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Had a moment not too long ago, woke up early in the morning and wrote a couple of pages worth of thoughts.


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Very Nice Brother!!

I am still amazed (like you) that members of a department don't know their own tradition let alone the fire service tradition. It is our job to preserve the history and tradition of this job so we don't lose it forever. I agree that tradition has nothing to do with crappy tactics, because I see "new" tactics such as PPV and TIC's that when used improperly can injure and kill firemen just as easy as tactics that have been used for years. Tradition is a great thing, thousands of firemen have come before us and have paved the way with their blood,sweat, tears, and in some cases their lives. Through these sacrifices was built the profession that we all hold so dear. The least we can do is remember those members and carry on the proud traditions of the best job on the planet!!

Stay Safe Brothers,

Thanks for your thoughts and concerns. As a proud member of the Southside FOOLS in Chicago, I am always amazed, inspired and hopeful after attending our monthly meetings. I feel lucky to be in the same room as members of our profession who have (for many years) given of themselves to train, educate and pass-on the traditions of the service to members of the fire service in Illinois and across the country. Many of these men taught me in the early days of my career almost 30 years ago, and they are still passing on their knowledge and experience. Others, "new" guys with 20 years and more are making great contributions in todays fire service. Working with NIST on wind driven fire research and Underwriters Labs on their on-line University to bring valuable information on engineered systems to the fire service among many other projects, training classes and leadership education. And the good news, "new" FOOLS, with great hearts and an eagerness to learn attend these meetings and listen and learn from the best.

Every month at our meetings, we have a bit of training and this month was no different. We had a meaningful discussion on tactics and strategies that lasted much longer than intended. Excellent, current and valuable information was exchanged.

I could go on about what I have learned and continue to learn from these generous, experienced and "traditional" fire service professionals. This group of FOOLS has, like other FOOLS, contributed significantly to the greater fire service in America.

Tradition is in the eye of the beholder, and FOOLS have made it our mission to uphold the very best aspects of the American Fire Service.

Thanks again Shane...Duty, Pride, Tradition,


Thanks for putting thoughts to paper on this...

I forwarded your 'blog" on to a few that didn't quite "get it", and got an interesting response back.

Thanks again!

Shane, Brother,

Awesome words Bro. I loved it...

Send it in to the International. Captain Dugan will give it the thumbs up for sure.

We need content like that on the website......


Wow!!! Did you say Dugan in the same sentenance while addressing me? Thats like Hannah Montana to my daughter :)

No joke thanks, I wish I could type the whole story.... sometimes things build up and I go to typing. To all the Brothers who have emailed me regarding this article or posted on this site, thanks for the feedback !!

I don't know if you can copy the file or not from this page if not emai me and I'll send it if you want to post it for any reason.

Really guys....thanks
I know what you mean Bro. It still makes me smile when Guys like Dugan or Ciampo call me on my cell. The best thing is, they're one of us and we're one of them. There are no Ego's with guys like that...

I am serious though, PLEASE submit that to the International. That is the stuff we need to make the website YOUR website. Without going on to big of a tangent, we really need guys like you and Andrew and all of the rest of us to continue submitting articles to the site..

I want to take you article and post it up at a few choice locations here at YCFD but I am trying not to stir the pot. We have a great group here. Only a few non-believers so why upset the apple cart right???

Great Article Shane... See you in???????? San Diego? or Maine?


Wow!!! Did you say Dugan in the same sentenance while addressing me? Thats like Hannah Montana to my daughter :)

No joke thanks, I wish I could type the whole story.... sometimes things build up and I go to typing. To all the Brothers who have emailed me regarding this article or posted on this site, thanks for the feedback !!

I don't know if you can copy the file or not from this page if not emai me and I'll send it if you want to post it for any reason.

Really guys....thanks
Shane, its about time someone pointed out that tradition and tactics are not synonymous. I too have heard that nasty comment about tradition doing in our Brothers. Unfortunately it came from an instructor that was preaching to some very young and impressionable firefighters.

My personal feeling is that these comments usually come from people that are 1. unfamiliar with good solid tactics and 2. are uniformed as to the history and traditions of the American fire service in general and their own department in particular.

My regret is that we do not have a FOOLS chapter here in Albuquerque.

Unless you know where you have been you cannot get a true direction of where you are going. Keep the Faith.

Come on up to Chicago. You are always welcome to join the Southside FOOLS. It's no that far?? if you need meeting dates, let me know.

Duty Pride Tradition


You said it, thanks for the comments !!!

Stay safe

Brick, Absolutely brother you said it in your comment and hit the nail on the head at the end!

I have something else I want to share about brotherhood but it will have to wait for another time.


Well spoken Brother. Reminds me of when we met, over good brew in Engine 9's,..... just because. I also like what Bricault said, "un-informed about their own department's history". I am a former U.S. Marine. Whenever conversation goes down between devil dogs and soldiers, I like to point out that it isn't really a difference in quality that makes a Marine infantryman better, its his understanding of "who" he is and what he represents. The Marines have long standing traditions that are known to each and every recruit. When the trying time comes, those histories, stories and tales of brave men with incredible fortitude become something the individual Marine does not want to betray. It gives him strength of character and a clear lineage that calls them to do their duty.

Firemen are no different, they thrive on their own story. I guess that's why I feel so at home in the service. Tradition and history of the service, tradition of the individual department, creates that character and integrity that we so desperately need when things are difficult. The men of our history had real "fortitude", a word not in much use today. Fortitude means "long-suffering in incredibly difficult circumstances to achieve a goal". That is the kind of people we should be for our country.

Good "speak" Brother!! Keep it up!

Bobbin' and Weavin'

Shane, I'm going to print this out for my crew and forward this to the bosses. Just some food for thought for a few folks that just don't seem to grasp why they are really on the job. It's not just a paycheck and days off. For those of us that get it, it's our job to carry on the tradition of those who have sacrificed to make this the greatest job on earth.

Stay Safe Brother


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