Fire Engineering Training Community

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This may seem a bit simplistic, but I am always surprised when I ask someone to close their eyes and hand this prop to them. After I hand them the hose I ask which way they would go to get out of a building?

Follow the Male Lugs Out

This is typically with no gloves on and they are just standing or sitting there, so they are not stressed or in a tough situation. But, most get it wrong. Why?

Well, I say it is because of the lack of fundamentals and not enough training on the simple stuff. In this instance it is basics of hose, in my humble opinion anyway.

If you are well versed in hose operations and how the hose is deployed and which end of an attack line is at the truck and which end is inside the building, you should have no problem with this “pop quiz.”

Take the time to learn about your hose. More on hose lays later, but this little drill that can be done anywhere and any time is valuable and a good discussion starter.

By the way, when they tell you which way they would follow, make them tell you “why” so that you know they aren’t just guessing and watch them squirm.

Remember the fundamentals and stay safe.

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Basics, Basics, Basics! Do this as a company drill see what happens!

Be Safe!
Great idea , i would have never thought of this ,
-I like the drill. I do something similar with Mayday procedures by handing a radio to the probie.
-And the answer to the drill is a memory tools we use... smooth bump bump to the pump.
Of course! The "bumps to the pumps" drill. One of the easiest drills to pull off.
Nice idea if you all don't mind i'm going to use this drill for sure on our interior cert guys , it will make me feel a little better knowing they can get out if need be , and the other thing is prop material is already there no money needed , the power to be will like that part
Absolutely use it. Glad we could help. Stay safe and thanks for sharing.

Bill Carlisle said:
Nice idea if you all don't mind i'm going to use this drill for sure on our interior cert guys , it will make me feel a little better knowing they can get out if need be , and the other thing is prop material is already there no money needed , the power to be will like that part
Great idea! We'll start using this immediately. Thanks!
Excellent post Jason. And yes, we all too often focus on the Big Stuff and tend to forget about the Little Stuff. There are so many Little Things we can bring back up to our guys (and gals) like you have done here. We chief officers do tend to get so involved in our administration duties that whether we are directly involved in the training of our people, or just oversee the training process, these Little things can be forgotten from time to time. And this forgetting or failing to teach even the smallest things certainly could cause an injury, or worse. No Chief can do it alone, No Training Officer can do it alone, and No firefighter can do it alone. It must be a Team effort. Remember, there is no I in TEAM. Let's help each other out, our lives depend on it.
Great post Jason, Take care and be safe.
This is a great drill. One thing that can be done to really bring it home to the firefighters participating in the drill is to video it. It is not to make fun of people, but to give a wake up call the importance of the basics. If I watched myself fumbling around following a hose line in the wrong direction or going in circles i would be my own worst critic and make sure I was dialed on this skill.


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