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Anyone using or know of anyone using the Akron Saber Jet nozzles? Need some info. good or bad, my dept. is looking at them and probably wont get to field test them before they purchase them( BS, I know). Thanks,Rich

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If you are referring to the saber jet nozzles that can chang from a smooth bore to a fog nozzle while operating, yes my Department has some of these. I am a Truck guy by nature and desire but I am often detailed to the Engine and the only Engine guy who likes thses nozzles is the guy who purchased them. In my personal experiences, when the nozzle is in smooth bore mode you do not have the same reach as a regular smooth bore of the same size and when it is in fog mode, you can not tighten the fog to a straight stream like you can with a regular fog nozzle of the same size. The operating pressures vary by the model that you select, but when a tool claims to do many different tasks great, it usually doesn't do any one task good. A wise old timer once told me, "The guys who develop new nozzles are never nozzlemen, they're nozzle salesmen."


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