 3:42pm
Ex-chief Jerry Naylis of the Bergenfield FD was able to get me a signed copy of Pride and Ownership and it was a great read. So much so I have read it 3 times. Great Job Chief.
Comment by Jason Tumbleson on January 13, 2010 at 9:19am
Just joining after reading the book and getting turned onto the podcasts. Chief Lasky your book is outstanding.
Comment by Anthony Avillo on December 26, 2009 at 9:13am
Hi Rick
We in NHRFR have been doing the LODD roundtable for a year now and have begun to archive the reports. We do it on a bi-monthly basis (rotating with our Safety Matters bulletin) so each shift (4 shifts) do 1 in each battalion (3 battalions). In total, 72 LODD sessions were done this past year. The feedback is that it is the most worthwhile program the dept. has undertaken. Even some of the most sceptical, disgruntled, d*****bags have embraced it. I know we were on the right path then. Thanks for the idea. Thankis also to J. Scott.
be safe
have a healthy 2010
Comment by David Jones on August 14, 2009 at 1:05pm
We are constantly working to put keep the tradition alive in our fire department. This has been a great reference and thank you for sharing all of your information with us.
Comment by Erick Mohn on August 1, 2009 at 6:43pm
Chief, Thanks again for signing my book. The class today in Raleigh was great and really hits home. Thanks again, Be safe Erick.
Comment by Jordan A. Guilliams on May 14, 2009 at 10:26am
Just joining up. Love the book Rick!
Comment by Steve Koning on May 10, 2009 at 11:10am
I am looking for a little direction. In Dennis Smith's "Report from Engine Company 82" he mentions the term 'first whip'. This got my brain going. I am looking for ways to help some of our guys get fired up a little and cool titles might be a little way to get em going. Anybody know any more of these cool monickers that come from the old days of wooden hydrants?
Comment by Steve West on April 27, 2009 at 4:59pm
Just joined. Love this group, Looking forward to sharing and benefiting from all the brothers ideas and information they have to offer. Great Book .
1 Question where do I purchase a "pulling ceiling" bumper sticker.

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