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What are you doing to maintain your departments Response Integrity to safely respond to fires and other emergencies in the current economic climate of closing fire stations and reducing the numbers of firefighters?

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Being a Volunteer Dept. There has been little effect, short taking one truck out of service till the end of the year, the board keeps close tabs on money being spent. With budget time here there were some changes for next year , but not major cuts as i expected. We are still able to respond as we have in the past short of members being on vacation.
We are a small all volunteer dept , we use automatic mutual aid for all calls fire & ems , from 2-neighboring depts in our town ,since our staffing level is very slim during the work day , evenings and nights we seem to get full crews and depending on the call ,cancel or continue their response .
My experience up to this point has only been with volunteer departments and fire districts and neither one has been effected greatly by the economic slam. Our volunteer department lost $10,000 out of our yearly budget due to unemployment percentage climbing and people just not paying there taxes. At work (the fire district) we haven't noticed any kind of change when it comes to staffing or anything like that, so we have been the lucky few. The volunteer department has had to make minimal cuts to unnecessary expenditures but nothing extreme that is effecting our day to day operations or fire response.

Dan Rice
We have increased our mutual and automatic aid agreements. Also, we have been exercising some regionaliziation ideas as well.
Excellent alternatives. Thanks

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