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I am looking for some good ideas on the PR front. I have a few ideas I have been toying around with, and wondered what other depts. might be doing. Weather its getting involved in soup kitchens toy drives or anything else, Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you..

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We put together a spot for the electronic media advertising program that our local theatres run prior to movies starting. More and more theatres are running these programs to generate ad revenue while the people sit staring at the screen waiting for the movie to start. We approached the company and played the public service message card. Put together a clip that talks about the department and the services that we provide. We have gotten excellent public feedback from it, and hit a captive audience that sees it running on mulitple screens multiple times every day.
Hey Bro!

Our department not only does whatever event the public asks of us, we volunteer for a few as well.

Todd McKee

We go to the local schools alot and have lunch with the kids and play with them at recess. The kids love it and are all excited about going home to tell their parents they had lunch and played with the fireman at recess. We also have been given the okay to go and watch kids play sports (little league, soccer, etc...)

Aaron Huckstep
Our departments goal is 100% customer satisfaction. One of the Captains came up with a contact/customer satisfaction card (think restaurant rate us card) so that the person that we take care of can have a say. I have also heard of departments going out during winter and shoveling the walks of older folks. Come mill levy time, those folks remember.
Hey Shawn-

When you were a kid and you wanted to make friends, what did you do? You walked up and introduced yourself and you invited them to your home where your mom prepared food and you played games all day long.

We have a station in our department that took it upon themselves to hold an annual open house. They ask for nothing from the public except the opportunity to serve them. The community no longer sees this station as a place of exclusivity, but a place of access.

Honestly, we need to roll the bay doors up and invite them in and when they get there, make them welcome. When they are ready to leave, make it difficult for them to turn there heads, and be sure they know they are always welcomed back anytime. Though we live there every third day, that is our home, but it is their department and we should make them proud to say it.
I saw on your page that staffing is important to your department. Conduct a Fire Opps Training program with your public officals. Check out the film smoke showing.
Shawn, We have a deal going right now with the local Dominoes pizza. I think it's a national campaign. Anyway, we deliver pizzas in the engine. When we get there we ask if we can check smoke detectors in the residence. If they all work the pizza is free. If they don't work we replace batteries or units as needed.
hope you soon looking for some good ideas on the PR front.
These are some great ideas!! Thanks a million guys, all of you have given me the inspiration and ideas I was hoping for. I do have one question for Jared, have you received any grief from tax payers or council for using the trucks for the deliveries? I love this idea but in my area I know I would probably have to get guys to do this on their down time in personnel vehicles. I live in such a weird place we get lectured by the public if we take a truck to the grocery store. Unfortunately we are not respected or appreciated in our town. I hear stories of the way guys are respected in other towns and it sounds like OZ. I mainly blame that on how we are an extremely depressed area, Hopefully some good public relations will help close the gap between the public and us. Thanks again to all who posted, I will keep you informed on how things are adding up for us and if any progress is being made. Take care and stay safe.
We have 3 projects we are proud of .
We have a free 10 week Citizens Fire Academy for residents to experience what's it like to be a firefighter. They are allowed to climb and aerial ladder, operate charged fire hose and "jaws of life'. they also learn CPR, how to use fire extingihers and how to select and how a smoke alarms operate.
Our second project is a puppet troupe that teaches children fire safety. Their name is The Safety Bunch.
Our third project is a one day citizens fire academy call The Fire Experience. We invite leaders from our community to particpate in a glimpse into the life of a firefighter by operating hose lines, a hurst tool, and operate fire extighuishers.
Start with the individual stations. Keep the station open and welcoming (while you are in quarters). Get out during the evening and get to know the neighbors. Make a point to stop often throughout the neighborhoods and talk to the kids. Hand out stickers anytime you can.
We have an adopt-a-highway program in California that allows us to get out and pick up trash along the highways.

You have a bunch of good ideas here.

We have an open house in October and invite everybody in the community. More or less we have the ambulance company, sheriffs office, highway patrol, dispatch, air ambulance, etcetera. We focus the event around children and safety. The event is a huge success! Personally I think it's from the antique fire truck rides and haunted house. I hope this idea helps and good luck.


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