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How many working structural fires do you respond to in a given year? Don't count food-on-the-stoves if it only smokes up a house or apt. Actual fire where a line is pulled. Honest replies only!

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We do about 6 a year in our own town and around one a week mutual aid, although half of these we just stage and get returned once overhaul begins.
in 2007 my company did 1500 runs with 1128 of them workers and 210 of those runs were occupied structural workers(fires)-john
Well, I finally caught a residential job yesterday at work. It was a room & contents of single family dwelling. First due did a great job on the knock down. We were the 2nd Engine, so I had to catch the plug and man the back-up line.
The county I work in Runs aprox 40000 calls a year. Out of those only about 1,500 are true actual working fires. About another 500 would be the food on the stove. The rest are EMS, MVA, FIre alarms, vehicle fires etc.

My station accounts for about 7,000 of those responses and there are 3 shifts. So as an individual I would say I persoanlly take in about 15-20 fires a year.
around 4,000 workers a year.
This year our fire dept,had more vehical fires,and just this past 2 weeks,three 18 wheelers,at different times have ran off the road. Two 18 wheelers head on.More car fires this year.Then in the past..The busiest season is in the winter time.,structure fires...Hopefully this winter ,want be so bad.
I hope everyone ,will be safe,when going to the scene,because we have lost a couple of fire fighters because of speeding to fast to the scene.,that was in their own vehical. I think,i have not keep up with how many structure fires this year,the chief keeps the records.Be safe,be counted for,size up the scene.Brenda
We should count food on the stove that smokes up the house. Those small fires we in the fire service do not count as "workers" but we will call the headache, stomach ache and drunk a medical call. Those calls are not "workers" either like a CHF or Stabbing victim. It is a mistake for us not to give ourselves the credit we deserve when a "small fire" incident that did not require a line goes down in the books as a incident not worthy of noting. A couple of years ago I responded to a reported fire. We found "food on the stove" and quickly extinguished the cabinets with a "Can". We searched the rooms and found an unconscious male overcome by smoke in his sleep. He was out cold. We intubated him, gave IV fluids even dopamine. He survived. This was all due to an incident that we don't call a fire. I think not! I also had a man call my firehouse because he said his insurance co was not going to pay out for damages for his floor heater that cought fire and damaged the hardwood floor surround and partition wall. We used a 2 1/2 gallon extinguisher on that as well. The officer that wrote the report as a appliance fire and smoke evacuation. a part of the structure burned so I had to contact the insurance to explain why it said "appliance fire when his "Structure sustained fire damage".

A length reply but we must not look at fires like the city council members do. Those "small incidents are the successful operations" early 911, fast response and very little fire damage.

Oakland Ca 25 engines, 7 trucks 80,000 annual runs
2nd straight shift with another job. Unfortunately it was a church fire. No injuries. We were first in and things didn't go to well, Capt. was hollering orders for stuff that wasn't right. Example "Pull the 1 3/4" off the back" We don't have 1 3/4" on the back, "Get the 35' ground ladder" . We don't carry a 35' ground ladder---we have a 24'. Captain gets really excitied and goes 100 miles a minute, he suffers from "Tunnelvision". Good thing is we all came home, building is still standing.
I just checked the log. If I did the math right, it is somewhere in the ball park of 30 per year. However, Our circumstances are different. My company runs every alarm for six different districts.
Ok, this isnt an accurate number but our stats show we had over 600 fires last year. I would say half of those were working structure fires. Its not uncommon to get 2-4 fires in a shift, but also its not uncommon to go 2-3 shifts without a fire...this economy, and the failing housing market has added to our torch jobs. Also most of our fires are in vacated properties (but with a significant homless population we treat them all as occupied).
we have 250 firemen, 11 engines, 4 medics, 4 trucks, 1 rescue, 2 battalions, 1 safety, 1 ems on the front line.
Most of our fires are M/A fires, we sit very close to multiple departments areas, we have anywhere from 1 to 5 but with M/A we can count on working around 15 jobs a year or so.
We usually get 10-20 including mutual aid for structure fires.
15-50 including mutual aid for wildland fires.
20-30 vehicle fires not including mutual aid.

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