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Line selection is light-weight wood frame multiple dwellings

I would like some input on your departments line selection on light weight wood frame multiple dwelling. The buildings in question usually range from 4 to 6 stories in hight and are equipped with a standpipe system. So the question is do you stretch the 1 3/4 for speed or the 2 1/2 for the standpipe operation. Do you even use the standpipe or do strech up the outside of the building. The volume of fire would be room and content.

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Ray McCormack said:
I'm going to a lot more high rise fires than I thought!
I here you and this is my point. I think were using tactics for high rises in a building that does not behave the same as a highrise, just because it happens to share 1 simular building feature, the standpipe. This is a new breed of building that is popping up everywhere and if we are not proactive in our tactics it will be a matter of time before it bites us. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Let me start by saying I have only one of these buildings in my district. What you are describing, I would qualify as a low rise building (being below 75 feet). As far as line selection goes, I personally think that any high-rise is a 2 1/2 immediately and even though the structure you are describing would be a low rise, I would still use the 2 1/2 and use the standpipe. I would also recommend 2 more additional things.

1. Buy High Rise ops by Chief McGrail. Great book and goes into a level of detail that is incredible, but keeps it at a basic truckie (4 grade) reading level.
2. Take Chief McGrail's class. His presentation and his class are incredible. It's amazing what you come out of the class knowing. Although it's a high rise class, it also has some great info on hose size selection.

As far as the maneuverability goes, what is your pressure a the the standpipe connection and at the tip? GPM's? Do you guys use an inline gauge at the standpipe? Are you using Smooth Bore nozzles? What are the lengths of hose you are using in your high rise packs? What is your staffing like? How many of each type of apparatus are responding to you, and how fast can they be there to support you (in other words, if you stretch a 1 3/4 line, how soon before your 2 1/2 backup is deployed and operational)? And lastly, because none of us do this often enough, how often are your guys training on deploying a 2 1/2 in a occupancy with the types of hallways you are describing?

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